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3,031 Views Added 06/29/2002 Add Comment PermaLink

<b>Will DFR only be an online shop, or can we expect some other features:</b>
Well there's already the old DFB FAQ, which I retained and should I find the time, will be added to regurarly with TFD.

DFR also incoropates Camo's Corner which is my own personal area where I can still have my say - I guess that's something I miss from running DFB.

<b>What has been the general reaction to your website by the DF community:</b>

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3,116 Views Added 06/29/2002 Add Comment PermaLink

<b>What is your name / handle: </b>

<b>What is your role / connection to Nova-Arena:</b>
I am PR Manager of Nova-Arena. Further i take care of the SOTW, and help every part where i can.

<b>Who's idea was NvA and who chose the name: </b>
NvA was my idea :). I have mostly the idea.... dont know why. But i asked novaguild and squadnews first. So we talked for some time, and its was their idea to ask panch...

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Website: terranova-exp.com/ 2,878 Views Added 01/30/2004 Add Comment PermaLink

<b>Hello there Mr. TerraNova spokesperson, Name / Handle:</b>
Major Headache

<b>Will you please give us a brief description about what TerraNova is / does: </b>
TerraNova was formed specifically to create an expansion pack for the original Delta Force. Over time we've grown to offer a number of different utilities, as well as expansion packs for all 3 DF versions. We also support the game with technical support forums.


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Website: www.dfarena.com/ 3,648 Views Added 02/01/2004 Add Comment PermaLink

<b>What is your name / handle: </b>
Major Headache

<b>Where are you from, where do you live?:</b>
<b>MH:</b> I live in northern California, the armpit of Silicon Valley.
<b>Celtic:</b> Germany. But I am sort of living in FL every now and then.

<b>How old are you?:</b>
<b>MH:</b> Old enough to know better, yet here I am anyway.

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3,911 Views Added 02/01/2004 Add Comment PermaLink

<b>What is your name / handle?:</b>

<b>Where are you from, where do you live?: </b>
The Netherlands

<b>How old are you?: </b>
22 years old

<b>Explain to us what DFI is about?: </b>
DF-inside is trying to get the real Delta Force fan more informed what is happening in the Delta Force community. Trying to help the DF player with customizing their Delta Force game with ...

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3,637 Views Added 02/01/2004 Add Comment PermaLink

<b>What is your name / handle?:</b>

<b>Where are you from, where do you live?: </b>
Northern Minnesota, about an hour and a half from Canada

<b>How old are you?: </b>

<b>What is your Role at DFB?: </b>
Co Owner / Pr (2 other owners A.Bullet, and Sir Heifer aka Brian)

<b>What did you hope to achieve with DFB when you took control?: </b>
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3,250 Views Added 02/01/2004 Add Comment PermaLink

<b>What is your name / handle?:</b>
Name in real life is Justin Garner, my game handle is kurupt

<b>Where are you from, where do you live?:</b>
I was orginally from dallas texas, i lived there up untill last year, and now i live in houston texas

<b>How old are you?: </b>
15 years old, yes im young :P ill be 16 in july of this summer

<b>What is your role at WgA?: </b>
im co-...

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Website: dfarena.com 3,645 Views Added 02/01/2004 Add Comment PermaLink

<p><strong>Hi Major Headache, for those who do not know, can you just briefly (or not) tell us about your connection with TerraNova</strong>. </p>
<p>I founded TerraNova when we decided to make an expansion pack for DF1. Initially we were just a bunch of guys trying to put together a unified collection of terrains so that a larger number of people could play on the new terrains that people were developing when it was first discovered how to do it. Once we ...

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3,520 Views Added 02/01/2004 Add Comment PermaLink

<b>Hello! What is your DF name?</b>
bigsmellyfart , I chose that name cause I wanted to make poeple laugh

<b>Which Delta Force game(s) do you make maps for?</b>
I make Maps for the Delta Force Blackhawk Down series that includes expansion pack Team Sabre and the Teranova Mod.

<b>Why did you start making maps for Delta Force?</b>
There is a little bit of artist in me ie i've done a few Oil Paintings and I t...

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2,758 Views Added 02/12/2004 Add Comment PermaLink

<b>Hello! What is your DF name? </b>
Kumander Dante; Boy Tigas

<b>Which Delta Force game(s) do you make maps for? </b>
DF- BlackHawk Down

<b>Why did you start making maps for Delta Force?</b>
I started making maps because I needed something fun to do during my spare time.

<b>Did you find it hard at first? </b>
Not at all…..with all the tutorials on the web; I consider t...

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Website: www.dfarmory.com 3,352 Views Added 02/17/2004 Add Comment PermaLink

<b>Hello! What is your DF name?</b>
My real DF name is BigDood

<b>Which Delta Force game(s) do you make maps for?</b>
Delta Force Black Hawk Down Team Sabre at the moment

<b>Why did you start making maps for Delta Force?</b>
To expand my imagination, to help me out on designing something I see
in my head, and I really wanted to learn at the time

<b>Did you find it hard at first?...

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3,409 Views Added 02/28/2004 Add Comment PermaLink

<b>Hello! What is your DF name? </b>
DC-Scout-67, but most players just call me: DC

<b>Which Delta Force game(s) do you make maps for? </b>
So far I only make maps for Delta Force Land Warrior, tho I do own all of the Delta Force Games.

I am currently working on map # 54 for Land Warrior.

<b>Why did you start making maps for Delta Force? </b>
I love the Land Warrior game because it keeps t...

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3,072 Views Added 03/05/2004 Add Comment PermaLink

<b>Hello! What is your DF name?</b>

<b>Which Delta Force game(s) do you make maps for?</b>

<b>Why did you start making maps for Delta Force?</b>
I would play in other peoples servers and wish to see my maps played on in oth er's servers pluss I thought it would be very fun to make them.

<b>Did you find it hard at first?</b>
Not really. The on...

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Website: www.teamfriction.net/ 3,781 Views Added 04/04/2004 Add Comment PermaLink

<b>Hello! What is your DF name?</b>
êÏ~bas†ardo *ƒ

<b>Which Delta Force game(s) do you make maps for?</b>
BHD TeamSAbre at the moment.

<b>Why did you start making maps for Delta Force?</b>
The MED was there so I thought I'd give it a go.

<b>Did you find it hard at first?</b>
Yes, I hadn't read the 3D view bit so heights were a pain in the ass.


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3,105 Views Added 04/04/2004 Add Comment PermaLink

<b>Hello! What is your DF name? </b>

<b>Which Delta Force game(s) do you make maps for? </b>
land warriors

<b>Why did you start making maps for Delta Force? </b>
a friend talked me into it

<b>Did you find it hard at first? </b>
not really i read the manual first

<b>Have you ever read the mission Editor Manual on the DF CD? </b>
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