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Top 50 NovaLogic Sites
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Ranked in this list since 12/09/2014 Add Comment
Unique Hits Today 7 Hits Today 9 Total Unique Hits 20,862 Total Hits 116,144 Clicks In 1,986 Clicks Out 3,288

LoneWolf's Black Hawk Down Mapping Site
Black Hawk Down resource site.Down-load utilities to help you in map making,mods, and maps.Feel free to up-load your maps. New BHD/TS Skins.

Ranked in this list since 08/13/2005 4 Comments
Unique Hits Today 6 Hits Today 6 Total Unique Hits 57,185 Total Hits 542,764 Clicks In 812 Clicks Out 2,115

Australian Universal Soldiers
An Australian Delta Force clan since 2000. Currently fighting on the fields of BHD and DFX.

Ranked in this list since 09/03/2003 61 Comments
Unique Hits Today 1 Hits Today 1 Total Unique Hits 3,033,784 Total Hits 34,169,308 Clicks In 14,300 Clicks Out 12,221

The Delta Force Barracks is your one stop DF Series resource site, with the latest breaking news, Map and downloads database's for all 5 DF series games. Also the home of DF-FAVORITES / CHEATBLOCKER! Stop by and get EVERYTHING you need for DF Gaming!

Ranked in this list since 07/27/2007 4 Comments
Unique Hits Today 1 Hits Today 2 Total Unique Hits 373,155 Total Hits 2,123,497 Clicks In 3,637 Clicks Out 40,850

Delta Force Reload
Australian Owned & Run, DFReload is a Novalogic Resource Centre, supporting a Download Centre and Forums. With a large team of experienced mappers to help you out. Map Data is always expanding. Modding Forum Available. Modding Tutorials available. Map Database, updated with DFX:2.