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143 files matched your criteria

By CN_Pentium III Version 1.3 BETA 154 Downloads Website Added 07/14/2024 Updated 09/26/24 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: BHD_RTM_1.3b.zip

DFBHDTS:Return to Mogadishu Mod v1.3 BETA
-Inspired by the veteran player-made module "DFXRC", after consulting the relevant information in the demo version and many excellent mods, I set out to reverse modify and adjust the childhood classic masterpiece from more than 20 years ago,and I call it"Return to Mogadishu", hopefully this old game can be revived in the new era!


DFBHDTS: Return to Mogadishu v1.3 BETA _By Pentium III.




Weapons and Equipment Changes:

- Some weapons have been cut to address the severe memory explosion issue

- modified weapon perspective; Most of the gunshots have been replaced, and there is no longer a problem of reusing gunshots

- Increased rate of fire of M21, SVD, PSG1, M21 added full auto mode (machine aiming)

- Changed the camouflage texture of the 10th Mountain Division to distinguish the Rangers;

-MK23SD, P99SD, 1911a1, .50cal, added right-click machine sight;
Gatling gun rate of fire increased;
.50cal, Gatling, M203 with new crosshair style;

- M24 replaced with a black texture;

- Changed the sight textures for most weapons;

- The green icon for weapons in the lower left corner has been made up for normal display, and the ammo bar display for each weapon has been fixed normally

- Telescope map replacement;

- The menu interface has been overhauled, the menu font has been beautified, and most of the weapon names have been modified

- Release the RTM-setup-1.3B.exe installer to the game directory
(e.g. path D:NovaLogicDelta Force Black Hawk Down)

PS: This version has become an installer, select the path to install it in the game directory, I wish you a lot of fun!
Steam version, please add /s /d /mod rtmmod (with a space in front)





-已删减部分武器以解决严重的内存爆 问题

-修改武器视角;更换了大部分枪声, 不存在枪声重复利用问题

-提高M21,SVD,PSG1的射速,M21新增全自动 式(机瞄)

-更换第十山地师的迷彩贴图以区别游 兵;

-MK23SD,P99SD,1911a1,.50cal,新增右键机 瞄;



-左下角武器绿色图标已经自制补齐正 显示,各武器的弹药条显示已修复正


-菜单界面大改美化,菜单字体美化, 改了大部分武器名称

(如路径D:NovaLogicDelta Force Black Hawk Down)

PS:该版本已变为安装程序,选择路径 装到游戏目录内,祝你玩得开心!
Steam版请加上 /s /d /mod rtmmod(前面带空格)

By CN_Pentium III Version 1.2.1 91 Downloads Website Added 07/11/2024 Updated 09/01/24 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: BHDTS_Pentium_IIIs_HWA_Mod_1.2Final.zip

DFBHDTS: Direct Action Mod v1.2 (LATEST VERSION)
DFBHD:HUD & Weapon Adjust Mod v1.2(Direct Action)—By Pentium III
三角洲特种部队黑鹰坠落:直接行动 V1.2正式版 —By 奔腾III
-The camera angles of all weapons and equipment have been adjusted
-CAR15 was changed to the demo version of the red mirror model, renamed M727, and the gunfire was replaced
- CAR15M203 renamed M723/M203, reduced the rate of fire, replaced the gunshot
-Added M723/Masterkey under-mounted shotguns, reduced rate of fire, replaced gunshots
- M16 was renamed M16A3, the triple burst was replaced with fully automatic, the gunfire was replaced
- M16M203 renamed M16A2M203 to distinguish the fully automatic M16A3, replaced the gunshot
- M727, M723/M203, M723/MK sight map replacement; M16A3, M16A2M203 sight map replaced
- MP5, M16A3, M21 replaced with new reload action
-M21 changed to fully automatic mode
- M21, PSG-1, M82A1 increased rate of fire
- M24 changed to M40, and the body of the gun was changed to a camouflage version
- Added right-click aiming for M1911A1, M9, M870, M249SAW, M60, M240;
-Added .50cal machine gun right click aim;
- Increased rate of fire of the Gatling gun;
- Telescope map replacement;
- minigun, Masterkey, M203 for new crosshair styles

-Added Funny map map in the campaign bar:
''666'' _by xiaoliebao
''BOX'' _by haohao184
''where the hell am I'' _by xiaoliebao

- The menu interface has been overhauled and beautified, the font of the main menu has been beautified, the weapon icons have been changed to green, and the menu music has been changed to the theme song of the Parallelist;

Known issues
-The arms of the M727 Red Mirror can only show the Desert Camouflage Sleeve, and the arm model may not be displayed in multiplayer maps using the Jungle Camouflage Arm
- Steam version users may experience the main menu music playing alongside the original music
(The mod desktop shortcut is launched with a modified DFBHDTS.exe, and the Steam version is launched with input parameters.)
The default call is unmodified DFBHD.exe hence this issue)

- Release the HWA-setup.exe installer to the game directory
(e.g. D:NovaLogicDelta Force Black Hawk Down)

PS: This version has become an installer similar to NSO/DL, select the path to install it in the game directory,
Click directly on the desktop shortcut to play, no need to add a suffix to the attributes, I wish you a lot of fun!
-CAR15改为demo版红镜款,改名M727,更换 枪声
-新增M723/Masterkey下挂霰弹,降低射速,更换了 声
-M16改名M16A3,三连发换为全自动,更换 了枪声
-M16M203改名M16A2M203,以区别全自动的M16A 3,更换了枪声
-M727,M723/M203,M723/MK 瞄具贴图更换;M16A3,M16A2M203瞄具贴图 换
-新增M1911A1, M9, M870,M249SAW,M60,M240的右键瞄准;

-新增战役栏Funny map地图:
''666'' _by xiaoliebao
''BOX'' _by haohao184
''where the hell am I'' _by xiaoliebao

-菜单界面大改美化,菜单字体美化, 武器图标全改为绿色款,菜单音乐改 和平行者主题曲;

-M727红镜的手臂只能显示沙漠迷彩袖子 在使用丛林迷彩手臂的多人地图中可 能不显示手臂模型
-steam版用户可能会遇到主菜单音乐和原 版音乐一起播放
(mod桌面快捷方式使用了修改过的DFBHD TS.exe启动,steam版输入参数启动
默认调用的是未修改过的DFBHD.exe因而 现这个问题)

(如路径D:NovaLogicDelta Force Black Hawk Down)

PS:该版本已变为类似NSO/DL的安装程序,选择路径安装到游戏目 录内,
直接点击桌面快捷方式即可游玩,不 再在属性加后缀了,祝你玩得开心!

By Shemihazah 205 Downloads Added 12/27/2019 Updated 11/02/20 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR File Name: DFWiQ_XLMaPS.zip

Exclusive map pack for Delta Force - World in Quarantine

Extract *everything* from the ZIP file into your DFWiQ game directory.

If files are missing these maps will not work! Files matter!

• trntileEXP.tga = tileset (for roads, sidewalks etc.)
• SHEMFULL_30.env = environment file (for Maze Runner)
• Sound library
• 3 Maps for DFWiQ mod

Bear Grylls - inspired by Tom Clancy
Maze Runner - inspired by PacMan and the movie
West Point - training mission

- Shemihazah ©2020

By Stand Version Full 633 Downloads Website Added 04/14/2020 Updated 04/15/20 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOE File Name: sabxcag.exe

Stand Alone Battle X Combined Arms Gold
Stand Alone Battle X combined arms gold coming for the ones that can only play combined arms gold.

For now 3 or 4 years we have been working on this mod trying to get things done the right way this time so the community can enjoy something new and improved so people cannot believe how much stuff we have done in the past 3 to 4 years for game that might be dead but there still people playing it because the enjoy this game play because it's still a great game.

Stand Alone Battle X Mod for Joint operations combined arms gold

Things that are put inside the mod

(1) a lot more stuff put in from battle field 2
(2) fixed all Iron Sights and scopes
(3) all Delta force extreme 1 and 2 Terrains are in this mod
(4) all joint Ops Terrains are in this mod
(5) new Terrains that I imported from battlefield 2
(6) Terrains that I had made by my self
(7) Nile and the med editor wheel Works properly

Changes and tweaks to this mod
Some vehicles have been updated and upgraded for better performance with less lag all vehicles have their normal speed like the original game had all new sounds for all of the weapons and some vehicles. All new handheld weapons and replacement weapons and vehicle weapons a lot of new items as objects decorations buildings some buildings and decorations are from international conflict mod for some of the settings for the Terrains a lot of work has been done to this mod it took so many years to accomplish to get things right and also get things done the way it needed to work the right way without lag and system dumps.

Stand-alone battle X System requirements:

Windows 10 64-bit 32-bit
8 gigs of RAM or higher
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 1400 Quad-Core Processor, 3200 Mhz, 4 Core(s), or higher or better
NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 or higher or better
7.1 surround sound or lower
7 GB of free space total 9 GB
Graphics settings into game need to be on Max settings to be played smooth.

The mod version is full and ready to play.

This mod is a stand alone mod like AW2 don't install it in your NovaLogic folder

ALT DOWNLOAD URL: https://www.moddb.com/mods/stand-alone-battle-x/downloads/stand-alone-battle-x-jo-combined-arms-gold

By Stand Version Full 429 Downloads Website Added 04/13/2020 Updated 04/14/20 2 Comments PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR File Name: sabxjof.exe

StandAlone Battle X
For now 3 or 4 years we have been working on this mod trying to get things done the right way this time so the community can enjoy something new and improved so people cannot believe how much stuff we have done in the past 3 to 4 years for game that might be dead but there still people playing it because the enjoy this game play because it's still a great game.

Stand Alone Battle X Mod for Joint operations typhoon Rising

Things that are put inside the mod

(1) a lot more stuff put in from battle field 2
(2) fixed all Iron Sights and scopes
(3) all Delta force extreme 1 and 2 Terrains are in this mod
(4) all joint Ops Terrains are in this mod
(5) new Terrains that I imported from battlefield 2
(6) Terrains that I had made by my self
(7) Nile and the med editor wheel Works properly

Changes and tweaks to this mod
Some vehicles have been updated and upgraded for better performance with less lag all vehicles have their normal speed like the original game had all new sounds for all of the weapons and some vehicles. All new handheld weapons and replacement weapons and vehicle weapons a lot of new items as objects decorations buildings some buildings and decorations are from international conflict mod for some of the settings for the Terrains a lot of work has been done to this mod it took so many years to accomplish to get things right and also get things done the way it needed to work the right way without lag and system dumps.

Stand-alone battle X System requirements:

Windows 10 64-bit 32-bit
8 gigs of RAM or higher
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 1400 Quad-Core Processor, 3200 Mhz, 4 Core(s), or higher or better
NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 or higher or better
7.1 surround sound or lower
7 GB of free space total 9 GB
Graphics settings into game need to be on Max settings to be played smooth.

The mod version is full and ready to play.

ALT DOWNLOAD URL: https://www.moddb.com/mods/stand-alone-battle-x

By Tomkat Version 1.0.6 4,698 Downloads Website Added 12/30/2015 Updated 03/09/20 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: DF2Evo1.0.6-Full.zip

DF2 Evolution (EVO Mod FULL) (Updated 2024/03/10)
Installation Instructions:
Download this full file, unzip and click df2.exe to play. If you are on Windows 10, you'll need to enable DirectPlay, video here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=2RL_BB-E6GM

This includes the full up to date EVO mod as well as the "Unfreeze" patch. If your game freezes while playing, just press the Insert key on your keyboard. Nothing else is needed to play DF2 online!

Alternate Download Link:

Update ONLY Download Link (This updates your EVO version to 1.0.6):

By BO Team Version 1.6 2,633 Downloads Website Added 07/08/2017 Updated 09/11/17 1 Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX2 File Name: BO_X2_Mod_160_Final_Full_Install.exe

DFX2 Black Ops Mod X2 v1.6 FULL FINAL
BO Mod 1.6 Full Install. Must be a clean updated DFX2 prior to install. You can't use this to install over older versions of the mod.

OICW 20 MM Increased KZ damage from 6 to 8.
Adjusted RPG for AI to match what player shoots.
Adjusted mortors to not be as powerful. Should still be much higher than 1.5.
Added AGS-17 Tripod (forgot how hard it is to get a weapon in the game)
Added KORD Machine Gun Tripod

More info about this mod can be found here: http://www.bomod.net/index.php?topic=2146.0

By grenadier501 Version 1.1 2,541 Downloads Added 08/26/2017 Updated 09/01/17 Watch video 2 Comments PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: JODFBHDMOD1.1.zip

Joint Operations Somalian Conflict Mod (JO BHD Mod)
Somalian Conflict brings almost all of the Black Hawk Down/Team Sabre stuff to Joint Operations engine, that includes vehicles, AIs, weapons, HUD, buildings, decorations, terrains and environments.

If you want to experiment how would it feel to play black hawk down with the JO engine, this is your mod.


_Missing hud weapon icon for RPG, winchester 300 and psg

_Missing text of weapon name for RPG psg added.
_Missing .3di for damage detector added.
_Small fixes in sndprof.def
_Missing Heatr01.3di added

By TIO Co-Operative Gaming Version 1.9.2 6,342 Downloads Website Added 08/01/2017 Updated 08/26/17 Watch video 6 Comments PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: tiocoop_version_1.9.2_installer.zip

Black Hawk Down TIOcoop Mod 1.9.2 (LATEST VERSION)
Our aim with this version is to try and slow down the run and gun style of play and make you use a more tactical approach. Now that the AI are smarter, sharper and have weapons to match, your game play has to change. If you advance to fast you will die. We have a "No AI Re-Spawn" policy in our maps made for our TIOcoop92. So once you have battled hard for that ground, it's yours, no AI re-spawn. Our 92 test server has sixty maps in rotation, all with no AI re-spawn. You are able to install our Mod with BHD only or with BHDTS installed on your computer. Both BHD and BHDTS players can join a TIOcoop Mod server and play together. It does not matter what game type map is being hosted. Our Mod is a BHD Mod and when hosted on Novaworld it will display as a BHD server.

NEW AI (Artificial Intelligence)

By TIO Co-Operative Gaming Version 1.9.1 3,927 Downloads Website Added 04/01/2016 Updated 08/01/17 Watch video 1 Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: tiocoop_v-1.9.1.zip

Black Hawk Down TIOcoop Mod 1.9.1 (OLD VERSION)
This version has massive firepower for payback on the AI's. Payback for the times they shot you through the fog, foliage, sandbags, shot you underwater, when they stole you lunch and kicked your dog. You can leave the big guns at home and make your way through the maps using a knife, throwing knives, pistol or any of the weapons with iron sights.

Battle against Camouflaged Smarter AI shooting different weapons. Experience the realism created by the new sounds and explosions, let your senses create an atmosphere that enhances your game play and displays the battle scenes as the mapper intended.

New Themes (Like Winter)
New and Enhanced AI
New Uniforms
New Character Faces
New Effects
New Sounds
New Weapons
New Foliage
New Buildings

By grenadier501 Version 1.3d 3,266 Downloads Added 03/24/2016 Updated 09/29/16 Watch video 5 Comments PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX, JOTR, JOE File Name: DFWIQ_1.3d.7z

Delta Force: World In Quarantine
World In Quarantine is a Joint Operations, stand-alone, portable modification.
THEME: story takes place in the mid-late 21 century.

Earth is a chaos, global warming, environmental pollution, famine, corrupt governments, civil wars..

And to complete, humanity got invaded by a humanoid-alien empire, slightly technologically advanced than humans, they call themselves the 'combine empire'.. This isn't over yet, for what people says, it seems that an experiment winch was being carried out in a clandestine complex somewhere in Russia, has gone extremely bad, lots of wild animals got caught and were being exposed to dangerous and stressing situations, even radiation..
Seems like some animals were not properly locked on their cages, they have escaped, bitten some of the workers. Those workers got infected by some kind of rage virus, they started to bite other people, and so the virus started to spread.

And so it begins, zombies, aliens, wars everywhere,You're a survivor, your only objective in this planet is: survive!

You have a nice variety of weapons to defend yourself from the dangers, starting from basic melee weapons, civilian and military firearms, explosives, and even sci-fi weapons brought to you by the combine empire.

The mod is fully portable (RAR file) you don't need to install anything, you just download the file and extract it wherever you want in your hard drive!

No it Does Not contain virus, don't worry, i checked it with like 3 AVs..

This is a stand-alone game, you don't need to install any other game or program to play it, everything needed to play
comes with it, even the Mission Editor.

If you have any problem with it contact me and i'll be glad to help

I do this just for FUN, I Do Not want to earn money from this or anything like that.

Have fun playing!

(updated: SEPT-28-2016)


By grenadier501 Version 1.3d 801 Downloads Added 09/28/2016 Updated 09/28/16 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX, JOTR, JOE File Name: DFWIQ_1.3d_PATCH.zip

Delta Force: World In Quarantine Patch
To install this patch, just unzip the files into the main game folder, open the batch file "INSTALL_UPDATE_1_3d.bat", and let the "pack" program do the hard work for you.

You only need this if you are playing on 1.3c or below. Please check the version before applying this patch.

Missing particle and explosion sound effects added to some objects.
Some small sound changes.
Added dialogs from DFBHD.

(updated: SEPT-28-2016)


By Kkamp F Zone 1,922 Downloads Website Added 05/26/2016 Updated 05/26/16 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: bhd_df1mod.zip

Delta Force 1 Mod for Blank Hawk Down
Includes DF1 items for BHD. This mod has zero gun recoil, and zero weapon spread. It includes remakes of the following TDM Maps:

Snow Valley
Trench Lines
Dry River Bed
Three Mesas

How to install:
Extract the contents of the archive directly into your BHD folder. Start the game with DF1 Mod Play.bat
Host a game and select the TDM maps

By AW Mod Team Version 4.40 4,433 Downloads Website Added 03/10/2012 Updated 08/05/15 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: Advanced_Warfare_2_v4_40_Full_Setup.exe

Joint Operations Advanced Warfare 2 Mod (AW2) v4.40 FULL
Advanced Warfare is a JOINT OPERATIONS - Modification. The theme for AW is not so much only War Scenarios and Jungle, like in JO and some of the other Mods like IC etc. but to offer also a more civilian side of the whole thing. You´re not necessarely are forced to make Jungle or Military based Maps, you can also make a little more city like and even funny things that you can use. AW is proud to not be so serious about itself, thats why we have a few funny, not so serious things in our Mod. But we prefer that because there should be also alternatives to other, more serious Mods. Our current development is ADVANCED WARFARE v2. Our previous Version 1.0 is NOT supported anymore with us. We changed quite some things in Version 2, especially the compatiblity with other Maps from JO:Typhoon Rising, JO: Escalations and even Delta Force Xtreme. So there are quite a lot classic JO Maps that you can choose from to play and of course Mappers are working on new ones.

Make sure you also grab the latest update HERE

By AW Mod Team Version 4.41 3,009 Downloads Website Added 07/10/2012 Updated 08/05/15 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: Advanced_Warfare_2_v4_41_Update_Setup.exe

Joint Operations Advanced Warfare 2 Mod (AW2) v4.41 UPDATE
4.41 Update for Advanced Warfare 2 Mod v4.40 FULL

By 4rc28 2,569 Downloads Website Added 04/27/2014 1 Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX File Name: DFX1SPmodby4rc28.zip

DFX Single Player Mod by 4rc28
Everything you need to know about the install is in the zip file, just follow the steps

About the mod:

- New missions for peru, chad, novaya zemlya
- Indonesia, uzbekistan campaigns added to the campaign menu
- Quick missions in single player/instant action
- Short campaigns in single player/instant action: australia, egypt, colombia, antarctica

All the maps/campaigns made by me: David Vadász aka 4rc28(novahq profile name)


By Jet 1,182 Downloads Website Added 03/30/2014 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: DF1TerrainsinLW.zip

DF1 Terrains in DFLW
Delta force 1 terrains for Delta Force Land Warrior (Includes Part A and B).

By BO Team Version 1.5 Final 1,526 Downloads Website Added 05/31/2013 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX2 File Name: BO_Mod_X2_150_Final_Update.exe

DFX2 Black Ops Mod X2 v1.5 Final Update


BO Mod 1.5 Final Released to the public.

You must have version 1.01 installed before installing this update.

This version includes many fixes and a few new goodies.

We have added the ability for S&D items.
Fixed some HUD lineup issues.
Added the Flame Thrower.
Introduced Destruction Points for coops.
Added more stats to the ending of all game types.
Made the AI harder to kill.
Adjusted many weapons to be more balanced.

For more install instructions, please see http://www.bomod.net

By BO Team Version 1.01 1,562 Downloads Website Added 05/31/2013 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX2 File Name: BO_Mod_X2_101.exe

DFX2 Black Ops Mod X2 v1.01 FULL


You should notice a little less lag between shooting as the speeds of the bullets are alot faster. We also have working Body Armor in the game as well that does work. (does not work against sniper rifles!!!). Also the sniper rifles have been fixed as you should not get out shot from long distances by other close quarter battle weapons. We feel that the balance of DFX2 has been restored with this mod.

You need to create a folder and name it NovaLogic BO V15. The period between the 1 and 5 is left out purposely.
Copy the DFX2 game you just updated and paste it into the NovaLogic BO V15 folder you just created.
Now you're ready to install the mod.

Here's the way I set up the Mod and how I've taught my squad members to set it up. First, you have to have an up to date version of DFX2. To do that, go into your DFX2 folder, find the 'update.exe' file and double click on it to run it. If the updater comes up with version at the top, your game is not up to date. Stop the update by clicking on the "X" to close it.

This creates an Update Folder in DFX2. Open this folder and copy these 2 files. Copy both at once by holding down the CTRL key:


Now, paste these 2 files back into the DFX2 game. It will overwrite the existing files which is what you want to do.
Once you've done this, run the update.exe again. The version number at the top should read This not only updates the game, it also adds some files not included in the original update.

Once that's completed, your game is ready to add the BO V1.5 to it but first we need to create a folder for it.

You need to create a folder and name it NovaLogic BO V15. The period between the 1 and 5 is left out purposely.
Copy the DFX2 game you just updated and paste it into the NovaLogic BO V15 folder you just created.
Now you're ready to install the mod.

There are 2 parts to the mod . . . BO V1.01 and BO V1.5.
BO v1.01 will be installed first. This is the core of the Black Ops Mod.

This part is VERY IMPORTANT! When you are prompted for the location to download the file to, click on the BROWSE button and select the game version that is in the NovaLogic BO V15 folder.

When that is completed, go to this link and download the final version which is BO V1.5. Follow the same steps you did when downloading and installing BO Mod V1.01. Both files go into the DFX2 game in the NovaLogic BO V15 folder.

Black Ops Mod 1.5 Final Update: http://novahq.net/mods.php?ID=415

By See Credits 1,238 Downloads Added 11/18/2012 2 Comments PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: AllDFLWMods.zip

All DFLW Mods in one archive
This will add all the mods for DFLW in one install.

Mod list includes:
DF2 Objects
Black Limo Fix
EXP Patch
DF1 Terrains A/B
TFD Terrains

By Baldo_the_Don Version Beta 7,446 Downloads Website Added 10/09/2012 Watch video 4 Comments PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: NSODLb_Install.exe

BHD / BHDTS NSO Deadline Zombie Mod
DEADLINE: Zombie Mod
For Blawkhawk Down Team Sabre

-NSO and TIO v1.9 items have been combined in the Deadline mod!
-New Decorations!
-Over 70 zombies! New Teammates!
-New Weapons - Flamethrower, Flare gun, Punching and more
-New sounds and Effects!

By SGM Luke Nadewalker Version 2.0 1,361 Downloads Website Added 05/02/2012 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX File Name: DFXSG-V2.exe

DFX SG Mod v2.0 FULL
SG-mod is a Modification to DFX, DFX2 and Joint Operations. Starting its life as a small stargate themed weapons mod , it then evolved into a full blown "SG" mod containing themed buildings,terrains,sounds,AI,Vehicles and more. Ever ongoing the mod developed way beyond the original plan and vision, Evolving yet further, expanding its library of mapping objects to the bursting point.

SG-mod now swelled with content provides a wealth of unique items and is ideal both for sci-fi themed maps AND urban combat maps. As you'd expect there are some unique features available for mappers to implement into their maps, such as;
Individual (or groups of) player/AI teleporting
Vast selection of terrains
Multi-terrains (4 in 1)
Large choice of buildings and objects
Ambient sounds
Different Invisible blocks: control what goes where
Special effects
Many "modular" kits to make custom buildings,complexes, and tunnels.

In short , this mod is Fun and chok-full of things to play with. The only limitation is the imagination.

By SGM Luke Nadewalker Version 2.0 1,606 Downloads Website Added 05/02/2012 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX2 File Name: DFX2SG-V2.exe

DFX2 SG Mod v2.0 FULL
SG-mod is a Modification to DFX, DFX2 and Joint Operations. Starting its life as a small stargate themed weapons mod , it then evolved into a full blown "SG" mod containing themed buildings,terrains,sounds,AI,Vehicles and more. Ever ongoing the mod developed way beyond the original plan and vision, Evolving yet further, expanding its library of mapping objects to the bursting point.

SG-mod now swelled with content provides a wealth of unique items and is ideal both for sci-fi themed maps AND urban combat maps. As you'd expect there are some unique features available for mappers to implement into their maps, such as;
Individual (or groups of) player/AI teleporting
Vast selection of terrains
Multi-terrains (4 in 1)
Large choice of buildings and objects
Ambient sounds
Different Invisible blocks: control what goes where
Special effects
Many "modular" kits to make custom buildings,complexes, and tunnels.

In short , this mod is Fun and chok-full of things to play with. The only limitation is the imagination.

By IC Mod Team Version 4.1.8 4,264 Downloads Website Added 05/01/2012 2 Comments PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: IC_4-1-8_CombinedArmsGold.exe

Joint Operations International Conflict (IC4 Mod) for Combined Arms Gold 4.1.8
Allows for the IC Mod to work with Joint Operations Combined Arms

New Stuff
We did not add as many new objects this time around. Search in NILE for IC4: to find them. Here are some highlights:
-Tiger helicopter: Comes in several versions. One allows the pilot to fire stingers while still having a gunner on a cannon.
-Wiesel: Mobile platform for stingers, TOW missiles, or a 20mm cannon
-DF2 Manor and ware house
-New Bull & R8Bob terrains
-Added 2 missing BHD buildings
-A few more desert/snow/jungle options to some stock vehicles
-Barb wire fence which causes player damage if you come into contact with it

Skin Changes
-Quite a few changes on both sides.

Howitzer / Nuke Howitzer Changes
-Both howitzer types now drive properly (won't flip over so easy)
-Both types cannot be fired level directly at a target. There is no longer a "skip point" on either howitzer's gun.
-Both types drive like tanks and have moving treads.
-Turrets are allowed to rotate freely
-The nuke round now fires with the trajectory of a standard howitzer shot. You get to use the mortar aimpoint on the map.
-The destructiveness of the nuke has been increased and has a big flash of light when it goes off
-The standard howitzer destructive radius has been reduced slightly
-The standard howitzer fires at the rate of 1 round per 6 seconds for the first three rounds (same rate as v3) but thereafter it can only fire at a rate of 1 round per 12 seconds.

Mortar Changes
-Mortars now have 5 types which can be fired. Press your mortar key repeatedly to cycle thru the types:
--Fragmentation round: large blast radius but low effectiveness (1 hit not lethal). Multiple people must fire together to get a kill zone.
--High explosive round: high damage level (1 shot kill on APC) but small radius, need a spotter to use well
--Flash bang round: 20 meter radius with same black out time as the hand nade
--Illumination round: lights stuff up, duh
--White Phosphorus round: smoke 'em if you got 'em

Other Changes / Fixes
-A number of weapon sights updated. Check out RPG in particular.
-Semi auto shotgun added
-Thermite effects changed to look like it is burning for several seconds before causing damage.
-Effectiveness of minigun rounds returned to v2 specs (they were made very ineffective in v3)
-Effectiveness of stingers returned to v2 specs
-Skip point on gunboat turret fixed
-Hit box on OH-58 rotors fixed
-Some weapon sounds changed

Known Issues
-If you rotate the howitzer to the side and use max angle, the gunner's feet are visible and can be shot with small arms from outside the vehicle.

By SGM Luke Nadewalker Version 2.5 2,111 Downloads Website Added 03/10/2012 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: SGMod25Full.exe

Joint Operations SG Mod v2.5 FULL
SG-mod is a Modification to DFX, DFX2 and Joint Operations. Starting its life as a small stargate themed weapons mod , it then evolved into a full blown "SG" mod containing themed buildings,terrains,sounds,AI,Vehicles and more. Ever ongoing the mod developed way beyond the original plan and vision, Evolving yet further, expanding its library of mapping objects to the bursting point.

SG-mod now swelled with content provides a wealth of unique items and is ideal both for sci-fi themed maps AND urban combat maps. As you'd expect there are some unique features available for mappers to implement into their maps, such as;
Individual (or groups of) player/AI teleporting
Vast selection of terrains
Multi-terrains (4 in 1)
Large choice of buildings and objects
Ambient sounds
Different Invisible blocks: control what goes where
Special effects
Many "modular" kits to make custom buildings,complexes, and tunnels.

In short , this mod is Fun and chok-full of things to play with. The only limitation is the imagination.