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By grenadier501 Version 1.1 2,276 Downloads Added 08/26/2017 Updated 09/01/17 Watch video 2 Comments PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: JODFBHDMOD1.1.zip

Joint Operations Somalian Conflict Mod (JO BHD Mod)
Somalian Conflict brings almost all of the Black Hawk Down/Team Sabre stuff to Joint Operations engine, that includes vehicles, AIs, weapons, HUD, buildings, decorations, terrains and environments.

If you want to experiment how would it feel to play black hawk down with the JO engine, this is your mod.


_Missing hud weapon icon for RPG, winchester 300 and psg

_Missing text of weapon name for RPG psg added.
_Missing .3di for damage detector added.
_Small fixes in sndprof.def
_Missing Heatr01.3di added