Gasoline Alley has been remade using JOBHD Somali Conflict Mod by grenadier501 in 2017,and I have made some modifications in this version via wac!
1.Each member of your squad has AI_name(Hack、Mother、Smith)
2.When you place satchel charges on enemies' trucks, your teammates will get on the truck smoothly instead of getting stuck!
JOBHD Somali Conflict Mod required!
Little Riot is one of the old BHD single player map,and I remaked it using JOBHD Somali Conflict Mod.
Date: July 15th
Location: Olympic Hotel of downtown . Coast City
A number of high rank goverment officers are holding a meeting in the Olympic Hotel , there is expected to be gathering of civilians, your squad is being sent to protect civilians and hotel building with Victor 1.
Report to HQ if any emergency occurs.
Two endings
A hidden intel document
Two hidden goals
GSUS DM DEATH | DemonWolf DWOV | DF: Task Force Dagger -- DM and TDM
This map is in the stlye of a stadium made with shipping containers. Its a very large DM/TDM map with several obstacles to take cover on or behind. Designed to be a gunner ans sniper map. Walls are floating at different elevations and angles to detour theOICW and AT-4 killers. Nice Map and tough too.
GSUS DUAL DUEL | DemonWolf DWOV | DF: Task Force Dagger -- DM and TDM
Another indoor DM/TDM Map. TFD Fixes used: American Flag and Destroyable Walls.2 Sides seperated by a small Fort, all connected by Tunnels. Several .50 Cal. in place.
Another CQB map thats surrounded by shipping crates. A little larger than my last map, but tottally different. Lots of Cover and Concealment. My squad really enjoys this map, lotsa fun. ENJOY.
Mainly a snipers map. with 4 fenced in areas all connected by a series of tunnels. Main area is 400+ meters apart with plenty of cover and concealment. I designed this map for my squad to sniper practice (several man targets on both sides). Have Fun.
A small TDM map. Kinda small but it has lots of cover and concealment, shoot the palm trees and more cover will be created. A fast paced map thats a lot of fun. ENJOY.
This map is a crazy and confusing TDM map. The floor is a mirror, or is it? Lots of cover and concealment. You got to try this one its a blast. Check out the screen shot!
DemonDungeonCQB | DemonWolf DWOV | DF: Task Force Dagger -- FB and TDM
This map is similar to my last "DemonTemple", except I made this 1 a TDM and FB map also and changed things. This map also has an invisible floor ("No Voxels", Killersnake). No floor or (NO Voxels) makes it really confusing and hard to aim properly, especially if you give it a mirror effect. This map is definately FUN. Enjoy.
DemonWatersCQB | DemonWolf DWOV | DF: Task Force Dagger -- FB and TDM
At first this map seems kinda small, until you dive in, than it gets a little larger. Finding your way to the flag (for flagball) you'll have to go on a deep dive, than getting to the flag bay will be tough, they're on the enemies side. This is also a really cool TDM. Have Fun.
This is the corrected version of the map i posted last. Like last time, this map is great for everything, even sniping. You just have to make it out of the city alive.
This map is great for gunners. Two Factories and a building in the middle. The spawn points are located at the factories. If you download this let me no what u think.
This map may not look like much, but it is awesome to play. It is the best place to sit back in the trenches and snipe. If your a gunner you can try and gun but the snipers will probably take you out before u make it half way. If you download this map let me no what u think
This map has towers in the air that look like Spaceships. In the spaceships are 50 cal machine guns. These towers, however, do not offer much protection against rockets. If you like to snipe this is also a good place to snipe. you can sit in the trenches and kill till ur happy. If ya download this map let me no what ya think.
This is My Town | DeAdLy SnIpEr | DF: Task Force Dagger -- CTF, DM and TDM
This map has tunnels under the city. In the middle of the city are 4 flags for capture the flag. Deathmatch spawn points are located around the outside of the city. Great map for gunners and snipers. CQB guys can go in the tunnels or straight through the city.
CQB Forest (not laggy) | DeAdLy SnIpEr | DF: Task Force Dagger -- DM and TDM
Map has Little if any lag. Surrounded by a fence with grass on the fence, i have no clue why i did that. In th middle between the red and blue spawn are bushes and trees which create excellent hiding places. Deathmatch spawnpoints are located at the edges of the map near the fence
Wooded Castle | DeAdLy SnIpEr | DF: Task Force Dagger -- CTF, FB and TDM
This map has a castle with buildings in middle. at the center of the buildings is a flag for ctf and flagball. great tdm map and great for cqb and snipers. snipers get on hills outside and can see in castle. cqb can hide in buildings or run around inside the castle.
DeathCorridor | D_Dog | DF: Task Force Dagger -- CTF, DM, KOTH, TDM and TKOTH
Very Close Quarters, walled in area, teams have to cross paths to get to zone or flags. You can get out of the walls but all on flat land so no outside sniping. Ladders are placed backwards for a little extra challenge.
Moonless Serenade | daneel | DF: Task Force Dagger -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP
I got tired of single small CQC so I made my own single player. Fairly long and tough enough to enjoy but playable. A few fun things too ... don't kill the fishermen!
Day-O | daneel | DF: Task Force Dagger -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP
A single-player map. Stay in the truck until you reach the first waypoint. The villagers are mostly civilians but will react to foreigners (you) if provoked. Just get the intel and try to leave everyone else alone. CIA chatter suggests the enemy may be on to us so be careful.
Frenzy | daneel | DF: Task Force Dagger -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP
3rd time lucky? I took the critiques and tried again. Hopefully, this meets your expectations and coop is included). Enter a frenzy of a battle and try to survive long enough to eliminate the General. He's known to use a double but we believe he's holed-up in the hotel at objective Voodoo. Rangers, SAS and more Delta troops are here to help. (If this sucks too, I won't try anymore ... promise!) - daneel
Gilligan's Island II | daneel | DF: Task Force Dagger -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP
Holy Shipwreck! Ginger's got a bazooka! Inspired by BIG*TEX's Gilligan's Island, in this episode, we find that 3 Generals are meeting to determine the downed pilot's fate. Zodiac's are placed to get you from island to island to rescue the pilot, get intel, kill the Generals and destroy lots of targets. Bring Thurston too ...