Over all the game is great for gunners, however, the game definitely lacks the sophistication for a serious sniper. I'd call it a 7/10<br />
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Reach of Ammo<br />
Usually, lack of zoom can be compensated by having ammo powerful enough to cover the distance but the game does not allow sniping for more than 650 meters.<br />
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Anyone can grab a sniper rifle and hit a still target at 500 meters but the...
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They rule the game now, which to me is good, BUT they turn the game even more into a coordinated team effort. <br />
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The tanks are nice to have because they provide a great weapon for covering and moving through terrain. OH and the minigun on the tanks (THEY HEAT UP....so don't hold that trigger down if you don't need to).<br />
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The motorcycles are fun as hell and they make the g...
I'm not very good with reviews but this game owns , at last u wont see any more n00bs taking off in new choppers alone because u need a pilot AND a gunner, this game brings teamwork togeather.<br />
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Almost every vehicle requires teamwork, tanks are fast and furious but u cant get out of the seat when u r reloading the tank, so if u get a javalin on you when you are reloading, you have got a short time to get out.<br />
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<p><strong>Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising Review by <a href="http://www.novahq.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=2744" target="_blank">Scorpion101</a></strong></p>
<p>Ok, I’ve been playing this for about a week now, and of course there
are some good and bad things about the game.</p>
<p>The game is a resource hog, and lower end machines will have problems running