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128 files matched your criteria

By Dark_Sky_Empire 171 Downloads Website Added 07/03/2020 Updated 07/05/20 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: DF2AiFixedWeaponTut.zip

DF2 Fixed Weapon Tutorial
For a long time, everyone knows that AI can't use fixed heavy weapons in the old DF games, such as DF2, DFLW and DFTFD. But today I find a surprising way to teach them how to use these weapons!

By Sil 436 Downloads Website Added 09/21/2015 Updated 04/29/16 Watch video 1 Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1 File Name: N/A

How to play DF1 on NovaWorld
This guide will show you how to play DF1 on NovaWorld with the lobby fix. CD and Steam Game Fix by Sil

By douwe Bijlsma 2,912 Downloads Added 09/21/2005 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX File Name: CampaignTurorial.doc

DFX Campaign Turorial
This is a Tutorial for adding Your own Campaign to Delta Force Xtreme

By Linker 2,097 Downloads Added 08/09/2005 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX File Name: DFX-WeaponAdding.zip

DFX Weapon Adding
So you’re making a map and you want to start with only a knife, or a certain weapon. This task will be explained to with a few easy steps.

Includes example mission.

By Rat Sass 1,522 Downloads Added 06/23/2005 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX File Name: dfxwaveslist.txt

DFX Wave file list
A complete list of wav files used in dfx.

By Rat Sass 2,638 Downloads Added 05/25/2005 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX, DFX2 File Name: VehicleTutorialDFX.zip

DFX Vehicle Tutorial
Put vehicals in your map with help from this tut. Comes with sample mission files for the MED.

By Silent Raider 715 Downloads Added 12/15/2004 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFTFD File Name: TFD_TruckMoveTutorial.zip

DFTFD  Moving Trucks Tutorial
This tutorial will show you how to make trucks (and other vehicles) move in maps, it covers everthing from booting up the editor to playing it ingame. The file also contains a map in game and editor formats for you to look at if needed.

By 7>Snake 1,666 Downloads Added 05/12/2004 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: BHDBinFileTutorial.zip

BHD Bin File Tutorial
Covering Custom Briefings
Custom Mission Goals
Custom Waypoint Names.

Zip file includes Original and Converted Bin files from BHD, and BHDTS
also includes the Bin Tools from DevilsClaw.net
Edited By EE

By CHRISLEW200 3,320 Downloads Added 04/26/2004 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: BHD Wac Tutorial.pdf

BHD Wac File Tutorial
Guide to creating wac files for dfbhd.

By Illuminator =$TEF= 1,384 Downloads Added 03/05/2004 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD File Name: BHD_texturelist.txt

BHD Texture List
This is a list of all the original BHD objects.
It displays for each object, all the textures it uses.

By NovaLogic 4,275 Downloads Added 02/01/2004 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD File Name: DFBHDMED.PDF

BHD Mission Editer Manual
This is the PDF Manual for the BHD Mission editer.

By «MIB»«£íQüÌл 4,385 Downloads Added 07/07/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD File Name: BHD-MapGuide.zip

BHD Map Editing Guide
This guide leads you thru creating a DFBHD map.

Setting up waypoints

Creating area triggers

The programming

By StevieB Version 1.0 1,281 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

I'm not saying this is the correct way, best way or only way, just MY way of making terrains. They work well and are fast to make, other people may do it a different way but I hope this is somewhat useful for those that need some tips.

By StevieB Version 1.0 564 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Creating the heightmap in Photoshop

By StevieB Version 1.0 413 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Creating the colourmap in Bryce

By StevieB Version 1.0 354 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Finishing the colour map in Photoshop

By StevieB Version 1.0 374 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Sound / Texture map - HUH?

By StevieB Version 1.0 445 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Detail Map....

By StevieB Version 1.0 421 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Put it all Together and use your new Terrain

By StevieB Version 1.0 428 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Turn your map into a night map

By StevieB Version 1.0 1,632 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Well isn't that frustrating? You try to make your first ever tunnel, you have high hopes for this, it sees to be all lined up correctly, not too sure about the depths, but hey you can check those when you load the map in-game. So you save it, export it, load it, you see the tunnel entrance… you step into the tunnel… NNNNNOOOOO! You only see one section but u walk through and… huh?!? It's the next piece but you can't see other pieces - just blackness.

By StevieB Version 1.0 659 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFTFD File Name: N/A

DF:TFD Add Command

By StevieB Version 1.0 3,960 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: N/A

Change the clouds in your map

By StevieB Version 1.0 2,124 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: N/A

Add wind to your map

By StevieB Version 1.0 2,297 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: N/A

Add water to your map