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72 files matched your criteria

By Othello / Scott NHQ Version 1.00.42 23,685 Downloads Website Added 12/12/2002 Updated 03/17/17 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: LW_Fixer.zip

DFLW No Cd / 8 Player Co-op / VON Fix / App Fix / Startup.htm
App Fix: This will install an application fix that will remove the low swap file warning message, as well as remove the borders from the game.

VON Fix: If you freeze while joining a game, you need to replace your Dflw.exe with the one in the VonFix folder.

Startup Fix: If you cannot connect to the NovaWorld lobby, or don't want to login to play, overwrite your Startup.htm with the one in the Startup Fix folder.

By Scott NHQ 1,612 Downloads Website Added 02/22/2017 Updated 02/23/17 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: DFLWAltStartup.zip

DFLW Alternate Startup.htm (2019 Fixes)
Replace the Startup.htm in your game folder with this one. This allows you to select from multiple lobbies so you can always find a game.

By NovaLogic Version 1.00.42 12,958 Downloads Website Added 12/11/2002 Updated 10/29/15 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: df3upd8u.exe

DFLW Latest Update
This is the official DF:LW Update v1.00.42

By Scott NHQ Version 1.0.9 2,439 Downloads Website Added 03/23/2017 Updated 06/08/20 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: NHQHeartbeatDLL109.zip

NovaHQ Heartbeat DLL (2020 Alternate Lobby Reporting DLLs)
These DLL files replace a couple files in your games folder. THEY WILL NOT AFFECT GAME PLAY IN ANY WAY AND WORK WITH ALL MODS. What they will do is report your games online status when you are hosting a "NovaWorld" game session to two alternate lobbies http://nw.novahq.net and http://novaworld.cc. These lobbies allow any player to join any game without the need to login or create an account on NovaWorld. These files DO NOT AFFECT anything else. Your game will still show up in the official lobby like normal.

These DLL files can also be used to create your own game lobby or server status for your website. PHP example scripts are included. You may use this information to display your server status or even create your own game lobby for your team to join through.

Download the archive, find your game version and replace the files in your games folder with the ones in the archive. It's super simple and automatic. There is nothing else to configure or install (but please read the *.ini file). You can use these files to host as many games as you want. You can view your games online status at the NovaHQ Alternate Lobby or Novaworld.cc Alternate Lobby

By Scott NHQ Version 1.1 424 Downloads Website Added 02/14/2018 Updated 01/14/19 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD File Name: DFMissionRotator.exe

DF Mission Rotator (BMS Rotator)
Easily rotates mission files for DF2, LW and TFD. Just place this exe file in your games folder and run it. Read the instructions on the screen.

Source code here: https://github.com/phphq/DFMissionRotator

By Sil / Scott NHQ 5,926 Downloads Website Added 01/31/2018 Updated 02/05/18 5 Comments PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: NHQAppFix.exe

NovaLogic App Fixer (Borderless Window Fix, MED Fixes, etc.) 2018
I combined all the fixes into one single app that installs the fixes without a batch file. Seems quite a few people were having issues with that.

This app installs application compatibility fixes for the following items:

Delta Force 1 (Remove Window Borders)
Delta Force LW (Remove Window Borders, Remove Swap File Message)
Delta Force TFD (Remove Window Borders, Remove Swap File Message)
NovaLogic Mission Editors MEDS (Fixes crash when launching NovaLogic MEDs on Windows 7+)

Download the file and select your fix to install it. Requires .NET Framework v4.

By Scott NHQ Version 1.0.2 536 Downloads Website Added 04/05/2017 Updated 04/05/17 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: DFLWHostTool.exe

DFLW Host Tool, Server Stats, Mission Manager, Auto Messenger, Vote
This is a complete hosting package for DFLW. Download and run from anywhere on your computer. Requires .NET Framework 2.0.

Features include:
Multiple game process support
Player voting system (change map, punt + ban player)
Custom commands and server responses
Auto Messenger / Startup Messenger
Server stats (Virtually all stats are tracked and logged)
Badword chat filter
Server IP Logger
Custom IP Ban List
LIVE Mission Manager (Includes adding mission files while hosting)
PER mission config (points, koth, time etc)
LIVE Game config editor
Weapon Restriction
Player Group Fix
Alternate Lobby Reporting (NovaHQ and Novaworld.cc)

And more. Requires .NET Framework 2.0.

By Scott NHQ 1,525 Downloads Website Added 10/29/2015 Updated 10/29/15 1 Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: DFGamePathFixer.exe

Delta Force Game Path Fixer
A lot of programs that were built for the older games used the registry to find the game install paths. For many people (like steam users), these paths are sometimes missing or invalid. This program fixes those paths so you can use the old programs again.

This program requires Administrative privileges only because it needs access to write to your HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry. Newer operating systems do not allow users to add/modify these registry entries without Administrative approval.

By Daniel Steinhäußer 668 Downloads Added 05/07/2011 Updated 10/29/15 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: DFLW64.zip

DFLW 64 Player Patch
Allows you to host 64 player games in DFLW.

By DV / The Inbred KId Version 2001c 2 6,661 Downloads Added 01/01/2003 Updated 10/29/15 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: dflwmedc2.zip

DFLW Unlocked Mission Editor v2 (dflwmedc2)
This is the dflw mission editor (med) with all events and hidden items enabled and some other stuff (on the general info, events, item atributes windows)

>>>>>>> History... DV Adds extra item descriptions: <<<<<<<
DF3Items.bin Expanded Item descriptions by DV based on Pappy's descriptions

>>>>>>> History... The Inbred Kid adds to DV's MED: <<<<<<<
I’ve updated the most recent release of the DFLW mission editor (the unlocked one by DV). The changes I’ve made are mainly UI ones (tiding up dialog layouts and adding mnemonics), but I’ve also enabled the Blink Group Stats dialog and other little enhancements such as the Integrity Check. These may have been present anyway on your version, but for some reason mine didn’t have the menu items present. Another thing I did was to add a few more labels to the complex dialogs so it is easier for beginners like me to use them (such as the ‘metres’ and ‘cm’ labels in the item position group box - yes I know their not technically cm's, but 256ths of a metre wouldn't fit.

By dfzone.be Version 1.0.8 708 Downloads Website Added 10/03/2012 1 Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFBHD File Name: DF_AutoMessenger.zip

Delta Force Host Auto Messenger
This program can send messages automatically to your server.

By Tom dfzone.be Version 1.1.4 7,964 Downloads Website Added 05/09/2008 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: PFFEditor-v1.1.4.zip

NovaLogic / Delta Force / Joint Operations PFF / DEF File Editor
Open, edit & save DF2 and DFLW PFF files. Also allows you to edit .DEF files.

By Tom dfzone.be 5,634 Downloads Website Added 01/30/2008 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW, DFTFD File Name: DisableVON.zip

DF2  / DFLW/ DFTFD VON Disable Patch
This patch will help you to disable VON (voice over net) what makes the game
crash at 'joining session' when you have a realtek high difinition sound card

How to use:
extract the disableVON.exe to your game folder
open it and select your game version
click 'start game' to launch the game
Normaly the program will go to player settings, disable VON and accept them
After that you can try to join a server if it doesn't work you should go to
player settings yourself and click the VON tab

If this patch doesn't work please report at dfzone.be

By DV 6,801 Downloads Website Added 05/03/2005 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: DeSCR.zip

NovaLogic / Delta Force DEF File Encrypt / Decrypt (DeSCR)
Allows you to encrypt / decrpt NovaLogic's DEF Files.

By FwO Raven Version 1.0 3,063 Downloads Website Added 04/27/2005 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW File Name: FwOBMS2MISConverter.zip

DF1 / DF2 / DFLW FwO Raven BMS 2 MIS Mission Converter (BMS2MIS)
This program converts any DF1/DF2/DFLW from *.BMS or *.MIS
format to any other DF1/DF2/DFLW mission in *.BMS or *.MIS

By Jacko Version 2.5 2,025 Downloads Added 01/26/2004 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: Joiner-v2.5.exe

DFLW Joiner
DFLW Joiner is a very easy to use tool for joining DFLW games, you can add infinite servers to a list and also add inifinite lists. It has an integrated browser so when you click over a game it will be added to your list. You can also add by IP/Port and NovaKey. It has configurable Settings, auto join option, and a quick name editor.

By Col.Pappy Version 1.04 3,990 Downloads Website Added 07/31/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: BINEditor.zip

NovaLogic / Delta Force BIN File Editer
The BIN Editor will allow you to update or create BIN files for use with Delta Force mission files. You can edit the VARIABLES.INI file to include the information for other Novalogic games as well.

By Dunghill Dave Version 2.0.7 2,504 Downloads Website Added 06/30/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: DFVote-v2.0.7.zip

DF Vote Banning
An add-on for any game in the Delta Force series. This program adds the possibility of voting people out of the game, and also a change in map in a DF game.

Please read the Documentation!

By Dstructr Version 3.0 2,244 Downloads Added 04/25/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: LWPinger-v3.0.exe

DFLW Pinger / Joiner
DFLWPinger is a tool for pinging/traceing DFLW servers and joining by nova keys.

Please read the readme included after install for setting this tool up!

By NedFox / Deadbolt Version 4.4.3 Full 12,837 Downloads Website Added 11/24/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: DEM-v4.4.3.exe

Delta Force / Joint Operations D.E.M Remote Host Full
Multilevel Multi-user access.

Passwords are sent encrypted, and are different every time you log on. (Security first)

Judge Dread - Automatically punts or bans players for abusive language.

Punting layers with blank player names.

Posting punts and bans to newsserver.

Mailing system events.<br>Permanent ban list on player name and IP-number.

Live map manager, and reloading this mapset when starting DEM again.

Auto joining of game, including setting passwords and team preference.

Stopping and starting game from client.

Stopping server at end of current map.

Broadcasting ALL chat and game messages to a broadcast receiver.

Commands for setting passwords, gamename, gametime etc.

By TerraNova Version 1.98c 2,964 Downloads Added 10/09/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: LW_c4medc1.zip

DFLW C4 Mission Editor (C4Med)
This allows greater precision when placing objects on top of each other due to the use of profile view (Wireframe Mode) You must check Collision Models for it to work! Includes C4 MIS to LW MIS converter.

By Pappy Version 1.02 3,239 Downloads Website Added 08/17/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: DFBMS2MIS.zip

DFLW / DFTFD BMS 2 MIS Converter
The DFBMS2MIS Converter will allow you convert BMS files from Delta Force Land Warrior or Task Force Dagger to MIS files that can be edited using the either the DFLWMEDC or the TFDMED.

The program converts all the items with there correct attributes. All events are properly converted. This includes all sound files used during the game play. All waypoints are converted as well.

This is the most complete converter available to date. All weather effects are there. All groups, area triggers and waypoints that have something associated with them are labeled. All waypoint routes and area triggers have different colors for easy identification.

This version allows for Multi File conversion. That means you can select all the BMS file that you want and the program will convert them. When Multi Files are selected, auto naming is turned on so that all converted MIS files will have the same name as the BMS file.

You can also put you own favorite skin in the background. This is selectable from the menu bar. You can also restore the original background that comes with the program at any time.

DEBUG Option will dump conversion data to a log file that the support group can use to check for missing. This file contains data that has been converted as well as information that may not have been converted. This information has been provided to help the support people. It is not recommended to be used unless you feel you are having problems with a conversion.

By Tremor Version 1.0e 1,665 Downloads Added 06/29/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: DF-Commander.zip

Delta Force Commander
Allows you to join with IP. You can select a Host from Lobby or enter an IP that you recive from a friend.

Allows you to store your prefered servers. Both games are handled simultan

Allows you to administrate the Screensshots that you take while playing. Little editing and converting features (to JPG) are also included.

Allows you to modify your Server-Settings. Predefinitions are supported to (as example Server-Settings which regardes League-Rules)

Allows you to change your Server-Settings while the Game runs. As example you dont need to shoot down your server to set teampasses. (The settings take only effect on mapchange)

Disable/Enable Stock maps

Log the IP´s of the Players on your server and show their pings.

Generates a statistics from the scores with output as html (design-templates are supported)

Allows you to controll your Game-Server from anywhere. full terminal support. You can also see the host-screen and use all console commands like, resetgames, punt etc..

Ingame Features:
Shows your current ping while Playing

The Server types in custom messages to player even if you are away.

By Baboon Version Serer 3 Uploa 2,788 Downloads Added 06/02/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: LWTFD_BAB.Stats.zip

Babstats for DFLW / DFTFD / DF2 Demo
Server v3:
BAB.stats server side scripts. To use them, your webserver must support PHP and MySQL (latest versions prefered). Installation instructions are in doc/manual.htm inside the ZIP. Please read Release Notes before upgrading/installing!

Uploader v1.2:
This application tracks stats from the game server and uploads them to to webserver. works with DF:TFD v1.00.09, DF:LW v1.00.37 and DF2 Demo v1.03.04 latest versions. Must be used together with BAB.stats server v3. Please read Release Notes before upgrading/installing

Copyright © Baboon 2002-2003

By .chancellor. Version 1.0 2,897 Downloads Website Added 05/18/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: DFLW.Host.Editor.XP.Installer.exe

DFLW Host Editor XP
This program allows access to the text data stored in DFLW.PFF and DFLW.CFG used to display game type and other info on Public Games server pages when a player is hosting.

Load DFLW Host Editor. The program will automatically show what text is currently sent to Public Games pages when you host. This text is also editable. All editing is automatically previewed in a black preview frame at the bottom of the program.

Color modifiers may be easily added to the text and will be accurately previewed in the preview frame. Example:

~2TDM Game = TDM Game because ~2 is the color modifier for red.

For ƒÅÑ©ý text, use Edit>Open Character Map (provided you have it installed on your machine).

Edit>Fill With Default Text does nothing to your game but sets the text to the default value. You still must use File>Save for these changes to take effect.

If you have multiple games installed on your computer and want to edit a game other than your default installation, simply create a shortcut of DFLW Host Editor, and use "-select" after the shortcut target. This will open a dialog so you can select the folder manually. Example:

"CFLW Host Editor XPDFLW Host Editor XP.exe" -select

A word about text length: every group of words has a set length, and modification must conform to the set length when stored back into the DFLW.PFF file. To add color modifiers to the text, some text must be removed (to add 5 characters, you must take away 5 first) etc. By using my program to edit the game name, you now have 2 extra characters than the game would allow, and these DO show on the web pages.