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26 files matched your criteria

By Shemihazah 195 Downloads Added 12/27/2019 Updated 11/02/20 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR File Name: DFWiQ_XLMaPS.zip

Exclusive map pack for Delta Force - World in Quarantine

Extract *everything* from the ZIP file into your DFWiQ game directory.

If files are missing these maps will not work! Files matter!

• trntileEXP.tga = tileset (for roads, sidewalks etc.)
• SHEMFULL_30.env = environment file (for Maze Runner)
• Sound library
• 3 Maps for DFWiQ mod

Bear Grylls - inspired by Tom Clancy
Maze Runner - inspired by PacMan and the movie
West Point - training mission

- Shemihazah ©2020

By Stand Version Full 416 Downloads Website Added 04/13/2020 Updated 04/14/20 2 Comments PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR File Name: sabxjof.exe

StandAlone Battle X
For now 3 or 4 years we have been working on this mod trying to get things done the right way this time so the community can enjoy something new and improved so people cannot believe how much stuff we have done in the past 3 to 4 years for game that might be dead but there still people playing it because the enjoy this game play because it's still a great game.

Stand Alone Battle X Mod for Joint operations typhoon Rising

Things that are put inside the mod

(1) a lot more stuff put in from battle field 2
(2) fixed all Iron Sights and scopes
(3) all Delta force extreme 1 and 2 Terrains are in this mod
(4) all joint Ops Terrains are in this mod
(5) new Terrains that I imported from battlefield 2
(6) Terrains that I had made by my self
(7) Nile and the med editor wheel Works properly

Changes and tweaks to this mod
Some vehicles have been updated and upgraded for better performance with less lag all vehicles have their normal speed like the original game had all new sounds for all of the weapons and some vehicles. All new handheld weapons and replacement weapons and vehicle weapons a lot of new items as objects decorations buildings some buildings and decorations are from international conflict mod for some of the settings for the Terrains a lot of work has been done to this mod it took so many years to accomplish to get things right and also get things done the way it needed to work the right way without lag and system dumps.

Stand-alone battle X System requirements:

Windows 10 64-bit 32-bit
8 gigs of RAM or higher
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 1400 Quad-Core Processor, 3200 Mhz, 4 Core(s), or higher or better
NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 or higher or better
7.1 surround sound or lower
7 GB of free space total 9 GB
Graphics settings into game need to be on Max settings to be played smooth.

The mod version is full and ready to play.

ALT DOWNLOAD URL: https://www.moddb.com/mods/stand-alone-battle-x

By grenadier501 Version 1.1 2,497 Downloads Added 08/26/2017 Updated 09/01/17 Watch video 2 Comments PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: JODFBHDMOD1.1.zip

Joint Operations Somalian Conflict Mod (JO BHD Mod)
Somalian Conflict brings almost all of the Black Hawk Down/Team Sabre stuff to Joint Operations engine, that includes vehicles, AIs, weapons, HUD, buildings, decorations, terrains and environments.

If you want to experiment how would it feel to play black hawk down with the JO engine, this is your mod.


_Missing hud weapon icon for RPG, winchester 300 and psg

_Missing text of weapon name for RPG psg added.
_Missing .3di for damage detector added.
_Small fixes in sndprof.def
_Missing Heatr01.3di added

By grenadier501 Version 1.3d 3,223 Downloads Added 03/24/2016 Updated 09/29/16 Watch video 5 Comments PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX, JOTR, JOE File Name: DFWIQ_1.3d.7z

Delta Force: World In Quarantine
World In Quarantine is a Joint Operations, stand-alone, portable modification.
THEME: story takes place in the mid-late 21 century.

Earth is a chaos, global warming, environmental pollution, famine, corrupt governments, civil wars..

And to complete, humanity got invaded by a humanoid-alien empire, slightly technologically advanced than humans, they call themselves the 'combine empire'.. This isn't over yet, for what people says, it seems that an experiment winch was being carried out in a clandestine complex somewhere in Russia, has gone extremely bad, lots of wild animals got caught and were being exposed to dangerous and stressing situations, even radiation..
Seems like some animals were not properly locked on their cages, they have escaped, bitten some of the workers. Those workers got infected by some kind of rage virus, they started to bite other people, and so the virus started to spread.

And so it begins, zombies, aliens, wars everywhere,You're a survivor, your only objective in this planet is: survive!

You have a nice variety of weapons to defend yourself from the dangers, starting from basic melee weapons, civilian and military firearms, explosives, and even sci-fi weapons brought to you by the combine empire.

The mod is fully portable (RAR file) you don't need to install anything, you just download the file and extract it wherever you want in your hard drive!

No it Does Not contain virus, don't worry, i checked it with like 3 AVs..

This is a stand-alone game, you don't need to install any other game or program to play it, everything needed to play
comes with it, even the Mission Editor.

If you have any problem with it contact me and i'll be glad to help

I do this just for FUN, I Do Not want to earn money from this or anything like that.

Have fun playing!

(updated: SEPT-28-2016)


By grenadier501 Version 1.3d 787 Downloads Added 09/28/2016 Updated 09/28/16 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX, JOTR, JOE File Name: DFWIQ_1.3d_PATCH.zip

Delta Force: World In Quarantine Patch
To install this patch, just unzip the files into the main game folder, open the batch file "INSTALL_UPDATE_1_3d.bat", and let the "pack" program do the hard work for you.

You only need this if you are playing on 1.3c or below. Please check the version before applying this patch.

Missing particle and explosion sound effects added to some objects.
Some small sound changes.
Added dialogs from DFBHD.

(updated: SEPT-28-2016)


By AW Mod Team Version 4.40 4,394 Downloads Website Added 03/10/2012 Updated 08/05/15 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: Advanced_Warfare_2_v4_40_Full_Setup.exe

Joint Operations Advanced Warfare 2 Mod (AW2) v4.40 FULL
Advanced Warfare is a JOINT OPERATIONS - Modification. The theme for AW is not so much only War Scenarios and Jungle, like in JO and some of the other Mods like IC etc. but to offer also a more civilian side of the whole thing. You´re not necessarely are forced to make Jungle or Military based Maps, you can also make a little more city like and even funny things that you can use. AW is proud to not be so serious about itself, thats why we have a few funny, not so serious things in our Mod. But we prefer that because there should be also alternatives to other, more serious Mods. Our current development is ADVANCED WARFARE v2. Our previous Version 1.0 is NOT supported anymore with us. We changed quite some things in Version 2, especially the compatiblity with other Maps from JO:Typhoon Rising, JO: Escalations and even Delta Force Xtreme. So there are quite a lot classic JO Maps that you can choose from to play and of course Mappers are working on new ones.

Make sure you also grab the latest update HERE

By AW Mod Team Version 4.41 2,983 Downloads Website Added 07/10/2012 Updated 08/05/15 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: Advanced_Warfare_2_v4_41_Update_Setup.exe

Joint Operations Advanced Warfare 2 Mod (AW2) v4.41 UPDATE
4.41 Update for Advanced Warfare 2 Mod v4.40 FULL

By IC Mod Team Version 4.1.8 4,235 Downloads Website Added 05/01/2012 2 Comments PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: IC_4-1-8_CombinedArmsGold.exe

Joint Operations International Conflict (IC4 Mod) for Combined Arms Gold 4.1.8
Allows for the IC Mod to work with Joint Operations Combined Arms

New Stuff
We did not add as many new objects this time around. Search in NILE for IC4: to find them. Here are some highlights:
-Tiger helicopter: Comes in several versions. One allows the pilot to fire stingers while still having a gunner on a cannon.
-Wiesel: Mobile platform for stingers, TOW missiles, or a 20mm cannon
-DF2 Manor and ware house
-New Bull & R8Bob terrains
-Added 2 missing BHD buildings
-A few more desert/snow/jungle options to some stock vehicles
-Barb wire fence which causes player damage if you come into contact with it

Skin Changes
-Quite a few changes on both sides.

Howitzer / Nuke Howitzer Changes
-Both howitzer types now drive properly (won't flip over so easy)
-Both types cannot be fired level directly at a target. There is no longer a "skip point" on either howitzer's gun.
-Both types drive like tanks and have moving treads.
-Turrets are allowed to rotate freely
-The nuke round now fires with the trajectory of a standard howitzer shot. You get to use the mortar aimpoint on the map.
-The destructiveness of the nuke has been increased and has a big flash of light when it goes off
-The standard howitzer destructive radius has been reduced slightly
-The standard howitzer fires at the rate of 1 round per 6 seconds for the first three rounds (same rate as v3) but thereafter it can only fire at a rate of 1 round per 12 seconds.

Mortar Changes
-Mortars now have 5 types which can be fired. Press your mortar key repeatedly to cycle thru the types:
--Fragmentation round: large blast radius but low effectiveness (1 hit not lethal). Multiple people must fire together to get a kill zone.
--High explosive round: high damage level (1 shot kill on APC) but small radius, need a spotter to use well
--Flash bang round: 20 meter radius with same black out time as the hand nade
--Illumination round: lights stuff up, duh
--White Phosphorus round: smoke 'em if you got 'em

Other Changes / Fixes
-A number of weapon sights updated. Check out RPG in particular.
-Semi auto shotgun added
-Thermite effects changed to look like it is burning for several seconds before causing damage.
-Effectiveness of minigun rounds returned to v2 specs (they were made very ineffective in v3)
-Effectiveness of stingers returned to v2 specs
-Skip point on gunboat turret fixed
-Hit box on OH-58 rotors fixed
-Some weapon sounds changed

Known Issues
-If you rotate the howitzer to the side and use max angle, the gunner's feet are visible and can be shot with small arms from outside the vehicle.

By SGM Luke Nadewalker Version 2.5 2,098 Downloads Website Added 03/10/2012 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: SGMod25Full.exe

Joint Operations SG Mod v2.5 FULL
SG-mod is a Modification to DFX, DFX2 and Joint Operations. Starting its life as a small stargate themed weapons mod , it then evolved into a full blown "SG" mod containing themed buildings,terrains,sounds,AI,Vehicles and more. Ever ongoing the mod developed way beyond the original plan and vision, Evolving yet further, expanding its library of mapping objects to the bursting point.

SG-mod now swelled with content provides a wealth of unique items and is ideal both for sci-fi themed maps AND urban combat maps. As you'd expect there are some unique features available for mappers to implement into their maps, such as;
Individual (or groups of) player/AI teleporting
Vast selection of terrains
Multi-terrains (4 in 1)
Large choice of buildings and objects
Ambient sounds
Different Invisible blocks: control what goes where
Special effects
Many "modular" kits to make custom buildings,complexes, and tunnels.

In short , this mod is Fun and chok-full of things to play with. The only limitation is the imagination.

By IC Mod Team Version 4.1.8 2,646 Downloads Website Added 01/01/2012 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: IC_4-1-8_patch.exe

Joint Operations International Conflict (IC4 Mod) Patch v4.1.8
Updates IC Mod to v4.1.8

-Cannon boats can destroy other cannon boats (in 4.1.7 only satch/thermite could destroy them)
-The illumination mortar is fixed
-Blackhawk/Puma speeds returned to 4.1.2 level to reduce lag.

By IC Mod Team Version 4.1.2 1,288 Downloads Website Added 05/15/2008 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: IC_4-1-2_patch.exe

Joint Operations International Conflict (IC4 Mod) Patch v4.1.2
Updates IC Mod to v4.1.2 FROM v3.2.2

New Stuff
We did not add as many new objects this time around. Search in NILE for IC4: to find them. Here are some highlights:
-Tiger helicopter: Comes in several versions. One allows the pilot to fire stingers while still having a gunner on a cannon.
-Wiesel: Mobile platform for stingers, TOW missiles, or a 20mm cannon
-DF2 Manor and ware house
-New Bull & R8Bob terrains
-Added 2 missing BHD buildings
-A few more desert/snow/jungle options to some stock vehicles
-Barb wire fence which causes player damage if you come into contact with it

Skin Changes
-Quite a few changes on both sides.

Howitzer / Nuke Howitzer Changes
-Both howitzer types now drive properly (won't flip over so easy)
-Both types cannot be fired level directly at a target. There is no longer a "skip point" on either howitzer's gun.
-Both types drive like tanks and have moving treads.
-Turrets are allowed to rotate freely
-The nuke round now fires with the trajectory of a standard howitzer shot. You get to use the mortar aimpoint on the map.
-The destructiveness of the nuke has been increased and has a big flash of light when it goes off
-The standard howitzer destructive radius has been reduced slightly
-The standard howitzer fires at the rate of 1 round per 6 seconds for the first three rounds (same rate as v3) but thereafter it can only fire at a rate of 1 round per 12 seconds.

Mortar Changes
-Mortars now have 5 types which can be fired. Press your mortar key repeatedly to cycle thru the types:
--Fragmentation round: large blast radius but low effectiveness (1 hit not lethal). Multiple people must fire together to get a kill zone.
--High explosive round: high damage level (1 shot kill on APC) but small radius, need a spotter to use well
--Flash bang round: 20 meter radius with same black out time as the hand nade
--Illumination round: lights stuff up, duh
--White Phosphorus round: smoke 'em if you got 'em

Other Changes / Fixes
-A number of weapon sights updated. Check out RPG in particular.
-Semi auto shotgun added
-Thermite effects changed to look like it is burning for several seconds before causing damage.
-Effectiveness of minigun rounds returned to v2 specs (they were made very ineffective in v3)
-Effectiveness of stingers returned to v2 specs
-Skip point on gunboat turret fixed
-Hit box on OH-58 rotors fixed
-Some weapon sounds changed

Known Issues
-If you rotate the howitzer to the side and use max angle, the gunner's feet are visible and can be shot with small arms from outside the vehicle.

By BrutalArts Version 0.25 2,987 Downloads Website Added 05/06/2008 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: reality25.exe

Joint Operations Reality Mod v0.25
This mod has taken various player requested enhancement, fixes, and designs into full consideration.

Tons of Blackhawk Down (BHD) assets, buildings, objects (including the vehicle decorations) have found a home in the update. Newly created and tested items such as desert trucks, Hummers, and more.
Decorations such as Destroyed Strykers (with or without smoke), and other vehicles allow map makers to construct realistic battle scense for any style of JO battle.
The addition of BHD assets and their own has taken this mod to a pleasing level for JOR players. Those who haven't tried the mod should really take a look.

JOE is not needed. Only JO Original.
All weapons ballistics reworked - damage now drops off over range, all ammo has correct velocity; diameter; weight; penetration, and accuracy.
All weapons over smg calibre will generate 'suppression' if they strike within <20cm [screen shake and tiny damage].
All weapons now have correct names - ALL fire indicators work properly.
Tweaked ammo names and descriptions.
Elevation display removed from AK-74.
Elevation display fixed on BTR.
Tracer rates adjusted - only belt fed and heavy weapons generate tracer.
Explosives reveiwed extensively - damage now drops with distance, killzone penetration tweaked.
Weapons recoil values reviewed.
60mm Mortar range upped to 300-2000m - 4 HE and 3 WP.
60mm White Phosphorous introduced, more smoke and faster, also dangerous to infantry.
60mm HE effect fixed - no longer has 40m instadeath zone .
30mm HEDP damage reveiwed.
Hand smoke grenades all generate more smoke and faster.
Hand grenade throw range dropped to 40m.
Satchel throw range upped to 15m.
Satchels dropped from 3 to 2.
Satchel blast damage/area tweaked, new explosion effect added.
Base Defense Gun fixed - ammo tweaked.
Base Defense Gun 'Thermal' sight removed.
M107 Barret, Stryker, Base Defense Gun all fire M20 API ammo now - new particle effect, and limited area damage.
Pistol sights corrected.
Pistol max ranges added.
SMG max ranges added.
Stinger performance tweaked.
Helo flare performance tweaked.
Helo hit points reviewed.
M11 Anti Tank mines added.
Assets now only begin to burn after taking 75% damage.
Snipers SMG's have 3 mags instead of 2.
M-9 Beretta has an extra magazine.
ALL Mk-19 AGL's now have zooming sights.
HMMWV, SUV, FAV, ATV handling and stability improved.
HMMWV and SUV climb angles tweaked.
ATV speed upped slightly, land and water.
Satchels, Clays and AT Mines all immune to small arms, explosives trigger them though.
JAV Damage tweaked, blast radius increased.
RPG burst area reduced.
M107 penetration and damage tweaked.
L115A magazine reduced to 5 rounds.
L115A anti asset capability added.
Boats all extensively reworked - small arms/hmg no longer able to affect most.
Landing craft both immune to smallarms/.50 fire
BTR cannon correctly modelled with the 14.5mm KPV autocannon.
Rabid Wombats removed.
RPK-74 changed to the RPK-47.
RPK sound changed to AK-47 sound.
Med Bug fixed.
Limited Medpacks introduced - 10 'uses' only, rearm at armorys.
Apache, Havoc rockets fixed - no longer have a 100m lethal area.
Barrels, Oil Tanks, Chem Barrels etc all given blast areas.
ALL AI bots given the same HP as players [was 100 now 150].
AI weakened weapons 'unweakened'.
Kneeling bots added, both temperate and desert.
Standing desert bots added.
Most bots now use improved Animations.

By IC Mod Team Version 4.1.2 3,420 Downloads Added 05/01/2008 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: IC_4-1-2.exe

Joint Operations International Conflict (IC4 Mod) FULL v4.1.2
New Stuff
We did not add as many new objects this time around. Search in NILE for IC4: to find them. Here are some highlights:
-Tiger helicopter: Comes in several versions. One allows the pilot to fire stingers while still having a gunner on a cannon.
-Wiesel: Mobile platform for stingers, TOW missiles, or a 20mm cannon
-DF2 Manor and ware house
-New Bull & R8Bob terrains
-Added 2 missing BHD buildings
-A few more desert/snow/jungle options to some stock vehicles
-Barb wire fence which causes player damage if you come into contact with it

Skin Changes
-Quite a few changes on both sides.

Howitzer / Nuke Howitzer Changes
-Both howitzer types now drive properly (won't flip over so easy)
-Both types cannot be fired level directly at a target. There is no longer a "skip point" on either howitzer's gun.
-Both types drive like tanks and have moving treads.
-Turrets are allowed to rotate freely
-The nuke round now fires with the trajectory of a standard howitzer shot. You get to use the mortar aimpoint on the map.
-The destructiveness of the nuke has been increased and has a big flash of light when it goes off
-The standard howitzer destructive radius has been reduced slightly
-The standard howitzer fires at the rate of 1 round per 6 seconds for the first three rounds (same rate as v3) but thereafter it can only fire at a rate of 1 round per 12 seconds.

Mortar Changes
-Mortars now have 5 types which can be fired. Press your mortar key repeatedly to cycle thru the types:
--Fragmentation round: large blast radius but low effectiveness (1 hit not lethal). Multiple people must fire together to get a kill zone.
--High explosive round: high damage level (1 shot kill on APC) but small radius, need a spotter to use well
--Flash bang round: 20 meter radius with same black out time as the hand nade
--Illumination round: lights stuff up, duh
--White Phosphorus round: smoke 'em if you got 'em

Other Changes / Fixes
-A number of weapon sights updated. Check out RPG in particular.
-Semi auto shotgun added
-Thermite effects changed to look like it is burning for several seconds before causing damage.
-Effectiveness of minigun rounds returned to v2 specs (they were made very ineffective in v3)
-Effectiveness of stingers returned to v2 specs
-Skip point on gunboat turret fixed
-Hit box on OH-58 rotors fixed
-Some weapon sounds changed

Known Issues
-If you rotate the howitzer to the side and use max angle, the gunner's feet are visible and can be shot with small arms from outside the vehicle.

By BadgerLST 818 Downloads Added 02/02/2008 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: ShocknAweWeapons.def.zip

This file is for JO ShockNAwe This file was made by LST it changes the sniper rifles to now show ranges so you don't have to use the binoculars to find elevations and ranges. Just place this file Weapons.def into your jo expansions folder in the snajo folder. the file is zipped up in a folder to save space unzip the file to your desktop then place the file not the folder. how to install it. Just put this C:/ Program Files/Joint Operations Typhoon Rising/Joint Operations Typhoon Rising/ expansion/snajo folder or if diffrent drive Like d:/ Program Files/Joint Operations Typhoon Rising/Joint Operations Typhoon Rising/ expansion/snajo Just Make sure it is in the snajo folder poof your done. All Sniper Rifles added 4 more power to each rifle. Barrett 24 power scope SVD 16 Power L115A 16 Power M21 14 Power m24 14 Power Added Show Distance to each rifle Each Sniper Rifle Will Go Up Or Down On Elevation at 50 Meters At A Time. Example. 0, 50, 100, 150, 200

By TeamTXD Version 5.0 2,933 Downloads Website Added 12/23/2007 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: SnA_JO_5.0_Installer.exe

Joint Operations ShocknAwe JO Mod v5.0
Shock 'n Awe for JO MOD details:
* all JO stuff
* all Escalation stuff

Most of the stuff from:
* Urban Assault
* Deep Jungle
* Insurgency
* Terranova
* and some newer stuff

TEAMTXD.COM (bhdmods.com) Has spent hours on end to get this mod finished and ready for release. We would like to thank everyone involved in the project for all their help. We will have the mod ready for Download here in the downloads section sometime later today. I just want to make sure there are not last minute changes that need to be made.

v5.0 NOTES:
This is a completely new release of the original ShocknAwe JO Mod. This version will completely replace version 1.4 if you have it. All existing JO, JO-Escalation and ShocknAwe JO maps will work with this version. We did a full release instead of just an update due to the amount of changes that we made.

Here are a few changes that were made as well as items added.

- Fixed terrains issues

- Fixed grass from rendering upside down

- Increased ammo count on Javelin and Barret

- Allowed more weapons to be carried by More Classes and all weapons are now available to Joint Op' & Rebels.

- Optimized files to run faster with less lag than the original JO game.

- Optimized sound files

- Thermite Grenade (We would like to Thank the IC Mod team for the Thermite Grenade).

- Added a Dart gun for the Medics called the Adrenalin Gun. It allows you to heal teammates from a distance. However if used on the enemy and or a healthy teammate, it can be deadly.

- added about 200 more models to the game including a lot of favorites from BHD and TeamSabre.

**This mod has been approved by NovaLogic for release on NovaWorld, based on limited testing of functionality and content. NovaLogic accepts no responsibility for this mod and anyone playing it does so at his own risk. NovaLogic retains copyright and ownership of all NovaLogic created assets in this mod, but makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for this mod, including any copyright or intellectual property infringements in the mod, which are the sole responsibility of the mod creator(s). NovaLogic reserves the right to rescind its approval at any time for any reason or no reason.

By Domox Version 0.65 1,328 Downloads Website Added 04/24/2005 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR File Name: BlackOpsRealismSkinPatch.zip

Joint Operations Black Ops Realism Skin Patch
This MOD is based on AnArKey's Weapons/Realism Modification for Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising
V0.5 with some extra features added by Domox

CH-47 Skinned in black to match MH-47D, re-skinned cockpit with higher rez skins and MH47 instrumentation
Turned Dune Buggy into DPV Colors (like what the SEALs drive, black)
Made Mark V Darker
Stingers fly at realistic speed and deal realistic Damage.
Removed green bands from M82 and darkened rifle.
Modified Main Menu (mainly an expirament).
Fixed an animation error with the L115A Anarkey left in .3
Re-Skinned the Russian Character with Hi-rez Canadian CADPAT and Canadian Markings
Re-Skinned the M21 into a M14 DMR which means olive drap with blued finish on all metal
Adjusted all the choppers speeds to reflect their real life speed
Adjusted Survivability of all choppers to realistic levels. (the occupants get shot like normal)
Increased Damage of frag grenade (you can now toast a chopper with one thrown in the cabin)
[Removed since v0.65] Slighty increased smoke grenade time
New Skin for HMMV knockoff
New M9 Skin
Added A weapons familiarization range. (Coop Level)
Added a AS - Deluge this is a hard fought map, can be played strategically.
Added New Indonesian Airforce Skin to Super Puma
Added New Indonesian Airforce Skin to NB0-150
Increased Smoke Grenade time to that of an M8 instead of an M18. (this means 135 seconds of smoke)

By SGM Luke Nadewalker Version 2.60 581 Downloads Website Added 06/02/2012 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: SGModMED.exe

Joint Operations SG Mod MED
Mission editor for the SG MOD.

By ICE Mod Team Version 2.0.1 2,571 Downloads Website Added 01/05/2012 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: ICE_v2.0.1_patch.exe

Joint Operations International Conflict Europe (ICE Mod) Update v2.0.1
Update 2.0.1 for ICE 2.0.0.

By ICE Mod Team Version 2.0.0 4,787 Downloads Website Added 05/20/2010 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: ICE_200_patch.exe

Joint Operations International Conflict Europe (ICE Mod) FULL v2.0.0
ICE BUILD v1.0.5/1.0.6/1.16 to v2.0.0 patch
WARNING: Once Upgraded to 2.0, you will only be able to play on ICE 2 servers

Read more: http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/2678004#ixzz3jAeDphUt
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Increased - Ground Vehicles Climb Ability
Increased - HP for all Soft Skinned Ground Vehicles
Increased - HP for LittleBirds and NB105s
Increased - Turning Ability BlackHawk/Puma/LittleBird/NB105
Increased - HP for Main Battle Tanks
Increased - Accuracy MLRS
Increased - Damage MLRS Ammo
Increased - Blast Radius MLRS
Increased - Damage Arty Ammo
Increased - Blast Radius Arty
Increased - Blast Radius GBU-31
Increased - Overheat rate on ZSU-23-4 and Gepard

Reduced - All Ground Vehicles Speed by Approx 5%
Reduced - HP on ZSU 23-4 and Gepard
Reduced - Ammo Weight on ZSU 23-4 and Gepard
Reduced - Splash Damage on ZSU 23-4 and Gepard
Reduced - Ammo Damage on Main Battle Tanks

Updated - Armor on Wiesels (7.62mm Ammo has No Effect)
Updated - Sams and SideWinders
Updated - BMD3 (made amphibious)
Updated - Tracked Rapier (fixed gunner's feet sticking out)
Updated - 2s19mstas howitzer (fixed collision boxes)

Added - UN MH-6 Littlebird
Added - UN BRDM
Added - T-80 (snow camo)
Added - BTR-80 (snow camo)
Added - SUV with 50cal (snow camo)
Added - SUV with Mk19 (snow camo)
Added - Attack vehicle with 50cal (snow camo)
Added - Attack vehicle with Mk19 (snow camo)
Added - ZSU-23-4 Shilka (Snow camo)
Added - 2s19MSTAS (Snow camo)
Added - Leopard2 (Snow camo)
Added - Marder (Snow camo)
Added - Roland (Snow camo)
Added - Gepard (Snow camo)
Added - PZH200 (Snow camo)
Added - M113 APC with 50cal and armory (green camo)
Added - M163 Vulcan SPAAG (green camo)
Added - M113 APC with 50cal and armory (snow camo)
Added - M163 Vulcan SPAAG (snow camo)
Added - CH-47 (snow camo)
Added - MI-24E (snow camo)
Added - BRDM-2 (snow camo)
Added - SA-9 Gaskin (snow camo)
Added - AH-1z Viper (hellfire)
Added - AH-1z Viper (hydra)

Renamed - M82 to M107
Increased - P90 Ammo Weight
Increased - PSG1/PSG1SD Zoom from 10x to 14x
Increased - PSG1SD Effective Range to From 300m to Approx 450m
Increased - PSG1SD Ammo Weight
Increased - Mortar Blast Radius
Increased - Mortar Damage (Can Damage/Destroy Attack Choppers)
Increased - AT Mines Damage

Reduced - HK416 Ammo Weight
Reduced - "Dragon" 120mm mortar range (~950m)

Updated - Stinger
Updated - All Weapon Weights
Updated - HK416 sound

Player Skins:
Added - Russian infantry winter camo
Added - German infantry winter camo
Added - JSOF: Swedish winter camo
Added - JSOF: Danish winter camo
Added - JSOF: Finnish winter camo

Added - low poly church
Added - low poly farm house
Added - urban house 1
Added - destroyed building 1
Added - small village house 1
Added - small factory building
Added - city base block
Added - civilian control tower
Added - torpedo factory
Added - destroyed bunker
Added - re-skinned IC cityblocks 1, 2, 3,4
Re-skinned - IC cityblock 5

Added - Single metal barrel (S&D)
Added - Group of metal barrels (S&D)
Added - Single wooden crate (S&D)
Added - Group of wooden crates2 (S&D)
Added - Group of wooden crates3 (S&D)
Added - Static BTR (S&D)

Updated - TRNs (reduced grass size to reduce lag)

Added - IC FlatSnow terrain
Added - IC Snow1 terrain

FX Effects:
Flares - reduced particle effect and removed smoke trails to improve frame rate

General Updates:
A lot of vehicle, buildings and weapons textures have been resized to improve overall performance

By ICE Mod Team Version 1.0.5 9,218 Downloads Website Added 08/10/2008 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: ICE_v1.0.5.exe

Joint Operations International Conflict Europe (ICE Mod) FULL v1.0.5
IC Europe (ICE) Features:

Over 50+ new vehicles including Harrier War jets, Zubr Attack Hovercraft, Battle ships and many more

Stunning new terrains cortousey of BuLL , and Christopher Beckham as well as some old favorites from DFX.

New decorations contributed by some of the Communities leading modellers and communities.

Glock 17/18C MK23 MP5-SD Shotgun MP510mm SR25-SD PSG1-SD
P90 M16A4 M16A3 CAR15 M4A1 AK101 G36E L85A1 Sig 552 FN-FNC
RPK M249 AK103 AK47 G3A3 GPMG PKM L96A1 L115A Dragunov M21
M24 SR25 PSG1 M203 GP25 MK19 Nade Claymore Mortor Frag Round
RPG Stinger SAM SideWinder AA Guns Barret Mortor HE Round AT-4

By BadgerLST 1,210 Downloads Added 06/25/2008 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: ICModWeapons.def.zip

Joint Operations International Conflict (IC4 Mod) Weapons.def
This file is for JO IC4 This file was made by LST it changes the sniper rifles to now show ranges so you don't have to use the binoculars to find elevations and ranges, also allows the mp5 to shoot under water. Just place this file Weapons.def into your jo expansions folder in the ic folder. the file is zipped up in a folder to save space unzip the file to your desktop then place the file not the folder. how to install it. right click my computer -explore-C:/ - program files - novalogic - joint ops typhon rising - expansion- ic place it in the ic folder. poof your done.

By Brokenmachine 1,316 Downloads Website Added 08/22/2007 Add Comment PermaLink

DF1 Villa Collection For BHD, DFX, JO
Here is the DF1 Villa Collection for BHD, JO, or DFX. This pack includes the original drug lords villa and the walls, towers and stair ramps.

This is an early conversion I started on years ago and never got around to finishing. All the hard work is completed, only slight adjustment or upgrades is needed to port these to JO or DFX. (You'll need special collision volumes so vehicles can't pass through the structures).

As always, please include me somewhere if you use the models in your mod. Some of these have been floating around for awhile in a few bhd mods. Now you can have these models in your mod and make any appropriate changes necessary because you'll have the source files too!


By DV 1,776 Downloads Added 11/30/2006 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: bhdtojomod.zip

Joint Operations BHD To JO Mod
This mod brings all the Delta Force: Black Hawk Down objects, terrains and weapons to Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising.

Unfortunately, Novalogic has not enabled this mod for online
play. It is only possible to play this mod on a LAN, hosting on
Novaworld will give an error message.

Includes 16 Maps made by DV with NILE

By B5-Rommel 939 Downloads Website Added 02/15/2006 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR File Name: SouthPacific2.zip

Joint Operations South Pacific 2
Ever wanted to add new mapterrains to Joint Operations ?
There is now a way to add completly new Terrains into Joint Operations.

B5-Rommel has made an example : "South Pacific 2" the original Delta Force 2 Map, now playable in Joint Operations.

By Mod Depot 5,709 Downloads Website Added 05/09/2005 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX, DFX2, JOTR, JOE File Name: ModTools.zip

With these tools you can mod Joint Operations and Delta Force Xtreme.

Relase Notes:

Tools from Devilsclaw:

decompresses various files (.wav, .dds etc.)

converts a .bin file to a .txt file

converts a .txt file to a .bin file

converts a rtxt file to a .txt file

converts a cbin file to a txt file

Tools from DareHacker:

allows you to make .lwf files that are used by the game to play sounds.
It is also able to convert the .lwf to a .txt file.

commandline tool to decompress and compress various files (.wav, .dds etc.)

Tools from DV:

converts a BHD 3di file to a 3di file that can be used in JO.

- check "Convert PANM" if your 3di does not show up or crashes the game.
You should only check it when converting weapons.

- does NOT convert 3di files that have bones in them (GPP header)
- does NOT convert light data
- does NOT convert 3di's with multiple rotating subobjects properly

compresses the raw depthmap of a .cpt terrain file so that it can be used in JO.

encrypts and decrypts files with a 'SCR' header used by Novalogic games.