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26 maps matched your criteria

By YAHOO JOE SP, CO-OP 768 Downloads Added 05/15/2024 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: International Conflict

tomb_raider | YAHOO | Joint Ops: International Conflict -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP

CO-OP. The ai's here are equiped with flashbangs and smoke and use them well to there advantage so utilize your weapons well and you should have not to much problem getting through this one. none of the ai's see over 258yrds but dont let that fool you this map is challenging! FOLLOW the HINTS!! they are there to help you, stay out of lotus areas and take spawn pts in order or die!! the dragons are the keys here to hidden teleports and and unlocking rooms so keep them in mind. unfortunately i over wrote this map and was unable to keep editing so it is not as tuned as i would have prefered it to be but none the less i think you will enjoy and find it interesting and challenging. hope you like it. YAHOO

By crazykilla DFBHDTS TDM 4,423 Downloads Added 03/15/2005 Add Comment PermaLink

The Mace
Pretty decent size map. Want more maps? Email, aghsquad@yahoo.com and request one.

By lethal*DK* DFBHD TDM 4,777 Downloads Added 07/25/2007 Add Comment PermaLink

my first tdm map i hope you enjoy, give me some feedback u can reach me at nickgron@yahoo.com

By Max_40 DFX2 SP 4,583 Downloads Added 01/26/2014 Add Comment PermaLink

Dev Revival 1.0
Rate 5 Stars!
Update soon!!

If You Had A error in this map email Me At maxmagnum40@yahoo.co.id !

By crazykilla DFBHDTS TDM 4,420 Downloads Added 03/15/2005 Add Comment PermaLink

TOO FAR AWAY by Crazykilla
A huge map, have fun with it. Want more maps? Email, aghsquad@yahoo.com and request one.

By crazykilla DFBHDTS TDM 4,421 Downloads Added 03/15/2005 Add Comment PermaLink

Swimming_Pool by Crazykilla
Fun map with water. Want more maps? Email, ghsquad@yahoo.com, and request one.

By lethal*DK* DFBHD SP, CO-OP 7,443 Downloads Added 07/24/2007 Add Comment PermaLink

GIVE ME SOME FEED BACK SUGGESTIONS AND PROBLEMS AT nickgrone@yahoo.com hope you enjoy

By SFCF DFBHDTS SP 4,454 Downloads Added 07/06/2013 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: Other Not Listed

Demo - Caralarm
Sorry for the screenshot!
This will help you how to make the cars set off the alarms then zombies will attack you & your allies.
Please send me
Mod Required:NSO Deadline

Please Rate & Comment.

By crazykilla DFBHDTS TDM 4,491 Downloads Added 03/15/2005 Add Comment PermaLink

Crazy's House
This is an enclosed map, you go off the edge, better hope your team has spawn point or your stuck. You spawn at where you die. Want more maps? Email, aghsquad@yahoo.com, and request one.

By lethal*DK* DFBHD SP, CO-OP 6,992 Downloads Added 07/24/2007 Add Comment PermaLink

Its simple, destroy all the enemys

give me feed back, suggestions or problems at nickgrone@yahoo.com,hope you enjoy

NOTE: the first map i have ever made, plz dont laugh to hard

By lethal*DK* DFBHD SP, CO-OP 7,440 Downloads Added 07/23/2007 1 Comment PermaLink

Delta team is pinned down, eliminate all the malita in the city and make shure Delt extracts safely

give me some feedback, u can reach me at nickgrone@yahoo.com, thnx and hope you enjoy

By dfxk_dfbhd DFBHDTS TDM, DM 4,649 Downloads Added 03/25/2004 Add Comment PermaLink

Water town
it is my best make the name tells it best there`s not to much or to less it it like a town but it under water please tell me how you like the map just email me at delta_force_kid@yahoo.com tell me if you are gonna play it on your sever

By dfxk_dfbhd DFBHDTS TDM, DM, KOTH 4,627 Downloads Added 03/21/2004 Add Comment PermaLink

Delta Force Ops
it is one of my finest map ever it has tons of spawn points.the map is walled in .I think its very good map hope who ever downloads my map loves this one question email me at "delta_force_kid@yahoo.com"

By dfxk_dfbhd DFBHDTS FB 4,487 Downloads Added 04/05/2004 Add Comment PermaLink

Flag City
well this this my first flag ball map but if i`m gonna have a map makers group i`ll try to made all types of maps so want to join DFXK mapers email me at dfxk_mapers@yahoo.com

By Max_40 DFX2 SP 5,078 Downloads Added 01/27/2014 2 Comments PermaLink

Dev Revival 1.0
Don't Stay In The Base,attack enemy Base!!
Rate 5 Stars!!!
Update Soon(Remove Floating Buildings V1.10)!

Note:If You Have an error In This Map Email Me At maxmagnum40@yahoo.co.id !

By dfxk_dfbhd DFBHDTS TDM, DM 4,505 Downloads Added 03/25/2004 Add Comment PermaLink

The Boat Docks
this is all water it looks just like a boat yard it has boat it is a map for snipers,gunners and cqb it has about 5 psps and there are about 6 starting spawns and i love it my family loves it and i hope you love it tell me if you like it email mail my at delta_force_kid@yahoo.com

By Ozair DFBHD SP 5,860 Downloads Added 07/15/2004 Add Comment PermaLink

Heavy Fire
Hi, this is my first map. It is small map with 3 objectives, 3 following and order obeying teamates.
In this map the Rangers are your enemy and the Delta one are the Good Guys. One little bird for cover fire. One music included. After playing this map please email me ozairshafiq@yahoo.com

By Hypnotic Snake DFX CO-OP 5,077 Downloads Added 09/29/2005 Updated 10/02/05 Add Comment PermaLink

VIP Takedown
Delta, you have been shot down while on a routine observation mission.They must not be allowed to notify headquarters of our presence.Follow your given way-
points.Your objectives will be updated from HQ.Good
luck and if you are captured all knowledge of this
incident will be denied.HQ out. Added better ending
and a few more objectives.Enjoy.

By cheesetown DFBHDTS TDM 4,650 Downloads Added 02/10/2004 Add Comment PermaLink

Ghost Stalker Miday Mayhem
This is my first map yall so there are some gliches. the map is a team death match that is set in the jungle with a large fort were the red team starts out. the only prob is you have to get in the helo early to make it work if any of yall have any sugestions please e-mail cheesetown2001@yahoo.com.

By chunkidillion DFBHDTS TDM 5,155 Downloads Added 12/17/2008 Add Comment PermaLink

Infiltrate Recon Execute
THIS IS A TEAM SABER MAP!!! It is also a night map but in the photo i put it as day so it would be easier to see it has 5 PSP's More Than Two Armories it also has legitimate amount of space and fire power And i purposely put a glitch in the level =)=) if there is a error in the map email me at chunkidillion@yahoo.com ty and enjoy

By slick50500 DFBHD TDM, DM 5,042 Downloads Added 03/11/2005 1 Comment PermaLink

Enter the Matrix
30 player TDM and DM in all-cargo container maze. Tight spots in maze due to container doors opened next to each other. Also some blinking spots due to overlapping objects but the map works. Any problems with spawns falling through floors, please email me at : whosteppedonaduck@yahoo.com

By dfxk_dfbhd DFBHD TDM, DM 4,749 Downloads Added 03/25/2004 Add Comment PermaLink

The xtreme city
this is like water city but DFHQ didn`t like it so i made some changes thi come with water city and The xtreme city please i hope you like it tell me what you think of it at dfxk_dfbhd@yahoo.com tell me when and if you are gonna play it on a sever i`d like to see it

By wurm_TDS DFBHD TDM 5,093 Downloads Added 07/16/2008 Add Comment PermaLink

map name: wurm's beach party A&B (for full version DFBHD)
game type: team death match
************************************************** *************************
made by: WURM *TDS*

contact info: wurmtds@yahoo.com ( www.geocities.com/wurmtds/ )

************************************************** **************************
description: this is a two part beach map with 4 psp's, and map A & map B spawns are switched so each team can take turns spawning from cargo ship. watch out for the crocs !!!!!!
have fun.....wurm *TDS*

By byTac DFX CO-OP 5,058 Downloads Added 06/11/2009 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: SO Mod

This map requires SO MOD
You must unzip ALL files to game folder for map to fuction properly!
Intel obtained from CIA informants has revealed the location of a rebel base. This base may contain NATO POWs.

Your orders are to eliminate all enemy forces on the island and rescue any POWs.
Upon insertion you will proceed west, swim to the island and eliminate all enemy forces on the island. Rescue any POWs. If POWs are present and killed the mission will be considered a failure.

This map has not been fully tested please e-mail Tac @ kj22601@yahoo.com if problems are found.

By Shemihazah JOTR SP 10,428 Downloads Added 12/27/2019 Updated 11/05/20 2 Comments PermaLink
MOD Required: World In Quarantine

DFWiQ Bear Grylls - Teambuilding
DFWiQ Adventures

No respawn and two team members to look after!
Explore this map in PREVIEW mode for clues!
Observe. Learn. Adapt. Don't die.

Required diskspace: 9Mb

- ShemBearTeam.wac (script)
- ShemBearTeam.npj (layout)
- ShemBearTeam.bin (info)
- ShemPREVBear.wac (preview)
- ShemPREVBear.npj (preview)
- ShemPREVBear.bin (preview)
- trntileEXP.tga (2Mb tileset from AW2Mod)
- shemsound library 21 wav files (6.3Mb for sounds)

Extract the contents of the zip file into your game directory.

You need ALL files to play. If files already exist, select 'No to all'

- Shemihazah © 2020 shemihazah@yahoo.com -