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By BO Team Version 1.6 2,596 Downloads Website Added 07/08/2017 Updated 09/11/17 1 Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX2 File Name: BO_X2_Mod_160_Final_Full_Install.exe

DFX2 Black Ops Mod X2 v1.6 FULL FINAL
BO Mod 1.6 Full Install. Must be a clean updated DFX2 prior to install. You can't use this to install over older versions of the mod.

OICW 20 MM Increased KZ damage from 6 to 8.
Adjusted RPG for AI to match what player shoots.
Adjusted mortors to not be as powerful. Should still be much higher than 1.5.
Added AGS-17 Tripod (forgot how hard it is to get a weapon in the game)
Added KORD Machine Gun Tripod

More info about this mod can be found here: http://www.bomod.net/index.php?topic=2146.0

By BO Team Version 1.5 Final 1,516 Downloads Website Added 05/31/2013 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX2 File Name: BO_Mod_X2_150_Final_Update.exe

DFX2 Black Ops Mod X2 v1.5 Final Update


BO Mod 1.5 Final Released to the public.

You must have version 1.01 installed before installing this update.

This version includes many fixes and a few new goodies.

We have added the ability for S&D items.
Fixed some HUD lineup issues.
Added the Flame Thrower.
Introduced Destruction Points for coops.
Added more stats to the ending of all game types.
Made the AI harder to kill.
Adjusted many weapons to be more balanced.

For more install instructions, please see http://www.bomod.net

By BO Team Version 1.01 1,555 Downloads Website Added 05/31/2013 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX2 File Name: BO_Mod_X2_101.exe

DFX2 Black Ops Mod X2 v1.01 FULL


You should notice a little less lag between shooting as the speeds of the bullets are alot faster. We also have working Body Armor in the game as well that does work. (does not work against sniper rifles!!!). Also the sniper rifles have been fixed as you should not get out shot from long distances by other close quarter battle weapons. We feel that the balance of DFX2 has been restored with this mod.

You need to create a folder and name it NovaLogic BO V15. The period between the 1 and 5 is left out purposely.
Copy the DFX2 game you just updated and paste it into the NovaLogic BO V15 folder you just created.
Now you're ready to install the mod.

Here's the way I set up the Mod and how I've taught my squad members to set it up. First, you have to have an up to date version of DFX2. To do that, go into your DFX2 folder, find the 'update.exe' file and double click on it to run it. If the updater comes up with version at the top, your game is not up to date. Stop the update by clicking on the "X" to close it.

This creates an Update Folder in DFX2. Open this folder and copy these 2 files. Copy both at once by holding down the CTRL key:


Now, paste these 2 files back into the DFX2 game. It will overwrite the existing files which is what you want to do.
Once you've done this, run the update.exe again. The version number at the top should read This not only updates the game, it also adds some files not included in the original update.

Once that's completed, your game is ready to add the BO V1.5 to it but first we need to create a folder for it.

You need to create a folder and name it NovaLogic BO V15. The period between the 1 and 5 is left out purposely.
Copy the DFX2 game you just updated and paste it into the NovaLogic BO V15 folder you just created.
Now you're ready to install the mod.

There are 2 parts to the mod . . . BO V1.01 and BO V1.5.
BO v1.01 will be installed first. This is the core of the Black Ops Mod.

This part is VERY IMPORTANT! When you are prompted for the location to download the file to, click on the BROWSE button and select the game version that is in the NovaLogic BO V15 folder.

When that is completed, go to this link and download the final version which is BO V1.5. Follow the same steps you did when downloading and installing BO Mod V1.01. Both files go into the DFX2 game in the NovaLogic BO V15 folder.

Black Ops Mod 1.5 Final Update: http://novahq.net/mods.php?ID=415

By SGM Luke Nadewalker Version 2.0 1,591 Downloads Website Added 05/02/2012 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX2 File Name: DFX2SG-V2.exe

DFX2 SG Mod v2.0 FULL
SG-mod is a Modification to DFX, DFX2 and Joint Operations. Starting its life as a small stargate themed weapons mod , it then evolved into a full blown "SG" mod containing themed buildings,terrains,sounds,AI,Vehicles and more. Ever ongoing the mod developed way beyond the original plan and vision, Evolving yet further, expanding its library of mapping objects to the bursting point.

SG-mod now swelled with content provides a wealth of unique items and is ideal both for sci-fi themed maps AND urban combat maps. As you'd expect there are some unique features available for mappers to implement into their maps, such as;
Individual (or groups of) player/AI teleporting
Vast selection of terrains
Multi-terrains (4 in 1)
Large choice of buildings and objects
Ambient sounds
Different Invisible blocks: control what goes where
Special effects
Many "modular" kits to make custom buildings,complexes, and tunnels.

In short , this mod is Fun and chok-full of things to play with. The only limitation is the imagination.

By DF Bandits / Stand Alone Version 1.1 1,246 Downloads Website Added 07/15/2019 Watch video 1 Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX2 File Name: DeltaForceXtreme2ProjectMod1.1.zip

Delta Force Xtreme 2 Project Mod
Delta Force EXTERME 2 Project v1.0 Full no updates and patches needed

All new vehicles
All new weapons
All new iron sights and scopes
A lot of new sounds
A lot of new and emplacement weapons
A lot of new buildings
A lot of new decorations
A lot of new objects
A lot of new projectiles

DFX2P Update 1.1

I reduced all the textures that the game uses for best game play made them smaller size all textures are now 256 X 256. fix the lot of the errors that the pack. EXE gave V installer one new map Airport new customized objects like airport pieces AC-130 some standard vehicles for the airport added 3 two Strikers a new helicopter mad installer a lot smaller and even the mod. I also thank you guys even trying it out. I fixed the Vietnam terrain that I made in the first pack fix the xm8 texture and all the textures that needed to be fixed thanks to stompem from Nova HQ I hope you all enjoy the mod make more maps as it really needs it.

By Anthony Melise aka StandAlone Version Full 208 Downloads Added 07/13/2019 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX2

Delta Force Extreme Project
This mod was being made for a wile to get thing in and out to bring back and out some thing and to have more thing light up some fans eyes with the stuff we add and we spent are money on to get them in to this game.

All weapons are all new and the Vehicles and a lot of the Buildings and props and sounds we spent a lot of money to bring a lot of stuff into this mod, I hope you all enjoy this mod and if any one would like to make any more links for this mod you can do so to make it a lot easy for others to download. This mod will not be updated or patched at all it has every thing we need in to it. and this mod is are last and we just want every one to have fun... There are 6 MP maps all TDM DM and thats all to give you a feeling how it plays, You can play this mod on Novaworld and we put all DFX2 JO objects in but DFX and JO maps will not work because of the ID number. I have only 11 AI in the mod all so i have put in DF1's Abominable Snowman in and a UAV Drone driver AI because i do have a lot of Drones inside this mod for the coop mappers.

By 4rc28 1,106 Downloads Website Added 10/15/2014 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX, DFX2 File Name: FlatTerrains_4rc28.zip

DFX Flat Terrains by 4rc28
Flat Terrains used in maps by 4rc28 and others.

Terrains include:

By BO Team Version RC1 667 Downloads Website Added 05/31/2013 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX2 File Name: BO_Mod_Utility_RC_1.exe

DFX2 Black Ops Mod X2 Utility
This is a tool for map makers to find new sounds in the game. There are over 3,000 wavs in the BO Mod. You can also take a quick view of terrains with this software as well.

By Shadow-Z Version 12.11.10 3,783 Downloads Added 12/11/2010 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX2 File Name: Marksman 12-11-10.exe

DFX2 Marksmen Project
The Marksman Project aims to enhance the game-play set out by stock DFx2 with more accurate ballistic modeling and more weapons to play with.

This mod does not necessarily seek to create a new game out of DFx2, but rather push the engine to its fullest potential in terms of player vs. player combat.

This version of the mod is considered to still be in the Beta phase. That is, this mod is not complete, but is offered to those who are interested in testing the ballistics and game-play changes. Additionally, it is highly recommended that any thoughts, concerns, or comments pertaining to the mod be directed to shadowz1954@hotmail.com.

To install this mod, simply download the installer and read all of the instructions provided. You will have to make a complete copy of your DFx2 manually, and then install the mod to that copy. A future version of the installer will do this automatically.

By Brokenmachine 1,316 Downloads Website Added 08/22/2007 Add Comment PermaLink

DF1 Villa Collection For BHD, DFX, JO
Here is the DF1 Villa Collection for BHD, JO, or DFX. This pack includes the original drug lords villa and the walls, towers and stair ramps.

This is an early conversion I started on years ago and never got around to finishing. All the hard work is completed, only slight adjustment or upgrades is needed to port these to JO or DFX. (You'll need special collision volumes so vehicles can't pass through the structures).

As always, please include me somewhere if you use the models in your mod. Some of these have been floating around for awhile in a few bhd mods. Now you can have these models in your mod and make any appropriate changes necessary because you'll have the source files too!


By Silentraiders & SonicDeath 2,872 Downloads Website Added 02/15/2006 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX, DFX2 File Name: soncity1.zip

DFX Flat Terrain Mod (soncity1 Terrain)
Are you sick and tired of not having a flat map for DFX? Well here it is, the latest flat map mod from silentraiders and sonicdeath.

Widely used by mappers, a must have download.
Just drop the files into your DFX Folder.

By Mod Depot 5,709 Downloads Website Added 05/09/2005 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX, DFX2, JOTR, JOE File Name: ModTools.zip

With these tools you can mod Joint Operations and Delta Force Xtreme.

Relase Notes:

Tools from Devilsclaw:

decompresses various files (.wav, .dds etc.)

converts a .bin file to a .txt file

converts a .txt file to a .bin file

converts a rtxt file to a .txt file

converts a cbin file to a txt file

Tools from DareHacker:

allows you to make .lwf files that are used by the game to play sounds.
It is also able to convert the .lwf to a .txt file.

commandline tool to decompress and compress various files (.wav, .dds etc.)

Tools from DV:

converts a BHD 3di file to a 3di file that can be used in JO.

- check "Convert PANM" if your 3di does not show up or crashes the game.
You should only check it when converting weapons.

- does NOT convert 3di files that have bones in them (GPP header)
- does NOT convert light data
- does NOT convert 3di's with multiple rotating subobjects properly

compresses the raw depthmap of a .cpt terrain file so that it can be used in JO.

encrypts and decrypts files with a 'SCR' header used by Novalogic games.