You should notice a little less lag between shooting as the speeds of the bullets are alot faster. We also have working Body Armor in the game as well that does work. (does not work against sniper rifles!!!). Also the sniper rifles have been fixed as you should not get out shot from long distances by other close quarter battle weapons. We feel that the balance of DFX2 has been restored with this mod.
You need to create a folder and name it NovaLogic BO V15. The period between the 1 and 5 is left out purposely.
Copy the DFX2 game you just updated and paste it into the NovaLogic BO V15 folder you just created.
Now you're ready to install the mod.
Here's the way I set up the Mod and how I've taught my squad members to set it up. First, you have to have an up to date version of DFX2. To do that, go into your DFX2 folder, find the 'update.exe' file and double click on it to run it. If the updater comes up with version at the top, your game is not up to date. Stop the update by clicking on the "X" to close it.
This creates an Update Folder in DFX2. Open this folder and copy these 2 files. Copy both at once by holding down the CTRL key:
Now, paste these 2 files back into the DFX2 game. It will overwrite the existing files which is what you want to do.
Once you've done this, run the update.exe again. The version number at the top should read This not only updates the game, it also adds some files not included in the original update.
Once that's completed, your game is ready to add the BO V1.5 to it but first we need to create a folder for it.
You need to create a folder and name it NovaLogic BO V15. The period between the 1 and 5 is left out purposely.
Copy the DFX2 game you just updated and paste it into the NovaLogic BO V15 folder you just created.
Now you're ready to install the mod.
There are 2 parts to the mod . . . BO V1.01 and BO V1.5.
BO v1.01 will be installed first. This is the core of the Black Ops Mod.
This part is VERY IMPORTANT! When you are prompted for the location to download the file to, click on the BROWSE button and select the game version that is in the NovaLogic BO V15 folder.
When that is completed, go to this link and download the final version which is BO V1.5. Follow the same steps you did when downloading and installing BO Mod V1.01. Both files go into the DFX2 game in the NovaLogic BO V15 folder.
Black Ops Mod 1.5 Final Update: