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115 files matched your criteria

By Othello / Scott NHQ Version 1.00.09 17,429 Downloads Website Added 09/21/2002 Updated 02/23/17 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFTFD File Name: TFD_Fixer.zip

DFTFD No Cd / 8 Player Co-op / VON Fix / App Fix / Startup.htm
App Fix: This will install an application fix that will remove the low swap file warning message, as well as remove the borders from the game.

VON Fix: If you freeze while joining a game, you need to replace your Dftfd.exe with the one in the VonFix folder.

Startup Fix: If you cannot connect to the NovaWorld lobby, or don't want to login to play, overwrite your Startup.htm with the one in the Startup Fix folder.

By Scott NHQ 791 Downloads Website Added 02/22/2017 Updated 02/22/17 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFTFD File Name: DFTFDAltStartup.zip

DFTFD Alternate Startup.htm (2019 Fixes)
Replace the Startup.htm in your game folder with this one. This allows you to select from multiple lobbies so you can always find a game.

By NovaLogic Version 1.00.09 9,271 Downloads Website Added 09/19/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFTFD File Name: tfdupd8b.exe

DFTFD Latest Update
This is the official DF:TFD Update v1.00.09

By Scott NHQ Version 1.0.9 2,468 Downloads Website Added 03/23/2017 Updated 06/08/20 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: NHQHeartbeatDLL109.zip

NovaHQ Heartbeat DLL (2020 Alternate Lobby Reporting DLLs)
These DLL files replace a couple files in your games folder. THEY WILL NOT AFFECT GAME PLAY IN ANY WAY AND WORK WITH ALL MODS. What they will do is report your games online status when you are hosting a "NovaWorld" game session to two alternate lobbies http://nw.novahq.net and http://novaworld.cc. These lobbies allow any player to join any game without the need to login or create an account on NovaWorld. These files DO NOT AFFECT anything else. Your game will still show up in the official lobby like normal.

These DLL files can also be used to create your own game lobby or server status for your website. PHP example scripts are included. You may use this information to display your server status or even create your own game lobby for your team to join through.

Download the archive, find your game version and replace the files in your games folder with the ones in the archive. It's super simple and automatic. There is nothing else to configure or install (but please read the *.ini file). You can use these files to host as many games as you want. You can view your games online status at the NovaHQ Alternate Lobby or Novaworld.cc Alternate Lobby

By Scott NHQ Version 1.1 430 Downloads Website Added 02/14/2018 Updated 01/14/19 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD File Name: DFMissionRotator.exe

DF Mission Rotator (BMS Rotator)
Easily rotates mission files for DF2, LW and TFD. Just place this exe file in your games folder and run it. Read the instructions on the screen.

Source code here: https://github.com/phphq/DFMissionRotator

By Sil / Scott NHQ 6,131 Downloads Website Added 01/31/2018 Updated 02/05/18 5 Comments PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: NHQAppFix.exe

NovaLogic App Fixer (Borderless Window Fix, MED Fixes, etc.) 2018
I combined all the fixes into one single app that installs the fixes without a batch file. Seems quite a few people were having issues with that.

This app installs application compatibility fixes for the following items:

Delta Force 1 (Remove Window Borders)
Delta Force LW (Remove Window Borders, Remove Swap File Message)
Delta Force TFD (Remove Window Borders, Remove Swap File Message)
NovaLogic Mission Editors MEDS (Fixes crash when launching NovaLogic MEDs on Windows 7+)

Download the file and select your fix to install it. Requires .NET Framework v4.

By Scott NHQ 1,533 Downloads Website Added 10/29/2015 Updated 10/29/15 1 Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: DFGamePathFixer.exe

Delta Force Game Path Fixer
A lot of programs that were built for the older games used the registry to find the game install paths. For many people (like steam users), these paths are sometimes missing or invalid. This program fixes those paths so you can use the old programs again.

This program requires Administrative privileges only because it needs access to write to your HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry. Newer operating systems do not allow users to add/modify these registry entries without Administrative approval.

By dfzone.be Version 1.0.8 713 Downloads Website Added 10/03/2012 1 Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFBHD File Name: DF_AutoMessenger.zip

Delta Force Host Auto Messenger
This program can send messages automatically to your server.

By Tom dfzone.be Version 1.1.4 7,993 Downloads Website Added 05/09/2008 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: PFFEditor-v1.1.4.zip

NovaLogic / Delta Force / Joint Operations PFF / DEF File Editor
Open, edit & save DF2 and DFLW PFF files. Also allows you to edit .DEF files.

By Tom dfzone.be 5,640 Downloads Website Added 01/30/2008 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW, DFTFD File Name: DisableVON.zip

DF2  / DFLW/ DFTFD VON Disable Patch
This patch will help you to disable VON (voice over net) what makes the game
crash at 'joining session' when you have a realtek high difinition sound card

How to use:
extract the disableVON.exe to your game folder
open it and select your game version
click 'start game' to launch the game
Normaly the program will go to player settings, disable VON and accept them
After that you can try to join a server if it doesn't work you should go to
player settings yourself and click the VON tab

If this patch doesn't work please report at dfzone.be

By DV 6,819 Downloads Website Added 05/03/2005 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: DeSCR.zip

NovaLogic / Delta Force DEF File Encrypt / Decrypt (DeSCR)
Allows you to encrypt / decrpt NovaLogic's DEF Files.

By Silent Raider 716 Downloads Added 12/15/2004 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFTFD File Name: TFD_TruckMoveTutorial.zip

DFTFD  Moving Trucks Tutorial
This tutorial will show you how to make trucks (and other vehicles) move in maps, it covers everthing from booting up the editor to playing it ingame. The file also contains a map in game and editor formats for you to look at if needed.

By Col.Pappy Version 1.04 4,008 Downloads Website Added 07/31/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: BINEditor.zip

NovaLogic / Delta Force BIN File Editer
The BIN Editor will allow you to update or create BIN files for use with Delta Force mission files. You can edit the VARIABLES.INI file to include the information for other Novalogic games as well.

By Dunghill Dave Version 2.0.7 2,536 Downloads Website Added 06/30/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: DFVote-v2.0.7.zip

DF Vote Banning
An add-on for any game in the Delta Force series. This program adds the possibility of voting people out of the game, and also a change in map in a DF game.

Please read the Documentation!

By Eagle |AE| / Major Headache 1,098 Downloads Website Added 05/01/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFTFD File Name: tfdfixer.zip

Fixes texture and other issues in Task Force Dagger

By StevieB Version 1.0 1,292 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

I'm not saying this is the correct way, best way or only way, just MY way of making terrains. They work well and are fast to make, other people may do it a different way but I hope this is somewhat useful for those that need some tips.

By StevieB Version 1.0 565 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Creating the heightmap in Photoshop

By StevieB Version 1.0 414 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Creating the colourmap in Bryce

By StevieB Version 1.0 356 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Finishing the colour map in Photoshop

By StevieB Version 1.0 375 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Sound / Texture map - HUH?

By StevieB Version 1.0 447 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Detail Map....

By StevieB Version 1.0 423 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Put it all Together and use your new Terrain

By StevieB Version 1.0 428 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Turn your map into a night map

By StevieB Version 1.0 1,641 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Well isn't that frustrating? You try to make your first ever tunnel, you have high hopes for this, it sees to be all lined up correctly, not too sure about the depths, but hey you can check those when you load the map in-game. So you save it, export it, load it, you see the tunnel entrance… you step into the tunnel… NNNNNOOOOO! You only see one section but u walk through and… huh?!? It's the next piece but you can't see other pieces - just blackness.

By StevieB Version 1.0 661 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFTFD File Name: N/A

DF:TFD Add Command