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29 files matched your criteria

By Jet 1,146 Downloads Website Added 03/30/2014 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: DF1TerrainsinLW.zip

DF1 Terrains in DFLW
Delta force 1 terrains for Delta Force Land Warrior (Includes Part A and B).

By See Credits 1,225 Downloads Added 11/18/2012 2 Comments PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: AllDFLWMods.zip

All DFLW Mods in one archive
This will add all the mods for DFLW in one install.

Mod list includes:
DF2 Objects
Black Limo Fix
EXP Patch
DF1 Terrains A/B
TFD Terrains

By dfzone.be Version 1.2.3 1,129 Downloads Website Added 04/27/2009 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW File Name: dfbot.zip

DFLW / DF2 AI Host (bot)
Makes your host automatically play in dflw FV

*How to use:

-open the exe, select your game and click load Game (select a server if you run multiple servers at one comp)
-click start bot

works with:
dflw remix (=dflw demo)
dflw full v1.00.42
df2 full

enable bot on/off checkboxes:
if enabled players can type 'bot off' or 'bot on' in the game to disable the robot function cuz it can be annoying sometimes

that's it!

*Special functionality:
click connect to lan msg to connect the bot program with lan messenger.
Use this if u only want your admin players to be able to use the bot on/off messages, uncheck the checkboxes!
After connecting to lan messenger you need to do this:
-add a bad word 'bot off' (abusive language)
-add a new message type anything and select 'admin command only'
-add a bad word 'bot on' and select the same message as from the step above.
-enable abusive language

*if you don't have lan messenger yet you can download it from www.dfzone.be, run it and click 'host manager'

*other buttons like stop bot, stop move and move are rather for debugging, they speak for themself

By CROTCHROT 369 Downloads Added 10/16/2001 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: LW_BlackNadeSkin.zip

DFLW Black Nade Skin
Modifiacation of the Hand Gernade. This one looks alot better.

By CROTCHROT 468 Downloads Added 10/16/2001 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: LW_BlackSawSkin.zip

DFLW Black Saw Skin
Modifiacation of the Saw. This one is black and is also very nice and detailed!

By Life of Agony LoA 949 Downloads Added 11/18/2012 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: loa_flat.zip

DFLW / DFTFD LoA Flat Terrain
Flat terrain for DFLW and TFD from LoA. For use in maps that require the LoA flat terrain.

By Steve 802 Downloads Website Added 10/28/2010 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: StevieB Crosshair Mod.zip

Crosshair Mod
Delta Force Land Warrior and Task Force Dagger Custom Crosshairs

By Stevieb 563 Downloads Added 06/06/2006 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: SB_InGameInterfaceSkins.zip

DFLW In Game Interface Skin
Modifiacation of the In game interface. New colors and styles.

By Eagle_Eye 765 Downloads Added 02/08/2005 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: LW_LimoFix.zip

Black Limo Wheel Fix
This patch will work for the DF2 items to DFLW

It will fix the missing front right wheel on the Black Limo

Unzip all the files into your DFLW game Folder..

By Eagle_Eye, DR.EVIL~TAG, and Hairy 719 Downloads Website Added 09/28/2004 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: TFDItemsInLW.exe

Task Force Dagger Items to Delta Force Land Warrior

This is a collection of over 150 TFD items transfered to DFLW

This Mod requires DV's DF2 Items for DFLW to be installed BEFORE you install the TFD items for DFLW.

BACKUP your Dflw.pff file before installing this mod.
We take no responsabliilty for any screwup...

This collection of DFTFD items collated, created and transfered by.... Eagle Eye, DR.EVIL~TAG, and Hairy.

Included are some items supplied by Novalogic, in DFLW and DFTFD, but never activated, so we activated them. Also included are some reskinned items as new med items.

Also transferred are the Waypoint names, Some Win and Lose Conditions and People names, along with a few custom ones as well.

Thanks to Iceman for and beta testing..

Thanks to DFArena for the Loader..

This mod not possible without the Bin Tools created by Devilsclaw, the DeSCR tool, created by DV, FwO-Raven for his PFF extractor and 3DI viewer/extractor. Many thanks guys for your tireless efforts in creating these fine tools for the DF community.

By Chief-ADFP 490 Downloads Added 11/01/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: LW_InterfaceCompassSkin.zip

DFLW Interface compass & intel area
It looks more real feel to it, basic the frame is same, and the compass and Intel info are glass rounded looking inside area.

By TerraNova / DV 952 Downloads Website Added 08/13/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: DF2ObjectsInLW.zip

DF2 Items / Objects for DFLW
This adds dozens of DF2 objects including vehicles to DFLW. 7 New terrains are also added. Beta version. Everyone that wants to play on maps made by this mod, must have this mod installed.

By 666th.com 946 Downloads Website Added 01/13/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: MOD666_131a_setup.exe

MOD666: A nice mod for DF:LW with a new look to the game!

By CROTCHROT 339 Downloads Added 10/21/2001 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: LW_TruckCammoSkin.zip

DFLW Truck Cammo Skin
Modifiacation of the Truck. Very sweet! Nice detail.

By TerraNova 1,501 Downloads Website Added 10/20/2001 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: explw.zip

EXP:LW contains over 50 maps on 12 new terrains. New sounds and skies are also part of the package. All players must have EXP installed in order to play, so we recommend putting EXP in the game name when hosting.

By CROTCHROT 369 Downloads Added 10/16/2001 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: LW_ShootingTargetSkin.zip

DFLW Shooting Target Skin
Modifiacation of the Shooting Target. Kill that bastard!

By CROTCHROT 284 Downloads Added 10/16/2001 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: LW_MedKitSkin.zip

DFLW MedKit Skin
Modifiacation of the MedKit. Pizza can cure anything .

By CROTCHROT 361 Downloads Added 10/16/2001 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: LW_12gaAutoSkin.zip

DFLW 12ga.auto Skin
Modifiacation of the Pancor shotgun.

By CROTCHROT 435 Downloads Added 10/16/2001 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: LW_BerettaSkin.zip

DFLW Beretta Skin
A new gun! A nice Beretta

By CROTCHROT 296 Downloads Added 10/16/2001 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: LW_Beretta2Skin.zip

DFLW Beretta 2 Skin
A new gun! Another Beretta, but a diffrent color

By CROTCHROT 357 Downloads Added 10/16/2001 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: LW_CammoKnifeSkin.zip

DFLW Cammo Knife Skin
Modification of the Knife. This one looks alot better also.

By CROTCHROT 504 Downloads Added 10/16/2001 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: LW_SawSkin.zip

DFLW Saw Skin
Modifiacation of the Saw. Very nice and detailed!

By CROTCHROT 380 Downloads Added 10/16/2001 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: LW_BloodyKnifeSkin.zip

DFLW Bloody Knife Skin
Modifiacation of the Knife. Hehe

By CROTCHROT 308 Downloads Added 10/16/2001 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: LW_ColtSkin.zip

DFLW Colt Skin
Very nice indead! Great detail

By CROTCHROT 342 Downloads Added 10/16/2001 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: LW_ColtSkin2.zip

DFLW Colt Skin 2
Another colt but this one is silver. Nice and shiny