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47 files matched your criteria

By StevieB Version 1.0 1,281 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

I'm not saying this is the correct way, best way or only way, just MY way of making terrains. They work well and are fast to make, other people may do it a different way but I hope this is somewhat useful for those that need some tips.

By StevieB Version 1.0 564 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Creating the heightmap in Photoshop

By StevieB Version 1.0 413 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Creating the colourmap in Bryce

By StevieB Version 1.0 354 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Finishing the colour map in Photoshop

By StevieB Version 1.0 374 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Sound / Texture map - HUH?

By StevieB Version 1.0 445 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Detail Map....

By StevieB Version 1.0 421 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Put it all Together and use your new Terrain

By StevieB Version 1.0 428 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Turn your map into a night map

By StevieB Version 1.0 1,632 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Well isn't that frustrating? You try to make your first ever tunnel, you have high hopes for this, it sees to be all lined up correctly, not too sure about the depths, but hey you can check those when you load the map in-game. So you save it, export it, load it, you see the tunnel entrance… you step into the tunnel… NNNNNOOOOO! You only see one section but u walk through and… huh?!? It's the next piece but you can't see other pieces - just blackness.

By StevieB Version 1.0 3,960 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: N/A

Change the clouds in your map

By StevieB Version 1.0 2,124 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: N/A

Add wind to your map

By StevieB Version 1.0 2,297 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: N/A

Add water to your map

By StevieB 999 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: N/A

Add snow to your map

By StevieB 4,528 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: N/A

Add Rain to your map

By StevieB 1,474 Downloads Added 04/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: N/A

Add Fog to your map

By Living Dead:~BTU~: 2,709 Downloads Added 03/13/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: MapTutorial-ByLD.zip

Delta Force Complete Map Tutorial
A great complete tutorial all in 1! Alot of info, even have maps you can look at. If you don't learn how to make great maps from this, then you better stop now . This tutorial covers both Land Warrior and Task Force Dagger

By StevieB 1,211 Downloads Added 05/06/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: blacktunnels.doc

Delta Force Black Tunnels Fix
Well isn’t that frustrating? You try to make your first ever tunnel, you have high hopes for this, it sees to be all lined up correctly, not too sure about the depths, but hey you can check those when you load the map in-game. So you save it, export it, load it, you see the tunnel entrance… you step into the tunnel… NNNNNOOOOO! You only see one section but u walk through and… huh?!? It’s the next piece but you can’t see other pieces – just blackness. This tutorial will help you fix that!

By Dr. Bullet 958 Downloads Added 05/06/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: AlphabetInArrowsLW.zip

Alphabet In Arrows DFLW Mission Editor
This is not really a tutorial, but it's got somthin a lot of people will like. This guy has written the Alphabet with arrows. This will save alot of time when you are putting a name in your map, and also will let everyone know who made it

By ArcticWolf 1,198 Downloads Added 05/06/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD File Name: N/A

Creating a Teleportation Event is Not as difficult as many of the so-called “tutorials” on this subject would have one believe.

By ArcticWolf 2,838 Downloads Added 05/06/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: N/A

A guide to understanding X, Y and Z in the editor

By ArcticWolf 1,139 Downloads Added 05/06/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: N/A

A document to understand Frame Rate Loss

By ArcticWolf 2,119 Downloads Added 05/06/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: N/A

Having trouble finding out where to put the z values? this will help!

By Scott NHQ 1,543 Downloads Added 05/06/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: Console Commands DFLW.txt

DFLW Console Commands
A list of hte DF:LW console commands! These are not for multiplayer use and will not work with multiplayer!

By =BSS=Assmunch 758 Downloads Added 05/06/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: LW BMS Map Organizer And Descriptions.doc

DFLW BMS Map Organizer
If you have used the PFF extractor program and are now using the BMS to MIS converter made by =BSS=Pappy, and were wondering which BMS files were what maps, here is a list that catagorizes them into there respective game types, and gives a brief description of what it is about or has in it. If it is in bold, underlined, or in a different color, it is worth checking out. This will hopefully make your map making alot easier.

By marlboro man 1,949 Downloads Added 05/06/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: N/A

End to the black hole syndrome in tunnles with this easy tutorial!