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3 maps matched your criteria

By tedsmelly DFBHD TDM, DM 5,166 Downloads Added 02/04/2006 Updated 02/04/06 Add Comment PermaLink

~TSG~ Outpost ll _ Antarctica
I tried to get a snow/ice theme going. There are custom trees and a boathouse complete with inflatable boat. An old jeep with a 50 cal circles the outskirts. Both vehicles do not move unless triggered. If you choose to use the Outpost ll wac file, the map will have thunder and lightning and will turn from day to night and back again. The readme file has full details.

By Tedsmelly DFBHDTS SP, CO-OP, DM, TDM, KOTH, TKOTH, CTF, FB, AD, SD 4,370 Downloads Added 03/02/2016 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink

Fireworks Demo
This fireworks demo shows some of the setups you can use to create Fanfare and Celebration in BHD or BHDTS.

MIS and WAC file included in zip.

When you open this map in the Mission Editor (Med), click on the "View" tab and select "View by Layer".

These firework displays can be used in multiplayer. The game server is the only one that needs the Wac file, not all the players.

The game server shortcut has to have the " /d" added at the end of it's "Target" path.

By Tedsmelly DFBHD SP, CO-OP, DM, TDM, KOTH, TKOTH, CTF, FB, AD, SD 4,519 Downloads Added 03/02/2016 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink

Fireworks Demo
This fireworks demo shows some of the setups you can use to create Fanfare and Celebration in BHD or BHDTS.

MIS and WAC file included in zip.

When you open this map in the Mission Editor (Med), click on the "View" tab and select "View by Layer".

These firework displays can be used in multiplayer. The game server is the only one that needs the Wac file, not all the players.

The game server shortcut has to have the " /d" added at the end of it's "Target" path.