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By SpiderRD JOE SP, CO-OP 199 Downloads Added 05/15/2024 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: International Conflict

A journey begins
A journey begins | SpiderRD | Joint Ops: International Conflict -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP

IC3 map design. Special thanks to Wraith-RD for his help with the waypoint list and the Surprises. Where to begin? Four days ago you were sent to Solmalia to locate and eliminate Gen. Ader Kasalna, the leader of a black ops team wreacking havoc in the United States. Over the course of several months, several key officials in the US goverment have been eliminated. Command Has designated Kasalna as the ring leader behind the assalts. You thought your team had him cornered in the caves outside Madrid but an ambush took out 3 of your best men and injured 2 others. Now you have tracked him here to the remote islands off of Fiji. Your mission is to eliminate this madman with extreme prejudice. Now its personal !!!