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By Legionnaire=M= JOE SP, CO-OP 141 Downloads Added 05/14/2024 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: International Conflict

Ai & Makoto
Ai & Makoto | Legionnaire=M= | Joint Ops: International Conflict -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP

Love & Faith' in english. This is a short coop for small unit (1 - 4 players).
This needs custom dialogue .wav. This archive contains URL short-cut for downloading dialogues.
Mission is search & rescue downed CH-47 crews in snow region.
Your primary objective is back up Alpha & Charlie team. Your back up is the key to succeed in this rescue mission.
This is including variable events. It changes the route, appearance, location, etc.
I wish you try this a few times.

By Legionnaire=M= JOE SP 5,154 Downloads Added 05/10/2006 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: Other Not Listed

IC2: AI Demonstrations
* Require IC mod ver. 2~ * 2 SP maps are included. I wish this helps your SP/COOP mapping.

By Legionnaire=M= JOE CO-OP 5,462 Downloads Added 03/20/2008 1 Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: International Conflict

Ai & Makoto
Ai means love in japanese.
Makoto means faith/faithful in japanese.

Mission is search and rescue downed CH-47 crews in snow region.
Your primary objective is back up Alpha & Charlie.
Your back up is the key to succeed in this rescue mission.

By Legionnaire=M= JOTR CO-OP 6,005 Downloads Added 11/21/2005 1 Comment PermaLink

The Rebel has held the chemical weapon at by the hill-081.
It is your team who disable rebel's chemical weapon.
They are 3 BOMBs and looks like the propane tank.
Remember, stay away from the hill if you want to survive.
Hill-081 is full of rebels. It is like a hornet nest.........

*** I made loadscreen and .wav. I recommend install them for the "better" play.
*** http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~legi/maps/JO/JOTR_lc01_dialogue&screen.zip

By Legionnaire=M= DF2 CO-OP 4,993 Downloads Added 09/01/2008 4 Comments PermaLink

Stoical Affair
In Africa, you are ordered to eliminate terrorist and secure chemical weap.
Aiso, secure agent "Condor".

Location of NBC case & agent are variable.

For MP COOP, I havn't tested. I wish this works.

I prepared image & bra-bra for the Bliefing in the QUICK MISSIONS menu.
I'd like to ask you install which one to play this map.
If you have never touched "DF2BRIEF.bin" ;
If you've touched "DF2BRIEF.bin" ;