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5 maps matched your criteria

By LUKE NADEWALKER JOE SP, CO-OP 143 Downloads Added 05/14/2024 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: International Conflict

WIZARDS LAIR | LUKE NADEWALKER | Joint Ops: International Conflict -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP

This map is one of Lukes First Maps. It is called Wizards Lair because a Wizard controls the effects in the map. Pay attention to the path and be prepared to shoot alot! A FUN MAP!.

By Godfather JOTR SP, CO-OP 291 Downloads Added 04/16/2024 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: SGMod

Trust Me
Trust Me | Godfather | Joint Ops -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP

REQUIRES SG-MOD 1.5 ------- This is a take off, from an old BHD single player mission I built many years ago, and thanks to Luke I now have the ability to recreate a multiplayer coop version. Trust Me is 4 mini missions in one. I will start you out with Mission #1 "The easiest level" and when you complete it, the next mission/level will be unlocked. Each level I turn up the heat a bit more, so in level #1 you take on maybe 30 AI and destroy a few targets, level #2 will be at least 4 times the AI and level 3 4 times again so in the end you will be taking on over 200 AI in one mission. In-Game Briefing: Mission: 1. Recover 4 missing maps, destroy emplaced weapons and supplies. 2. Eliminated emplaced weapons, supplies and Enemy Scientist. 3. Find and recover missing Gold! 4. Find and Kill Luke NadeWalker Hints: - Remember 1 is easy, 4 is hard. - Check your map for RED targets. - RUN. - Watch your back Note: - Normal, Traps, Tricks, and Booby-trap clause applies

By The Best DFBHD SP 6,168 Downloads Added 07/17/2014 5 Comments PermaLink
MOD Required: Final Conflict

Operation Brother In Arms
Mission GOALS:
1- Secure LZ
2- Secure The Target Building
3- Exctrate From The Target Building Roof
4- Locate The Hostage
5- Resucre L'hostage
Good Luke

By IAM -AS- DFBHD DM 4,947 Downloads Added 09/28/2009 Add Comment PermaLink

Star Wars Ruined
This is another one of a kind map! It is a ruined Deathstar from the movie Star Wars! It has city blocks inside on many floors. It also has an army having a laser gun fight, and Luke and Darth Vader having a light saber fight on the top floor! It also has buildings on the ground, and a heli doing it's rounds. I also put my escelator glitch in this map!

By JobiWan JOTR SP, CO-OP 285 Downloads Added 04/16/2024 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: SGMod

SG Survival
SG Survival | JobiWan | Joint Ops -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP


Scientific experiments have gone horribly wrong - turning innocent civilians into nightmare creatures. You are the clean up crew, and your task is simple - kill everything that moves as you move through the village into the fairground.

Watch out for Sirens - if they scream in your vicinity they will damage your health. Keep an eye on doors, they will hold back the creatures for a short time only.

Recommended for 3 or more players!

Thanks to Luke for help with the WAC.