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By Hammerman JOE SP, CO-OP 144 Downloads Added 05/14/2024 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: International Conflict

AnotherDay_1 | Hammerman | Joint Ops: International Conflict -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP

Hell at least we had enough fuel to get to this dam island. We're lucky we didn't have to swim. We did a recon of the Island an discovered that it is a enemy base. We need to clear it so we have a place to stay till we are evacuated. Our radio took a bullet so we need to one of the enemys to call for assistance.

By Hammerman DFX2 CO-OP 6,142 Downloads Added 09/02/2009 2 Comments PermaLink

Defend or Die
You are at a base camp in the middle of the desert.
You are to defend 2 Missle Launchers from any enemy that might try an destroy them. Don't be a deserter an leave the base or it will be over run.