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2 maps matched your criteria

By Chrislew200 JOE SP, CO-OP 136 Downloads Added 05/14/2024 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: International Conflict

-RSU- Save The Hostages
-RSU- Save The Hostages | Chrislew200 | Joint Ops: International Conflict -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP

(IC3 Required)In this map you are to enter a near by city and release the hostages being held there. To prevent the enemy from contacting theyre base for reinforcements you must destroy all communications equipment on the way to the hostages. There is one additional task which is to destroy any anti aircraft guns on route this will allow your extraction helo to retrieve the hostages.

Remember do not kill any of your pilots or hostages as this will either fail the mission or the map will not end.

Please enjoy the map


By Assassin Xaero JOTR TDM 298 Downloads Added 04/16/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

Operation Quake [AI Human Replace - 6]
Operation Quake [AI Human Replace - 6] | Assassin Xaero | Joint Ops -- TDM

This is a small, enclosed city map I've been working on for a year. Errr... well, about twenty days short of a year. There are two spawn points and a old garage in the center. This map is like nothing else ever done in any Novalogic game (or if it has been done, I've never heard of it). Until there are six players in the map, AIs will replace the players. It starts off with three AIs on red, and two on blue. By default, the first player should go on blue team, so then it's three against three. When the next player comes in (and goes on red), once the AI that is replacing that member dies, they will disappear until that person leaves.

Special Features:
- Five AIs to replace players until atleast six people join.
- All AIs go on one of five random waypoint lists when they spawn.
- The accuracy of the AIs randomly changes each second.
- AIs will climb ladders to get on roof tops, use emplacements, and more to try and kill you.

Thanks To:
- Chrislew200 (and the other person whose name I forgot) that helped me test the 'human join - AI leave' commands over and over until I got it to work (almost a year ago).
- P1gs1ck for making the random event tutorials and teaching me how to do that.
- Everyone that has helped me test this map.
- id for making Quake III Arena, which gave me the idea for the AIs replacing the players.
- And anyone else I forgot that had helped me with this map in one way or another.

If anyone wants this map for another game type, u2u me and I'll make it work. Also, if people like this idea, I can make another map like this only bigger with more AIs that do more things. I am aware that there are probably bugs in this map, and if anyone finds any, please let me know.