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By Spinney JOTR CO-OP 5,295 Downloads Added 05/19/2011 3 Comments PermaLink
MOD Required: Advanced Warfare 2

AW2 Yo Ho Ho
AW2 Mod required. Avast there me hearties! Heave ho and lend me your ears for I have tales of dark deeds to tell. The land lubbers of these islands have been driven out by friends of Davey Jones. These life-dodging, keel-hauled, timber shivering sea dogs have come back from the dead and are jollying the old roger out of every one in the local area. You need to splice the main brace matey and send their accursed grog back to Davey Jones locker. The mission runs thus:
Collect the cases (3)
Collect intel docs (3 maps)
Destroy crates (grog)
Recover laptop (treasure,2)