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By Ahau JOTR SP 181 Downloads Added 05/17/2024 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: JO BHD Somali Mod

Jungle Attack
JOBHD Somali Conflict Mod required!
Jungle Attack is one of the old BHDTS single player map made by creator which is the similar version of the second official BHDTS single player mission of Colombian series Jungle Airfield Takedown,and I remaked it using JOBHD Somali Conflict Mod.

I have made some changes in this map:In the original BHDTS map there exists floating trees,and in this map I have modified this phenomenon.And the player's team 2-1 is on the second truck.Convoy lead is a hummer now.What's more,after destroying all the drug shipments,the Golf-3 black hawk will arrive and pick you up!

Jungle Attack
Time: April 23, 2004 - 0630 Hours
Location: Jungle - Colombia

Antonio Paulo use some private airplanes to carry heavy loads of drugs. The Intelligence has discovered a load in the jungle with a plane departing in no time. Your job is to hook up with trucks and with your rangers, destroy a radio equipment in a small village, reach the airport, kill all the smugglers, destroy the drug crates and destroy the airplane.
Good luck 2-1