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By Stonecold & Duk-WASP JOE SP, CO-OP 770 Downloads Added 05/15/2024 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: International Conflict

Silver WASP *IC2*
Silver WASP *IC2* | Stonecold & Duk-WASP | Joint Ops: International Conflict -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP

**UPDATED** V.2 You start at te edge of town and have to make you way through it. Intel says the Bad guys have captured some civillians and are going to execute them. You have 55 minutes to get to the end of the village and stop the execution. Reports have also said that the bad guys have set fire to the local church. The vicar and some of his flock are trapped inside. You then have only a further 5 minutes to locate and free the trapped civillians. Ammunition is very limited