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By Woodrow JOE SP, CO-OP 201 Downloads Added 05/15/2024 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: International Conflict

IC Stealth Attack 4
IC Stealth Attack 4 (Under Cover) | Woodrow | Joint Ops: International Conflict -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP

Bravo team you have been tasked to take out 3 satellite blockers that have inhibited our surveillance of Korea. We have infiltrated the organisation with a special female double agent who has coordinated a mission to break into the computer system to locate the blockers. Primary Objective. A computer programmer is being taken to an island hideout to upgrade systems. The agent has set up a false crash to enable you to take - then pose as the guards escorting the programmer to the island. ONCE ON THE ISLAND DO NOT ENGAGE UNTIL WE HAVE THE INTEL. After that all hell will break loose. It is of the utmost importance to follow Intel and orders from the agent…. Good luck bravo you will need it on this one – out. Secondary Mission. Bravo you are in hostile territory beyond our borders we cannot send in assistance only Intel until all blockers have been destroyed. Look out for the commander if found …assassinate Load assault weapons and a satchel charge.