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By Baddad-POW- and Stout-POW- JOE SP, CO-OP 119 Downloads Added 05/14/2024 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: International Conflict

Mission_1 | Baddad-POW- and Stout-POW- | Joint Ops: International Conflict -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP

Your mission is to find them & disable them. IEDs are hidden all over town. The trigger device (Radio Microphone) is marked in RED on your HUD, you must shoot the Mic. to disable the IED. If you fail to disarm the IED you will die, & set off a hidden patrol. Even then you will still have to disable the IED. There are a few BGs in the map, Snipers, & foot patrols. You will also have to find the bunker where they are making the IEDs. ( watch for booby traps ) you will also have to find the communications center, rescue two pilots, & find Sheikh Al la Bamba (of the 40 thieves ), once you have completed your mission in town, you will need to go North west of town and destroy the large stock pile of IEDs to end the game.