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By HaoHao184 DFBHDTS SP 2,920 Downloads Added 01/23/2023 Updated 01/25/23 1 Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: NSO Deadline

Deadline: 6 (fixed)
Hello, everyone, if you have played the Deadline series of Tony 991, it should not be difficult to find some obvious errors in his map. Chapter 5 cannot pass the test, Chapter 6 is missing a large section of area, and Chapter 8's birth point is wrong. In order to make everyone have the right game experience, I fixed the wrong map.

Sorry, everyone, I accidentally uploaded the previous draft, very sorry! I have uploaded the correct map now.

In this chapter, I added an area to the map, changed the birth point, and added the command of wac (this chapter is creative repair, which does not represent the appearance of the original map)