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By By Indonesia DFBHD SP 5,219 Downloads Added 03/16/2022 Updated 03/21/22 4 Comments PermaLink

Reach Mile Takedown
Reach Mile Takedown
Date: October 4, 1998 - 0715 hours
Location: Mogadishu, Somalia

A rescue convoy has been dispatched from base. When it arrives, load the wounded and follow it to a strongpoint we’ve established. Provide cover fire for the trucks and watch for snipers

Message from me: in this mission it is very difficult to approach the extreme, because the distance between us and the Somali troops is the bullet damage is very painful, so when you meet an enemy using a machine gun from afar but you don't see it, you have to be careful because once you meet you are immediately shot. all out, how to prevent being shot by enemies using machine guns 1. You have to look for protection such as a wooden house or like an igloo that is far from the machine gun and an igloo house or the like so there is an opportunity to hide. But if you hear a conversation it means your mini helicopter or little bird is coming to your aid. I wish you luck, efforts do not betray the results