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By DF:BHD DFBHD TDM 5,569 Downloads Added 11/03/2021 Updated 06/18/22 3 Comments PermaLink

Vikings Bridge to Valhalla
On this map you start inside a Hotel building. Then run up the stairs and on to the bridge. It is all about fighting over PSP.

The map fit, gunners, Cqbs, Medics ofcorse there will be some snipers too.

Lots of kills, deaths and medic saves can be gained on this map.

Please do not change name of or edit the map..

Edit: Map updated with taller bridge, you can not get from PSP to balcony with spawn armour all the way.

This map require some medic works too..

Map has been updated with fences to prevent people to get up above on the bridge to shoot down. That gives the opposite team (That is stuck in stairs) to get back on track.

There is also added 2 psps below the bridge. Those psps can be reach by tunnel and also the sisterbuildings at the sides can be reached by tunnels.

The map have been tested at the BLACK HAWK DOWN server without any issues.