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By Swivelrocker DFBHDTS TDM 6,693 Downloads Added 04/30/2021 Add Comment PermaLink

Chopper Town
Chopper Town is my first crack at mapping. I play a lot of TDM so this was made in mind. I like radical heights and built this into the map, spawn height positions are only reached by the enemy via chopper, meanwhile a savvy sniper can take a chopper ride out of town to the drug lords villa and drop to a ladder before ascending the sole stadium light tower for prime sniper positioning. A few different height locations are provided to access ground level PSPs, as well as ladder drop point and a couple of conveniently placed mid air grenade launchers. Finally, the centre PSP and surrounding buildings have their own set of challenges navigating a couple of static patrolling Mini Birds...watch out you don't get caught up in their propellers! As an add on I have provided planks, bunkers and watch towers for anyone falling through the wall in the stairwells. Glitch On! Feedback is appreciated...mostly I would like to have the choppers pause at the top of their routes.