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By TIO Thrasher DFBHDTS SP 8,980 Downloads Added 08/13/2020 4 Comments PermaLink

Pakistani Rescue
Hello, hope everyone is safe and healthy!

Pakistani Rescue by TIO Thrasher

Mission: You are playing as US Ranger 2-1. A Pakistani convoy has been split up with the rest of their vehicles. They need sniper support in order to return back to the rest of the convoy. You will make it to the sniper spot and provide cover. Destroy any road blocks along the way. Once they have returned back to their convoy, you will provide mini-gun air support via Black Hawk. The convoy is heading to a small town where 3 missing Pakistani soldiers were last known located. Search and rescue the missing Pakistani soldiers. Escort them back to the convoy and return back to base! Good luck.

- TIO Thrasher