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By JINYX SFH JOE CO-OP 8,742 Downloads Added 05/18/2020 Updated 12/17/21 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: International Conflict

The Jungle
The Jungle is a place from the movie Training Day that is described as a place that you don't want to go with anything less than a platoon. Well, I doubt that you will quite have a platoon, so you will have to make due. Recently, riots have ensued around the LA area and the source has been linked to The Jungle. It is your job as a member of the elite LA SWAT team to go in and get the members responsible for the riots. Good luck, you're gonna need it. *after 3,503 d/ls, this map has been updated. Please re-download this updated version. THX! 12/17/2021*