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By UltimatePlayer DFBHDTS SP 10,280 Downloads Added 09/27/2019 3 Comments PermaLink

Survival Part 2
Situation: The littlebird was unable to pick you up at the rendezvous point due to a lot enemy resistance. (part 1)

We have a convoy on the eastern section of the city, but is unable to get to you because there are to many RPGs and roadblocks.

You will have to make your way to a new rendezvous point and meet up with team 1, then the convoy will arrive to pick you up.
Stick to the alleyways and away from main roads as to not attract much attention.

The enemy rebels are still fighting for control in the western part of the city so that should keep the enemies from swarming you at least for a while.

I added a secret PSP in the map just for fun, can you find it?