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By UltimatePlayer DFBHDTS SP 10,604 Downloads Added 08/25/2019 5 Comments PermaLink

First Strike
Mission briefing:
4 high ranking enemies are having a secrete meeting in the edge of the city,

Since this is a secrete meeting we do not expect a lot of enemies to be present, but
surveillance shows that they do have a strong force inside the city so do expect the enemy to have a lot of backup.

Delta teams 1 and 2 will infiltrate the city with a convoy. Delta team 2 will split up and head to a garage loaded with weapons and vehicles to limit enemy backup while team 1 heads to the target building where the meeting is taking place.

We also have a blackhawk to support you but the enemies have an AA on the
rooftop of the building where the meeting is taking place. You will have to take out
the AA so that the blackhawk can provide some cover while you escape with the convoy.
Just follow the waypoints and objectives and it will be clear of what you are supposed to be doing.

This is the first mission I have made so dont expect it to be perfect.
please tell me if there are any things that need to fixed with the mission.
I hope you enjoy!