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By thrasherstone DFBHDTS SP 14,704 Downloads Added 11/04/2017 Updated 07/09/23 Watch video 1 Comment PermaLink

Operation Raining Blood
Hello guys! Sorry on my last single player map, it didn't do so hot... But I just finished a new single player map that I worked on for a week. I've been busy with work so I now have less time to make maps. But I still will be making maps for you guys! If anyone wants to collab on a map, let me know!

Operation Raining Blood
By TIO Thrasher Stone

Chemical bombs known as "Raining Blood" has been detonated by Aidid's forces in the outskirts of Mogadishu. It has made the air toxic, but it won't harm you instantly... Your mission is to find the missing soldiers in the town and escort them to safety. There will be a Black Hawk and two AH6 Little Birds waiting for you and your squad. We will exfil once everyone has made it on board. Once you guys hit the air, you will provide cover for the convoy and escort them to the safety drop off point. Once you've made it there, everyone will leave on the AC-130 gunships.