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By AssassinXaero-and-MIA DFX CO-OP 107 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: Deep Jungle

DJ3-Last-Stand | AssassinXaero-and-MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP

This is the conversion from IC4 into DJ3...When this map starts you are in a world of hurt, your camp is totally surrounded and they're closing in. Unfortunately for the enemy, you are an elite squad and can more than take care of yourself. Once you see the action slowing down, it'll be time to move out and take it to the enemy. Enjoy

By Team-Reload-AssassinXaero and MIA DFX CO-OP 111 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: SO Mod

SO-Last-Stand | Team-Reload-AssassinXaero and MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP

SO MOD/DFX required: When this map starts you're in a world of hurt, your camp is totally surrounded and they're closing in. Unfortunately for the enemy, you are an elite squad and can more than take care of yourself. Once you see the action slowing down, it'll be time to move out and take it to the enemy. Enjoy

By Team-Reload-Rat_Sass and MIA DFX CO-OP 83 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: Soncity1 Terrain

Flatlanders | Team-Reload-Rat_Sass and MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP

You have two objectives in this map, your first is to take out the weapon crates and camp 1. You'll be up against a large force, hell bent on keeping their goods. When that mission is complete it's off to the next camp, where you'll need to destroy their base. This is the first of many from Team-Reload, we hope you enjoy it. Requires Soncity 1 Terrain.

By Team-Reload-Rat_Sass and MIA DFX CO-OP 104 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: Deep Jungle

DJ3-Flatlanders | Team-Reload-Rat_Sass and MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP

You have two objectives in this map, your first is to take out the weapon crates and camp 1. You'll be up against a large force, hell bent on keeping their goods. When that mission is complete it's off to the next camp, where you'll need to destroy their base. This is the first of many from Team-Reload, we hope you enjoy it. Requires Soncity 1 Terrain. DJ3/DFX MOD required.

By Iceman and MIA DFX CO-OP 98 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: SO Mod

SO-Special-Ops | Iceman and MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP

There are several objectives to this one, but the main thing to remember is destroy everything thats destroyable. It's a fairly large map, with numerous vehicles at your disposal. It will be a challenge in single player, but more than four people in coop might make it too easy. You decide. ###SO/DFX MOD### required. Enjoy

By Team-Reload-Bull and MIA DFX DM, TDM, TKOTH, CTF 114 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: SO Mod

Sub-Zero-SO_MOD | Team-Reload-Bull and MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- CTF, DM, TDM and TKOTH

This off the wall map will be fast, provided you have ten or more players in your server. It suits all types of play, and I might convert it later to a CTF. It should also be lag free which is always a bonus. SO/MOD Required. ###UPDATED to include a CTF version. Enjoy

By eam-Reload-ICEMAN and MIA DFX CO-OP 102 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: SO Mod

SO-Get-Ready-To-Reload | Team-Reload-ICEMAN and MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP

There are two ways to take on this map, you can either totally concentrate on the objectives (Ignoring the fighting around you) or you can have fun with the large battle that's going on all around. Either way it's fun. Also this map bears no resembalance to the IC4 version of Get-Ready-To-Reload except that it's a large battle. ###Special Ops MOD required### Enjoy

By Mia & Jonathan DFX CO-OP 108 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

Tank-to-Tank-Coop | Mia & Jonathan | Delta Force Xtreme -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP

This one's a collaboration between Jonathan and myself. In fact without Jonathan this map wouldn't exist. The object of this one is to take out all the crates, which are inside the base. You're up against tanks, humvees (with nade guns) and 50 cals as well as a helicopter. I've tested it out with my own squad and it was fun blasting them from all directions. Updated to include a bug fix and wac file, as well as a few other things. All courtesy of Jonathan. Enjoy

By MIA DFX AD 85 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

Water World
Water World | MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- AD

I needed an island for this one, but as there wasn't a big enough flat area in any of the terrains I created it myself. The idea here is that the defenders have the oil and you want it, nuff said. Enjoy

By MIA DFX AD 98 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

Fortress | MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- AD

A large camp that will be fast and close with plenty of targets to get you motivated. There are three ways into the main part of the camp so the defence has its work cut out for them. Enjoy

By MIA DFX TKOTH 87 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

Fortress-TKOTH | MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- TKOTH

Originally an A&D map, but because the main part of the camp is in the centre its perfect for TKOTH. Enjoy

By MIA DFX TDM 105 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

Fortress-TDM | MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- TDM

This will be fast, have no doubt about that. It has plenty of area's to explore and a few vehicles to have fun with. Enjoy

By MIA DFX AD 105 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

Duty Calls
Duty Calls | MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- AD

This will be a hard map to attack, and only a good team will even get close to taking out all the targets, but it'll be good practice. Unless of course the defence is pants, in which case have fun. lol Enjoy

By MIA DFX TKOTH 105 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

Explosive | MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- TKOTH

Squads will like this as taking out one wall will effectively empty the camp, then it'll be your turn to wait for the other two walls to blow. lol Fast and furious. Enjoy

By MIA DFX DM 98 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

Trenches | MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- DM

Close and bloody would be the best way to describe this one. Enjoy

By MIA DFX TDM 101 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

Trenches-TDM | MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- TDM

Close and bloody would be the best way to describe this one. Enjoy

By MIA DFX DM 105 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

Fortress-DM | MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- DM

A huge camp with plenty of spawn points, and many ways in and out. It'll be close quarters and fast. Enjoy

By MIA DFX DM 100 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

ExtremeDM | MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- DM

I thought it was about time I did a Death Match and here it is. One intense mother that will undoubtedly result in a lot of kills, but hey, that's life. lol Enjoy

By MIA DFX DM 98 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

ExtremeDM2 | MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- DM

There's a gang war at the drug Baron's Villa and you're all invited. lol Not to be confused with ExtremeDM, this is a whole new map. With built in stream, swimming pool and even a diving board. lol I had to come back to this one as I spotted a couple of minor errors, and I also added a water fall for atmosphere. Enjoy

By MIA DFX DM 106 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

Dropoff-DM | MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- DM

Every now and again a map comes along that others wish they could follow, well this isn't it. lol Instead it's sheer madness, as I've created a camp with a difference. You start off 200 metres in the air and can stop off on the way down at literally dozens of places to either snipe or cause sheer mayhem, could be a lot of fun or a huge turkey, you decide. Strictly for fun. Enjoy

By MIA DFX TDM 116 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

Dropoff | MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- TDM

Every now and again a map comes along that others wish they could follow, well this isn't it. lol Instead it's sheer madness, as I've created a camp with a difference. You start off 200 metres in the air and can stop off on the way down at literally dozens of places to either snipe or cause sheer mayhem, could be a lot of fun or a huge turkey, you decide. Strictly for fun. Enjoy

By MIA DFX TKOTH 108 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

Campflood | MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- TKOTH

The start of this map is a race to secure a foothold inside the camp. I've placed several bikes and one helicopter at equal distances from the opposite sides of the camp. This could easily be used as a tournament map, but even if it wasn't it would definately make a good map for serious squads to practice on. Enjoy

By MIA DFX TDM, TKOTH 87 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

Seals | MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- TDM and TKOTH

The Seals is an attempt by me to capture those missions that only the Seals would take on. I've placed several helicopters on each of two islands, and in between them is your goal. A camp that can be attacked from the air the water and even from below. It was just going to be a TKOTH map, but I felt it would work as a TDM so I included that as well. Enjoy

By MIA DFX DM, TDM, TKOTH 106 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

Towers | MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- DM, TDM and TKOTH

I don't know about any of you but I hate those maps where you have to run for a mile just to get killed and try again. Well there'll be none of that in this map. You all start off at the base in all three versions. It's going to be fast, close and bloody so get ready killers. Enjoy

By MIA DFX TKOTH 92 Downloads Added 07/10/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

Explosive2 | MIA | Delta Force Xtreme -- TKOTH

A jungle set inside a dead volcano is the scene for this little effort. The middle is your target, and just about anywhere you can walk on can be blown up, use the knowledge wisely. Enjoy