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By Beckweiss Deere DFTFD SP 3,485 Downloads Added 01/23/2023 Add Comment PermaLink

Block action
he Afghan Taliban armed forces will be lurking at the border of Pakistan.
Your task is to cooperate with the Delta Force and the Rangers to intercept them.

By Dark_Sky_Empire DFTFD SP 4,352 Downloads Added 09/02/2022 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: Other Not Listed

Self Rescue
Mod Required: DFLW Items for TFD

Your mission is escorting a french journalist to Northern Alliance territory. Because he will screen in full, so don't shoot the civilians and NGO vehicles. Your helicopter's flight path will go through an abandon airfield. IR imagery shows no one there.

By Seahawk DFTFD SP 5,672 Downloads Added 12/15/2021 Updated 11/30/23 Add Comment PermaLink

Yeti Uprising
First mission in campaign:

A highly intelligent Yeti tribe in Ladakh, Bharat (India) is raiding villages and killing, mutilating, raping and eating humans. A Yeti captured by Ladakh Police has confessed that they have got hold of firearms and anti-tank weapons by allying with Pakistani Islamist group Hizbul Mujahideen. A village has been reported to be captured by those Yetis armed with different kinds of assault rifles like AKs, M24 sniper rifles, pistols, AT-4 recoilless guns and knives. They are even using pickup trucks as a mobile AT-4 platforms. Bharatiya Army is ordered to clear the yetis off the village, restore order and protect the village from any further attacks. Mi-24 and BRDM-2 support is on standby.

By jackets90 DFTFD SP 7,373 Downloads Added 04/15/2021 Add Comment PermaLink

Run Like Hell
We’ve just destroyed an enemy outpost and are exfilling when your team encounters a large pursuing force. Blackhawk Alpha is shot down and then your Blackhawk is downed throwing you clear. You’re the lone survivor. Pull yourself together soldier and RUN LIKE HELL! Make your way to the abandoned Fort and take up a defensive position until help arrives. Your only Mission is to Survive the pursuing force until the CSAR team arrives and you can Exfil to Safety. Good Luck and Enjoy!!!

By jackets90 DFTFD SP 7,702 Downloads Added 04/04/2021 2 Comments PermaLink

The Real Thing
Communist China has gone too far this time with their U.S. intellectual property theft… They’ve stolen the secret formula for Coca-Cola!!! You have a (4) Four Part Mission to reclaim our national treasure. First, destroy all of the Coke Delivery Trucks leaving their production facility for convenience stores and gas stations in the area. Next, place Beacons on the Power Transformers attached to each of the (3) three Corn Syrup Plants – no corn syrup, no Coke! Then, move to the adjacent Bottling Plant to search for the Secret Formula Intel. We believe it’s somewhere inside – Find It! Finally, Exfil via Blackhawk before the incoming Cruise Missiles destroy the Power Transformers. Good Luck on this tasty mission! Enjoy!

By jackets90 DFTFD SP 7,780 Downloads Added 02/21/2021 Add Comment PermaLink

A Bridge Too Far
The Terrorists are expanding another Base by linking together four islands with Bridges. These Bridges are nearly complete and must be destroyed along with the Flagged Command Center. Coordinate with the Squadron of F18's by lasing all four Bridges and the Command Center. Target near the Construction Cranes for confirmed destruction. Bridge Roadways work, but the Bridge Supports are ideal if you have line of sight. Also, search the Main Compound for Intel and destroy all Computers. That Intel is critical to understanding their intent for the Base and future operations from it. You must reach the Exfil Point and escape to deliver that Intel. A Blackhawk will be on it's way for you. The entire area is heavily patrolled, so be careful! We may not get a second chance. Good luck and enjoy!

By jackets90 DFTFD SP 7,607 Downloads Added 02/14/2021 Add Comment PermaLink

Forced Labor
Intelligence has discovered a remote chemical weapons missile production facility, designated West Camp, which the enemy is staffing with kidnapped scientists and forced labor by the POW’s held in the underground prison. Your first mission is to neutralize the enemy forces in and around the above ground facilities from the Blackhawk during airborne infil. Then, locate the underground prison/research facility and eliminate the guards to allow the POW’s and scientists to escape. Be thorough in your sweep, but don't kill any of the POW's or scientists. They will be transported back to friendly territory by a separate team shortly after your exfil. Good luck & enjoy!

By jackets90 DFTFD SP 7,605 Downloads Added 02/14/2021 Add Comment PermaLink

Forced Labor
Intelligence has discovered a remote chemical weapons missile production facility, designated West Camp, which the enemy is staffing with kidnapped scientists and forced labor by the POW’s held in the underground prison. Your first mission is to neutralize the enemy forces in and around the above ground facilities from the Blackhawk during airborne infil. Then, locate the underground prison/research facility and eliminate the guards to allow the POW’s and scientists to escape. Be thorough in your sweep, but don't kill any of the POW's or scientists. They will be transported back to friendly territory by a separate team shortly after your exfil. Good luck & enjoy!

By jackets90 DFTFD SP 7,702 Downloads Added 02/14/2021 Add Comment PermaLink

Forced Labor
Intelligence has discovered a remote chemical weapons missile production facility, designated West Camp, which the enemy is staffing with kidnapped scientists and forced labor by the POW’s held in an underground prison. Your first mission is to neutralize the enemy forces in and around the above ground facilities from the air in the Blackhawk before infil. Then locate the underground prison/research facility and eliminate the all of the guards to allow the POW’s and scientists to escape. They will be transported home shortly after your exfil by a separate team. Good luck!

By jackets90 DFTFD SP 7,875 Downloads Added 01/25/2021 Updated 01/25/21 Add Comment PermaLink

A Raid in 3 Acts
This is my first Map so feedback is appreciated. You parachute onto a truck convoy, then ride it past the Casbah up to Objective Mojo. You'll want to kill the terrorists in the trucks on your trip. Once you get to Objective Mojo, you'll destroy the Beacons with airstrikes or SLAMs. Then, you move to Objective Voodoo on the adjacent hill to call in another airstrike on the Command Center. Finally, make your way to the Casbah in the valley where you will eliminate the terrorist troops so that you can hunt down the Commander and interrogate him before exfilling via Blackhawk. Don't kill the Commander by accident. Lots of other bad guys to kill so watch out! Enjoy

By EndermanTFDaggr DFTFD SP 4,581 Downloads Added 12/21/2014 2 Comments PermaLink
MOD Required: EXP Terranova

Operation Invasion: The Final Chapter
You Need D2 Items to TFD, And DFLW Items to TFD to Play this Map. This is Going to be my Last Map. In This Mission, You Need To Take Out The Alien Lord to Close The Portal Between Earth and The Other Dimension.

By EndermanTFDaggr DFTFD SP 4,647 Downloads Added 10/02/2014 3 Comments PermaLink
MOD Required: EXP Terranova

Operation Invasion Part 5: Difficult as Hell
You have 2 objectives, Eliminate Aliens and Move to Extract. THIS MISSION IS DAMN HARD. Can You Beat this MISSION?

By EndermanTFDaggr DFTFD SP 4,630 Downloads Added 07/19/2014 4 Comments PermaLink

Operation Invasion Part 4: Safe Passage
PART IV FINALLY RELEASED. your mission is to eliminate all aliens, find the Philippine President. and get him to the helicopter to go to a Safe Zone. GOOD LUCK!

By EndermanTFDaggr DFTFD SP 4,676 Downloads Added 05/03/2014 1 Comment PermaLink

Operation Invasion Part 3: The Recon
This is a Stealth Map. it was believed that an Intel Documents are inside a house in a japanese village, and the village was abandoned. but the worst news that the Aliens had arrived in this village, You must retrieve the Intelligence Documents. and kill all aliens with suprressed weapons like M4A1 SOPMOD, but do not let the enemy see you, because if all aliens detect you, you will fail this mission.

By EndermanTFDaggr DFTFD SP 4,744 Downloads Added 04/15/2014 1 Comment PermaLink

Operation Invasion Part 2: Stranded Angel
Operation Invasion Part 2: Stranded Angel
November 23, 2153

another aliens appeared in The Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan, and it was abandoned. but a lone Delta Force Soldier is Trapped inside a building in the airfield full of aliens. you are to eliminate all aliens in the airfield and rescue the soldier in the airfield

By EndermanTFDaggr DFTFD SP 4,779 Downloads Added 03/28/2014 1 Comment PermaLink

Operation Invasion Part 1: The Arrival
Hi! im EndermanTFDaggr, this is my first map and first series of my second account, my first account is SCP TFD. i cant access it because i cant remember the F**king Password. well, here's the mission: its 2153, and some aliens appeared in the surface of the earth, and they're trying to destroy the Al Basir II in Afghanistan. you must kill all aliens and move to Exfil

By SCP TFD DFTFD SP 4,695 Downloads Added 02/28/2014 1 Comment PermaLink

Operation Ghost Town (Updated)
just an updated version of my map "Operation Ghost Town"

By SCP TFD DFTFD SP 4,785 Downloads Added 01/26/2014 1 Comment PermaLink

Operation Castaway
This is just based on my BHDTS Map. you had crashed in a small island, and all of the Helicopter crew are dead, you are the survivor. in that island, there's a small village, and some Armed Muslims had taken the island, you must secure the island and destroy all of their BDRMs.

By SCP TFD DFTFD SP 4,700 Downloads Added 01/18/2014 1 Comment PermaLink

Operation Takedown (Updated)
This is just an IMPROVED and UPDATED version of my map "Operation Takedown". You must kill Mullah Asdad Rhir at his secret hideout in an island you will infil in the other island, just west of Mullah's hideout. after you take him out, move and board the helicopter for extraction

By SCP TFD DFTFD SP 4,636 Downloads Added 01/15/2014 Add Comment PermaLink

DFBHD Sample Map (DF:Task Force Dagger Version)
This Mission was based on a Sample map on Delta Force Black Hawk Down in the Map Editor.
this mission is very short so dont worry

By SCP TFD DFTFD SP 4,702 Downloads Added 01/12/2014 1 Comment PermaLink

Operation Downed Angels
THIS IS MY LAST RESCUE MISSION MAP. a Black Hawk and a Kamov Helicopter was shot down in The City of Kabul, just south of the Ariana Hotel. you are to locate and rescue the survivors and escort them to EXFIL. GOOD LUCK

By SCP TFD DFTFD SP 4,722 Downloads Added 12/29/2013 1 Comment PermaLink

Operation 2014
it's New Years eve! and now you're going home to have a party and some Fireworks, but the French Journalist had taken by the Terrorists, you must eliminate all enemies, destroy all SAM launchers and escort the Journalist to the house yo celebrate new year. ENJOY THIS MAP AND HAVE A HAPPY 2014!


By SCP TFD DFTFD SP 4,670 Downloads Added 12/25/2013 1 Comment PermaLink

Operation Hornets Nest v0.2
You must destroy all enemy choppers, eliminate all enemy resistance at the compound and go to a KA29 Helicopter for extraction. ENJOY THIS MAP

By SCP TFD DFTFD SP 4,543 Downloads Added 12/23/2013 1 Comment PermaLink

Operation Hornets Nest
i made this map for new year , you must eliminate all enemy resistance at the compound and destroy all enemy Hind Helicopters and move to the friendly KA29 Helicopter for exfil, but be careful, because i think the LZ is hot. good luck HAVE FUN! happy new year!!

By SCP TFD DFTFD SP 4,641 Downloads Added 12/19/2013 Updated 01/09/14 1 Comment PermaLink

Operation Dark Christmas
IT'S CHRISTMAS DAY! and now you're going home to have a Christmas Party, but the Terrorists had taken over a small village and made it as they're hideout, you must eliminate all enemy resistance at the small village, find some intel documents, avoid civilian casualties at the Church, and board the Friendly Helicopter to go to Exfil or your House, so you can have fun, and celebrate Christmas and the Birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND ENJOY THIS MAP