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By Eagle_Eye, DR.EVIL~TAG, and Hairy 699 Downloads Website Added 09/28/2004 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: TFDItemsInLW.exe

Task Force Dagger Items to Delta Force Land Warrior

This is a collection of over 150 TFD items transfered to DFLW

This Mod requires DV's DF2 Items for DFLW to be installed BEFORE you install the TFD items for DFLW.

BACKUP your Dflw.pff file before installing this mod.
We take no responsabliilty for any screwup...

This collection of DFTFD items collated, created and transfered by.... Eagle Eye, DR.EVIL~TAG, and Hairy.

Included are some items supplied by Novalogic, in DFLW and DFTFD, but never activated, so we activated them. Also included are some reskinned items as new med items.

Also transferred are the Waypoint names, Some Win and Lose Conditions and People names, along with a few custom ones as well.

Thanks to Iceman for and beta testing..

Thanks to DFArena for the Loader..

This mod not possible without the Bin Tools created by Devilsclaw, the DeSCR tool, created by DV, FwO-Raven for his PFF extractor and 3DI viewer/extractor. Many thanks guys for your tireless efforts in creating these fine tools for the DF community.

By DR.EVIL~TAG 359 Downloads Added 02/12/2014 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: D-DAY_trn.exe

DF2 D-Day Terrain
D-Day DF2 Terrain from Map Makers Heaven and Dr.Evil DR.EVIL~TAG

By DR.EVIL~TAG, Beowulf~TAG, Varg 683 Downloads Added 04/20/2009 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: DF2_Blood_Pack.exe

DF2 Blood Patch
Blood mod made by DR.EVIL~TAG, Beowulf~TAG and Varg..

Which adds that extra 'splatter and gore" that we all love to the game.

By DR.EVIL~TAG Version 1.2 1,860 Downloads Added 08/20/2007 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: DF2Items02.exe

DF2 Item Viewer
This tool was created to ease the minds of new map makers and old for that matter on what some of the items look like before placing them into the med. The pictures in the tool were donated by §harpe from MMH, De Buurman and myself DR.EVIL~TAG. All pictures are based off the updated Df2medv43a. Varg for his sound description list. Q-Dad~TAG for his help and ideas Thank you for your support.

By DR.EVIL~TAG 935 Downloads Website Added 04/20/2009 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: ZValues.zip

DF1 to JO Z-Value Listing Tool for
Its the most up to date Z values going supporting DF1 - JO , comes with a compass as well for placing items, fully editable, comes with an installer and uninstaller, web support and pretty much what ever else you need, supports 800X600 and up screens.

By DR.EVIL~TAG~ / Varg 351 Downloads Website Added 01/24/2006 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: Glock 9mm.exe

DF2 Glock 9mm Skin
Changes the default pistol to a Glock Graphic

By DR.EVIL~TAG Version 1.5 373 Downloads Added 06/01/2007 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: DF2 Skies.exe

DF2 Sky Viewer
Allows you to view sky photos from DF2.

By DR.EVIL~TAG 181 Downloads Website Added 08/06/2015 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: Rid-Cheat-Skins.zip

DF2 Rid Cheat Skins
This was made to get rid of any player skins you may have had in your pff files and place the originals back.

By DR.EVIL~TAG 2,288 Downloads Website Added 03/30/2007 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: Texture Finder.exe

NovaLogic 3DI Texture Viewer
Open the 3di file, See the textures , export textures out of the pff with out haveing to use a Hex editor to see what texture go with the 3di file.

By SnA Team Version 4.0 Final 9,765 Downloads Website Added 08/03/2008 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: ShocknAwe_4.0_Final.exe

BHD / BHDTS ShocknAwe Mod 4.0 FULL

-Added over 350 items from the Deep Jungle Mod.

-Added the entire alphabet and numbers plus symbols so that squads dont have to use barrels or other objects to write out their squad tag in the maps they build.

- Added items in to Honor the memory of Dr. Evil Tags who was killed in Action.

- Added all the Items for TeamSabre so that all maps with any items from TeamSabre in them can be hosted on a BHD based server and People who dont have TeamSabre can still join the server. (Note: These items were added with the permission of NovaLogic and you will still need TeamSabre installed if you wish to use the Terrorist Characters).

- Added several new terrains and Enviroments

- Added more new items that were not put into the original release

- Included a customer Join Screen that will soon list the servers that are hosting the mod on a dedicated 24/7 server. This will allow players to Click on the server name and go straight into the server. (if you dont like the Custon Login Screen, you can get the original in the download section of bhdmods.com).

- removed the G36 and replaced it with the RPD and the USAS12 Auto Shotgun.

- Took out the G3 and replaced it with two seperate versions of the g3
a G3 Sniper for Snipers only and a G3 Auto that is for Medics, Gunners and CQB.

- Adjusted the AT4 so it now so that the player can carry two rounds instead of one.

- fixed a few items and issues from the original version.

- Fixed the Installer so that it Doesnt add /Shocknawe when installing to a folder other than the default path fr BHD.

(We have released this version in the Memory of Dr Evil Tags).
He was a dear friend to many of us in the BHD Community and will be missed by many.

By DR.EVIL~TAG 754 Downloads Added 10/24/2006 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: BHD-TS.exe

BHD / BHDTS Tile Tool, Fogger & 3ds Viewer
Tile tool, fogger, 3ds viewer, tools

By DR.EVIL~TAG 559 Downloads Added 05/30/2006 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: TERRAINDF2.zip

DF2 Terrain Making Tutorial
Making a terrain in DF2 consists of having an idea and applying it to photo shop and or any paint program.The terrain consists of files and titles you need to fix , change, or duplicate.They are the color map which you see in the editor and play on , the height map which is a greyscale , also found in the editor when building maps , A detailed map which is a 8/256 color map it tells where the sand and grass will be on the main colored map , a detailed color texture strip , detailed elev greyscale strip consisting of the textures from the detailed color strip , Char data .cal file, and the rest is just common DF2 files consisting of sky map ,cloud height ,horizon type , water map which is always ripple one as DF2 has no other type of water , water height , filter , gamma , saturation , and sunslope .

By DR.EVIL~TAG Version 6.0.0 361 Downloads Added 06/01/2007 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: BMSModifier01.exe

DF2 BMS Modifier
This new tool will allow you to add new effects to you existing BMS files you make. You can change the terrain color,Item colors create over 241 new skies. There is no need for file transfers between computers. Make you map in the med, do the changes using this tool and host your map. All can join with no problems and see all the effects you have just created. You can also add water/fog/wind/camo and other settings to existing maps that you may have downloaded and though it would be cool to have water or what have you but didn't want to go through the nausia of converting it to a mis file and then back to bms file.

Things you can do with it are as follows :

1: Change color of the terrain and buildings on it.
2: Change Camo color of the map
3: Change wind speed
4: Change Wind Direction
5: Change Fog level
6: Change fog color, (See the actual fog color)
7: Change water height
8: Add water level
9: Change map types
10: Change night to day and visa versa
11: Change weather (Rain/Snow)
12: Change sky settings (Stock)
13: Create over 200 new types of skies

Theres a bit more misc info on it as well. Everything possible in this tool is compatible with CB and any changes to the bms such as the terrain color and or new skies are all compatible with all players , Meaning they do not need any extra files to play on your modded BMS files

By Eagle_Eye 1,119 Downloads Website Added 04/20/2009 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: Collected_Textures.zip

Texture Pack by Eagle_Eye
Lots of textures Eagle_Eye has gathered.. DDS and TGA files

By Eagle_Eye 606 Downloads Website Added 04/20/2009 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: JO_Setting_Goals.zip

Joint Operations Settings Goals
Demo maps with examples on how to set goals. 3 maps total by Eagle_Eye.

By Eagle_Eye 1,400 Downloads Website Added 04/20/2009 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: JO_Intro_PSD_Template.zip

Joint Operations Intro Pics PSD Template
Eagle_Eye created a PSD for Photoshop for use in making Jo Intro Pics
It's just a edited pcx I cut up and placed on a transparent background. It may be useful for beginners to help create their own Intro Pics.

By BeoWolf~TAG Version 1.0 1,246 Downloads Added 01/02/2004 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: PWFEdit.exe

Delta Force PWF Editor
Edit PWF audio files for NovaLogic games with this tool.

By BeoWolf~TAG Version 1.0 1,133 Downloads Added 01/02/2004 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: PWFGen.exe

Delta Force PWF Generator
Create PWF audio files for NovaLogic games with this tool.

By Dr. Bullet 957 Downloads Added 05/06/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: AlphabetInArrowsLW.zip

Alphabet In Arrows DFLW Mission Editor
This is not really a tutorial, but it's got somthin a lot of people will like. This guy has written the Alphabet with arrows. This will save alot of time when you are putting a name in your map, and also will let everyone know who made it

By NovaLogic Version 5,435 Downloads Website Added 06/28/2010 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: JOTR, JOE File Name: JointOps.exe

Joint Operations Patch
You should install the patch before installing this patch. http://novahq.net/files.php?ID=316

the Replace the JointOps.exe in your game folder with the one from the zip file.

This EXE has...

- Support for more Resolutions
- Support for Intel Integrated Graphics
- Wide-screen Aspect Ratio fixes
- Improved Squad Tag Display
- Enhanced security, moderator, and anti-cheat features
- Overall Optimizations and bug fixes

By Eagle_Eye 1,179 Downloads Added 08/25/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD File Name: BHD_Ac130AussieSkin.zip

BHD Ac-130 Aussie Skin
This is a skin for the C130 based on the Royal Australian Air Forces planes

By Eagle_Eye 1,299 Downloads Added 08/25/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD File Name: AussieBlackHawkSkin.zip

BHD Aussie BlackHawk
This is a skin to change the BlackHawk, the skin replicates the Australian Armys blackhawks.

By Eagle_Eye 444 Downloads Website Added 04/20/2009 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHDTS File Name: Team_Sabre_Pavelow_Landing.zip

BHDTS Pavelow Landing
bms and mis file showing events for moving a Pavelow, and opening the rear door.

Please note, an UNLOCKED med is required to use Play Part Animation.

Requires BHDTS to be installed.

By Eagle_Eye 1,032 Downloads Added 08/25/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD File Name: AussieAH6Skin.zip

BHD Aussie AH6 Skin
A replacement skin for the AH6, done in Australian Colors

By Eagle_Eye 286 Downloads Website Added 04/20/2009 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: EE_Lights__Off.zip

BHD Lights Off
This small Demo map is set as SP Mode Should be usable on any type of mission.

There a wac file for screen text, so you need the /d command on your shortcut.

Use the Caps Lock key to bring up the Team Mate Command Menu.

See events for details.