Map makers in the past have used custom terrain files which are unavailable to a lot of players. In order to play these maps, simply move the .trn files to small.pff overwriting existing files. Back up all .trn files first!
This will add all the mods for DFTFD in one install. Just extract the Terrains.pff and Small.pff to your games folder, overwriting the old files. The EXP maps are in the EXP folder, move those to your games folder if you want to play the EXP campaign.
Mod list includes:
DF1 Items / Terrains
DF2 Items / Terrains
DFLW Items
C4 Items
EXP Pack
LoA Flat Terrain
This is an Expansion Pack for DF:TFD which adds the DFLW-Terrains and Maps to Task Force Dagger
All DFLW standardmaps are included in the installer...
Map packages will follow..
NOTICE: We had to add some extra items to the game, so if you have some problems with your custom-maps, just send them to and we will takea look at them, remember to explain the problem in your mail.
IMPORTANT: If you host these missions, the client also needs the Expansion Pack 2 to join !
This will install all 18 DF2 terrains into TFD. As with any mod, it is a good idea to backup your files. The only file changed is small.pff. To backup, right click on it, choose Copy, then right click in your folder and choose Paste.
All DF2 terrains are labeled DF2 in terrain the name. All players must have them installed in order to play.
Contains over 50 maps on 12 new terrains. New sounds and skies are also part of the package. All players must have EXP installed in order to play, so we recommend putting EXP in the game name when hosting.