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By hunterz Version 1.0 90 Downloads Added 01/01/2025 Updated 01/01/25 Watch video 1 Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: BHD_64hz_Server_Patch_Heartbeat_DLL.zip

BHD/BHDTS 64hz Server Patch + Heartbeat DLL
Discussion Thread: https://novahq.net/forum/showthread.php?t=62971

64 hz Server Patch is a small edit to the game executable, required only for server hosts and affecting all connected players. This change forces values that were previously only customizable for LAN servers, now on servers hosted on NovaWorld. With the current speed of providers, everyone can now enjoy the game to its fullest.

This patch does not magically eliminate lag, the latency generated by your joining-player distance to the server will still remain. Players with high distance-based ping, will still need to shoot infront of their enemy, but they will have naturally less packet loss as the server will refresh at a much faster rate, leading to a significant reduction in the perception of lag.

What are the benefits and practical effects of this community server patch?
  1. A huge decrease in the number of situations where players would teleport while moving, making perceived enemy player movement smoother and easier to aim at.
  2. Now all bullets from all weapons on the server are more effective. Previously, 1/3 of the bullets of all weapons (e.g CAR15) were eaten due to the default low server data refresh rate of 16 hz.
  3. All in-game sound effects can now be heard audibly. At 16 hz, many gunshots and ambient sounds were not played because they started at times when there were no packets to transmit to the player joining the server. Now all players can hear weapons, vehicles and the environment in their real accurate state.
  4. All of a player's mouse and keyboard inputs are transmitted faster to the server, making it easier to execute movements they've really wanted to do on the server. Easy to notice when a player prones.
  5. While it doesn't lower the minimum ping your players can have on a server, their ping tends to not fluctuate as much as it used to.
  6. Movements made by all vehicles are now smoother and synchronized, making it possible for a player e.g. To hit another player who is in the window of a Black Hawk with much less difficulty than before.
  7. Maps load much faster for everyone.

Video comparing 16, 48 and 64 hz:

Why did NovaWorld's servers run at 16 hz and why should we use more than that?
Limitations of the time the game was developed culminated in methods and adjustments to accommodate players with slower connections such as dial-up. Today, everyone plays with connections capable of handling higher refresh rates, so there is no longer any need to degrade gameplay quality. No more players teleporting for no reason.

Why we shouldn't use more than 64 hz?
Although we can go further and reach 128 hz and we've tested higher limits, the game is not prepared for this and may present some problems in animations and other things. 64 is the sweet spot, perfectly matching the frame rate at which both the server and the game is designed to run on natively. This rate is also in line with current gaming standards, allowing new players to have fun and not be negatively impacted.

This patch is not compatible with modifications that also change the game executable.

Kattoor (https://github.com/Kattoor)
Big Baked Bean (https://github.com/b1gbakedbean)
biggy (https://github.com/taylorfinnell)
DUZ (aka HùцÉrZ)

BHD Community
Discord (https://discord.gg/r8xYM5w)
Facebook (https://facebook.com/groups/dfosg)

By Othello / Scott NHQ Version 27,229 Downloads Website Added 03/02/2004 Updated 03/17/17 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHDTS File Name: BHDTS_Fixer.zip

BHDTS No CD / Coop Me Now / Startup.htm (2019 Fixes)
Replace the files in your games folder with the files in the archive. Includes ability to host COOP and KOTH, as well as an alternate Startup.htm file so you can select from multiple lobbies.

By Scott NHQ 2,477 Downloads Website Added 02/03/2017 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHDTS File Name: DFBHDTSAltStartup.zip

DFBHDTS Alternate Startup.htm (2019 Fixes)
Replace the Startup.htm in your game folder with this one. This allows you to select from multiple lobbies so you can always find a game.

By NovaLogic Version 39,854 Downloads Website Added 01/21/2004 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHDTS File Name: dfbhdts_update_012104_ux.exe

BHDTS Latest Update
This is the official DF:BHD Team Sabre Update v1.5.0.5. Use this update only if you have Team Sabre installed.

By Scott NHQ Version 1.0.9 2,564 Downloads Website Added 03/23/2017 Updated 06/08/20 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: NHQHeartbeatDLL109.zip

NovaHQ Heartbeat DLL (2020 Alternate Lobby Reporting DLLs)
These DLL files replace a couple files in your games folder. THEY WILL NOT AFFECT GAME PLAY IN ANY WAY AND WORK WITH ALL MODS. What they will do is report your games online status when you are hosting a "NovaWorld" game session to two alternate lobbies http://nw.novahq.net and http://novaworld.cc. These lobbies allow any player to join any game without the need to login or create an account on NovaWorld. These files DO NOT AFFECT anything else. Your game will still show up in the official lobby like normal.

These DLL files can also be used to create your own game lobby or server status for your website. PHP example scripts are included. You may use this information to display your server status or even create your own game lobby for your team to join through.

Download the archive, find your game version and replace the files in your games folder with the ones in the archive. It's super simple and automatic. There is nothing else to configure or install (but please read the *.ini file). You can use these files to host as many games as you want. You can view your games online status at the NovaHQ Alternate Lobby or Novaworld.cc Alternate Lobby

By Sil / Scott NHQ 6,580 Downloads Website Added 01/31/2018 Updated 02/05/18 5 Comments PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: NHQAppFix.exe

NovaLogic App Fixer (Borderless Window Fix, MED Fixes, etc.) 2018
I combined all the fixes into one single app that installs the fixes without a batch file. Seems quite a few people were having issues with that.

This app installs application compatibility fixes for the following items:

Delta Force 1 (Remove Window Borders)
Delta Force LW (Remove Window Borders, Remove Swap File Message)
Delta Force TFD (Remove Window Borders, Remove Swap File Message)
NovaLogic Mission Editors MEDS (Fixes crash when launching NovaLogic MEDs on Windows 7+)

Download the file and select your fix to install it. Requires .NET Framework v4.

By Eagle_Eye / Scott NHQ 2,044 Downloads Website Added 08/23/2010 Updated 01/31/18 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: BHD_Med_Collection_NHQ.zip

BHD / BHDTS MED Mission Editor Collection
Huge collection of BHD / BHDTS Mission Editors

Med 2.00 dfbhdmed.exe
Med 2.00i dfbhdmedv200i.exe (Unlocked)
Med 2.01 dfbhdmedv201.exe
Med 2.05b dfbhdmedv205b.exe
Med 2.05c dfbhdmedv205c.exe (Unlocked)
Med 2.06b dfbhdmedv206b.exe

Med 2.05b dfbhdmed_camo.exe (EXP Med)
Med 2.06b tnmed.exe (EXP Med)

By Scott NHQ / Sil Version 1.0 4,848 Downloads Website Added 11/03/2016 Updated 11/03/16 1 Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHDTS File Name: BlackHawkDownHD_10.exe

Black Hawk Down HD 1920x1080 Patch
Want to play Black Hawk Down Team Sabre at 1920x1080 resolution on your widescreen monitor? Download and install this patch.

The in game HUD has been updated and the 1920x1080 resolution enabled. If you have any issues with this patch please let us know.

This patch WILL NOT WORK WITH STEAM. If you have the Steam version, you need to download the NO CD Patch. The Steam EXE is encrypted and cannot be patched.

By Scott NHQ 1,593 Downloads Website Added 10/29/2015 Updated 10/29/15 1 Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: DFGamePathFixer.exe

Delta Force Game Path Fixer
A lot of programs that were built for the older games used the registry to find the game install paths. For many people (like steam users), these paths are sometimes missing or invalid. This program fixes those paths so you can use the old programs again.

This program requires Administrative privileges only because it needs access to write to your HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry. Newer operating systems do not allow users to add/modify these registry entries without Administrative approval.

By Tom dfzone.be Version 1.1.4 8,063 Downloads Website Added 05/09/2008 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: PFFEditor-v1.1.4.zip

NovaLogic / Delta Force / Joint Operations PFF / DEF File Editor
Open, edit & save DF2 and DFLW PFF files. Also allows you to edit .DEF files.

By Jackal Version 1.0 2,905 Downloads Website Added 01/03/2008 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: BHDLiveMapManager2.exe

BHD P6 Live Map Manager #2
Manage maps live with this tool.

By DStructr Version 6.0 32,204 Downloads Website Added 08/04/2007 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: SetupDFBHDPingerV6.0.exe

BHD / BHDTS Pinger
DF:BHD Pinger 5.0 (BHD+TS v1.5.0.5)

Pinger/IP joiner tool for DFBHD & DFBHD "Team Sabre" v1.5.0.5:

Lists DF:BHD & DF:BHD "Team Sabre" servers.
Integrated browser.
Using ICMP and measuring min/max/average ping/packet loss.

Configurable number of times and number of bytes to ping.

Sequential pinging for higher accuracy.

Nova Pinging for servers behind firewalls.

Ping results for each server is displayed in Green/Yellow/ or Red color, the limits are all configurable.

Trace option for detailed info regarding your route to the server, find out where the problem is. Your ISP ? The Server ?...

Lot's of trace options available, like number of pings pr. hop, decide if names should be resolved etc.

Auto refresh of GameName, GameType, Players, Dedicated and Version.

Working with real IP's, or nova keys.

Unlimited number of server lists.

Unlimited number of servers in a server list.

Will not mess up startup.htm so that stat games are unavailable.
All used web links are configurable.

Join by IP/URL/NovaIP.

Add servers by IP/NovaIP.
Nova-Inside.com latest news.
Change History
-Fixed decode of glb file due to new fields.
-Added launchbar to start bhd/bhdts with different mods / can also start other applications.
-Moved mod column in the upper window for easyer viewing.
-Added mod column to the lower window.
-Added display of mod column in game.
-Changed ping limits, any packetloss at all will mark the server as bad (red).
-Added support for team sabre.
-Added filter to display dfbhd servers only or dfbhdts servers only.
-Added news window.

By DV 6,879 Downloads Website Added 05/03/2005 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: DeSCR.zip

NovaLogic / Delta Force DEF File Encrypt / Decrypt (DeSCR)
Allows you to encrypt / decrpt NovaLogic's DEF Files.

By devilsclaw 4,967 Downloads Added 04/24/2005 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: DecompressionTools.zip

NovaLogic / Delta Force Decompression Tools

- Wave
- DDS files
- and more...

For NovaLogic Games.


CPT DepthMap Stripper:
This program is a self contained program does not need the game in anyway.
To use it you have to extract the CPT files from the resource.pff file.
Then you run the Stripper program. Select any CPT file or even all the CPT files at once.
It will create .raw files based off the name of the CPT.
For example Dvxc1.cpt would make a file called Dvxc1.raw in the same directory as the CPT file.

You can open these with Photoshop.
If you do it will pop up with a screen requesting info. This is the info you need to put.
The dimensions are 1024x1024 Count 2 and interleaved.

A.Bullet found out that you can edit the JO CPT files and replace the CDEP section with the Raw file dumped..
So with a hex editor open the CPT file. Then create a new file..
COPY from the start of the program down to CDEP. Paste it into your new file.
If you copied the CDEP name as well just rename it to DPTH.
If you didn’t press the Insert Key and type in DPTH at the bottom of your new file.
Next open the RAW file with the hex editor press CTRL+A then CTRL+C that will select all and copy.
Then go back to the new file go to the very bottom and press CTRL+V that will past the raw file to
the bottom of the new file.
Now go back to the CPT file and search for the word POLY.
Now copy including the POLY to the very bottom of the file and the paste it to the very bottom of your new file.
Now save the New file as the CPT name you want. This will make it so that BHD or even the BHD med can read it.

CPT Poly Dumper:
This is not a self contained program it requires JO version to work.
This is a loader so you need to place the exe and the DLL into the same folder as the game.
Then you have to run it by the exe that is in the zip.
It will dump the Poly Map of CPT of the map you load in the game. It will dump it to C:RawDumps

You can open these with Photoshop.
If you do it will pop up with a screen requesting info. This is the info you need to put.
The dimensions are 1024x1024 Count 4 and interleaved.

Right now I don’t have a converter to put the poly maps back to how they can be read by the game.
Maybe someone else can figure that out or give me time.
Or maybe the game can use raw poly maps and maybe poly needs to be renamed to something not sure yet.

BFC1 Dumper:
This is not a self contained program it requires JO version to work.
This is a loader so you need to place the exe and the DLL into the same folder as the game.
Then you have to run it by the exe that is in the zip.
It will dump all image base compressed files in the map you load. DDS, MDT, TGA, ECT.
It will dump it to C:TGADumps

This also includes the Color Maps and the tiles that the med can use

By Conda Version 3.0.0 16,595 Downloads Website Added 04/15/2005 2 Comments PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: AnacondaRemoteManager-v3.0.0-PW.zip

Remote Manager You can even remotely administer your server just as if you were sitting at the console. Just install Black Hawk Down Remote Manager on any machine for full remote host capability. Everything you can do in Server Manager is available remotely using this tool. Features Manage server configuration, gameplay, and team options Tweak options before and during the game Control the server remotely as if you were there Create multiple remote users and security levels Live map manager Detailed player management and logging Built in ban tool and ban list manager Comprehensive chat viewer and logger Supports multiple server configurations Tweak hidden server options Override the default game port Supports game mods Override Host player name on dedicated servers Supports COOP and KOTH game types Manage multiple servers on one machine Punt, Ban, or Slap players with a click of a button Automatically Punt/Ban for foul language Send automated text messages to the server Ban full or partial player names Schedule tasks to start or stop your server automatically And much more!


By Conda Version 3.0.0 19,276 Downloads Website Added 04/15/2005 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: AnacondaServerManager-v3.0.0.zip

Server Manager The unmatched capability of Server Manager allows the host to manage all aspect of gameplay. From game options to hidden options, from player lists to ban lists, Server Manager has it all. Use built in tools to make you server management easier and more productive. These tools will help you manage Map Rotations, Ban Lists, Player Lists, and more! Features Manage server configuration, gameplay, and team options Tweak options before and during the game Control the server remotely as if you were there Create multiple remote users and security levels Live map manager Detailed player management and logging Built in ban tool and ban list manager Comprehensive chat viewer and logger Supports multiple server configurations Tweak hidden server options Override the default game port Supports game mods Override Host player name on dedicated servers Supports COOP and KOTH game types Manage multiple servers on one machine Punt, Ban, or Slap players with a click of a button Automatically Punt/Ban for foul language Send automated text messages to the server Ban full or partial player names Schedule tasks to start or stop your server automatically And much more!


By devilsclaw Version 1.01 1,789 Downloads Added 12/26/2003 1 Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: BHD_BinTools.zip

BHD Bin Tools (BIN2TXT.exe & TXT2BIN.exe)
Nova likes to call some files .bin files that are not bin files so this program only supports the RTXT Bin files that are used for in game text for eveything.. includes BIN2TXT.exe and TXT2BIN.exe

By DV Version 2.00i 3,104 Downloads Added 09/01/2003 1 Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: dfbhdmed_i.zip

BHD MED Mission Editer v2.00i
This is the most powerful MED ever. Latest updates:
Allows changing the Spawns(WP pause) number.
Allows edting of more AI variables.
Allows edting of the Active Area for the FARP object

By Col.Pappy Version 1.04 4,065 Downloads Website Added 07/31/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: BINEditor.zip

NovaLogic / Delta Force BIN File Editer
The BIN Editor will allow you to update or create BIN files for use with Delta Force mission files. You can edit the VARIABLES.INI file to include the information for other Novalogic games as well.

By Dunghill Dave Version 2.0.7 2,566 Downloads Website Added 06/30/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: DFVote-v2.0.7.zip

DF Vote Banning
An add-on for any game in the Delta Force series. This program adds the possibility of voting people out of the game, and also a change in map in a DF game.

Please read the Documentation!

By Wetworks*Claymore Version 1.0 5,432 Downloads Website Added 05/17/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: BHD Pass Editor.zip

BHD Team Password Editor
Easily edit your teams password with this tool!

If you are having problems with this name editor, try downloading and running the path fixer and try again.l!

By Pappy Version 1.14 11,287 Downloads Added 04/14/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: bhdbms2mis205b114.zip

BHD BMS To MIS Converter
Lets you convert a .bms file to a .mis file for editing! UPDATED for the 2.05b Editor

***Note: If you're on Windows 10, you need to register the vb6 runtimes included in the vb6 folder of this download. Read the readme.txt inside that folder for more info.

By Jackal 11,652 Downloads Added 04/10/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: AN-NameEditer.exe

BHD / BHDTS AN Name & Macro Editor
A simple to use name editor allowing you to edit your name and player macros in BHD and TS

If you are having problems with this name editor, try downloading and running the path fixer and try again.

By FwO Raven 2,609 Downloads Added 03/29/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: FwO_CPT_1.zip

Black Hawk Down FwO Raven CPT Edit
This will allow you to create custom terrains for Black Hawk Down. Visit dfarena.com forums for help & support with this tool

By Shorty c2k 16,618 Downloads Website Added 03/26/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: C2K Name Editor For DFBHD.exe

BHD Name Editer - c2k
This tool will allow you to hex your name in Black Hawk Down.

If you are having problems with this name editor, try downloading and running the path fixer and try again.