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By Tomkat Version 1.0.6 4,673 Downloads Website Added 12/30/2015 Updated 03/09/20 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: DF2Evo1.0.6-Full.zip

DF2 Evolution (EVO Mod FULL) (Updated 2024/03/10)
Installation Instructions:
Download this full file, unzip and click df2.exe to play. If you are on Windows 10, you'll need to enable DirectPlay, video here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=2RL_BB-E6GM

This includes the full up to date EVO mod as well as the "Unfreeze" patch. If your game freezes while playing, just press the Insert key on your keyboard. Nothing else is needed to play DF2 online!

Alternate Download Link:

Update ONLY Download Link (This updates your EVO version to 1.0.6):

By dfzone.be Version 1.2.3 1,141 Downloads Website Added 04/27/2009 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW File Name: dfbot.zip

DFLW / DF2 AI Host (bot)
Makes your host automatically play in dflw FV

*How to use:

-open the exe, select your game and click load Game (select a server if you run multiple servers at one comp)
-click start bot

works with:
dflw remix (=dflw demo)
dflw full v1.00.42
df2 full

enable bot on/off checkboxes:
if enabled players can type 'bot off' or 'bot on' in the game to disable the robot function cuz it can be annoying sometimes

that's it!

*Special functionality:
click connect to lan msg to connect the bot program with lan messenger.
Use this if u only want your admin players to be able to use the bot on/off messages, uncheck the checkboxes!
After connecting to lan messenger you need to do this:
-add a bad word 'bot off' (abusive language)
-add a new message type anything and select 'admin command only'
-add a bad word 'bot on' and select the same message as from the step above.
-enable abusive language

*if you don't have lan messenger yet you can download it from www.dfzone.be, run it and click 'host manager'

*other buttons like stop bot, stop move and move are rather for debugging, they speak for themself

By Pluto 1,054 Downloads Added 05/06/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: DF2_SniperOnly.zip

DF2 Sniper Only Mod
Turns off all weapons except the M40 and Barret. Both the player and host must have this mod installed.

By boxman 328 Downloads Added 03/01/2017 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: TBilly_setup.exe

DF2 Transparent Billy Mod (TBilly Mod)
Transparent GUI only for 640x480 and 800x600 resolutions.

By DR.EVIL~TAG 386 Downloads Added 02/12/2014 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: D-DAY_trn.exe

DF2 D-Day Terrain
D-Day DF2 Terrain from Map Makers Heaven and Dr.Evil DR.EVIL~TAG

By TerraNova 463 Downloads Website Added 02/06/2010 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: ModCheck.exe

DF2 EXP / TXP1 Modcheck
Checks if you've got TXP and/or EXP2b (by TerraNova) installed properly.

By DR.EVIL~TAG, Beowulf~TAG, Varg 750 Downloads Added 04/20/2009 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: DF2_Blood_Pack.exe

DF2 Blood Patch
Blood mod made by DR.EVIL~TAG, Beowulf~TAG and Varg..

Which adds that extra 'splatter and gore" that we all love to the game.

By --BulletMagnet--, Octane, Jonney934 Version 2.0 4,469 Downloads Website Added 01/15/2008 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: DF2V2.0.zip

DF2 Mod 2.0 (DF2V2.0)
This mod is called DF2V2.0 for Delta Force 2, thats right, DF2. It's not quite dead yet. Our mod team has created a mod with 50+ new items, a few weapon skins, terrains, new text, menus, huds and more! Pull your ol' DF2 out of the closet and give it a whirl, and lets see some maps come out for it.

By --BulletMagnet-- Version 1.0 1,219 Downloads Added 05/27/2007 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: DF2_AK47Mod.zip

The AK-47 is available in the game menu and replaces the m4 masterkey with the ak-47 graphics and sounds.

By Phøßø§«x³» 460 Downloads Added 02/06/2007 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: Flamer.zip

DF2 Flamer Mod
My original idea was to make a colored blood mod, It didn't work out by changing the original so I made a different kind of mod, instead of blood shooting out you'll see people burn up like you shot them with a flame thrower, looks cool but kinda annoying as instead of seeing red when you get shot flames get in your face. Doesn't give you any advantage other than you can see when you shoot/hit people while sniping from a long distance. Installer includes the default blood mod to change it back.

By DR.EVIL~TAG~ / Varg 390 Downloads Website Added 01/24/2006 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: Glock 9mm.exe

DF2 Glock 9mm Skin
Changes the default pistol to a Glock Graphic

By TerraNova 1,000 Downloads Website Added 01/12/2005 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: TerrainPack.exe

Aftermarket Terrains. A must if you don't want to crash in a TXP Server.

By TerraNova Version EXP2b 2,378 Downloads Website Added 01/12/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: EXP2b.exe

Delta Force 2 EXP Pack EXP2b
Expansion Pak for Delta Force 2. 9 new terrains, over 50 MP maps, 6 new SP missions. New sounds, voice overs, and more.

By Pluto 317 Downloads Added 01/12/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: DF2_NoSawMod.zip

DF2 No Saw Mod
The NO SAW mod allows the server to turn off all SAWs that join the server. Both the player and host must have this mod installed. If you join the game with a SAW you won't have a weapon.

By Eric Czerwonka. 1,111 Downloads Added 01/12/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: vietnam20.exe

DF2 Vietnam Mod
Vietnam Mod for DF2. Great fun!