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By devilsclaw / Scott NHQ Version 4,223 Downloads Website Added 09/13/2015 Updated 03/17/17 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1 File Name: DF1_Fixer.zip

DF1 No CD / Lobby Fix / App Fix / Startup.htm (2019 Fixes)
This download includes ALL the fully patched files needed to host and join servers online. You do not need any other patches to play or host games. The download also includes the updated Startup.htm and a Border-less window fix.

After you have a fully updated game, read the readme.txt in the archive and follow the instructions.


By Scott NHQ 1,393 Downloads Website Added 05/05/2002 Updated 03/17/17 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1 File Name: DF1AltStartup.zip

DF1 Alternate Startup.htm (2019 Fixes)
Replace the Startup.htm in your game folder with this one. This allows you to select from multiple lobbies so you can always find a game.

By NovaLogic Version 13,073 Downloads Website Added 05/05/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1 File Name: df_update_082200_us.exe

DF1 Latest Update
The latest update for DF1 - Revision 5 (

By Scott NHQ Version 1.0.9 2,437 Downloads Website Added 03/23/2017 Updated 06/08/20 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: NHQHeartbeatDLL109.zip

NovaHQ Heartbeat DLL (2020 Alternate Lobby Reporting DLLs)
These DLL files replace a couple files in your games folder. THEY WILL NOT AFFECT GAME PLAY IN ANY WAY AND WORK WITH ALL MODS. What they will do is report your games online status when you are hosting a "NovaWorld" game session to two alternate lobbies http://nw.novahq.net and http://novaworld.cc. These lobbies allow any player to join any game without the need to login or create an account on NovaWorld. These files DO NOT AFFECT anything else. Your game will still show up in the official lobby like normal.

These DLL files can also be used to create your own game lobby or server status for your website. PHP example scripts are included. You may use this information to display your server status or even create your own game lobby for your team to join through.

Download the archive, find your game version and replace the files in your games folder with the ones in the archive. It's super simple and automatic. There is nothing else to configure or install (but please read the *.ini file). You can use these files to host as many games as you want. You can view your games online status at the NovaHQ Alternate Lobby or Novaworld.cc Alternate Lobby

By Scott NHQ Version 1.1 424 Downloads Website Added 02/14/2018 Updated 01/14/19 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD File Name: DFMissionRotator.exe

DF Mission Rotator (BMS Rotator)
Easily rotates mission files for DF2, LW and TFD. Just place this exe file in your games folder and run it. Read the instructions on the screen.

Source code here: https://github.com/phphq/DFMissionRotator

By Scott NHQ Version 1.2 1,046 Downloads Website Added 10/27/2015 Updated 02/14/18 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1 File Name: DFPlayerEditor.exe

DF1 Player Name & Macro Editor with Emotes
Player name, macro and game settings editor for DF1. This editor will also allow you to use the special magazine, n, e s, w characters in the game without having to know the key combinations. Your game does not have to be in the static known locations or installed with the correct registry settings for this editor to work. It will work with multiple DF1 locations. It can also set your game resolution to levels that aren't available in the game menu.

Requires at least the .NET Framework v2.0 which pretty much everyone should have by now.

By Sil / Scott NHQ 5,925 Downloads Website Added 01/31/2018 Updated 02/05/18 5 Comments PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: NHQAppFix.exe

NovaLogic App Fixer (Borderless Window Fix, MED Fixes, etc.) 2018
I combined all the fixes into one single app that installs the fixes without a batch file. Seems quite a few people were having issues with that.

This app installs application compatibility fixes for the following items:

Delta Force 1 (Remove Window Borders)
Delta Force LW (Remove Window Borders, Remove Swap File Message)
Delta Force TFD (Remove Window Borders, Remove Swap File Message)
NovaLogic Mission Editors MEDS (Fixes crash when launching NovaLogic MEDs on Windows 7+)

Download the file and select your fix to install it. Requires .NET Framework v4.

By Scott NHQ Version 1.5.2 1,127 Downloads Website Added 10/09/2015 Updated 01/22/18 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1 File Name: DF1HostTool.exe

DF1 Host Tool, Server Stats, Mission Manager, Auto Messenger, Vote
This is a complete hosting package for DF1. Download and run from anywhere on your computer. Requires .NET Framework 2.0.

Features include:
Multiple game process support
Player voting system (change map, punt + ban player)
Custom commands and server responses
Auto Messenger / Startup Messenger
Server stats (Virtually all stats are tracked and logged)
Badword chat filter
Server IP Logger
Custom IP Ban List
LIVE Mission Manager
PER mission config (points, koth, time etc)
LIVE Game config editor
Weapon Restriction
Player Group Fix
Alternate Lobby Reporting (NovaHQ and Novaworld.cc)

And more. Requires .NET Framework 2.0.


By Scott NHQ Version 1.0 350 Downloads Website Added 11/04/2015 Updated 11/04/15 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1 File Name: DFCoopCycleHost1.0.zip

DF1 Coop Map Cycle Host Fix
This is a HOST ONLY program to force your game to cycle to the next coop mission. It uses an XML mission list that has all the stock missions already loaded. If you have custom mission files packed into your PFF file you can add them to the XML file and it will cycle in the order of the missions in the file. All you need to do is start this along side your game at any time and keep it running. If you are looking for the client, go here: http://novahq.net/files.php?ID=577.

Clients can still play in your server without the client fix, they will just have to rejoin after every mission.

For this to work, the host should not hit enter at the end of the mission. It will automatically cycle to the next mission in ~30 seconds.

By Scott NHQ Version 1.0 282 Downloads Website Added 11/02/2015 Updated 11/02/15 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1 File Name: DFCoopCycleClient.exe

DF1 Coop Map Cycle Client Fix
This is a CLIENT SIDE ONLY program to force your game to cycle to the next coop mission with the host. DO NOT use this on your host server, this is a client only program. All you need to do is start this along side your game at any time and keep it running. If you are looking for the host tool, go here: http://novahq.net/files.php?ID=579

By Scott NHQ 1,525 Downloads Website Added 10/29/2015 Updated 10/29/15 1 Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: DFGamePathFixer.exe

Delta Force Game Path Fixer
A lot of programs that were built for the older games used the registry to find the game install paths. For many people (like steam users), these paths are sometimes missing or invalid. This program fixes those paths so you can use the old programs again.

This program requires Administrative privileges only because it needs access to write to your HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry. Newer operating systems do not allow users to add/modify these registry entries without Administrative approval.

By Tom dfzone.be Version 1.1.4 7,964 Downloads Website Added 05/09/2008 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: PFFEditor-v1.1.4.zip

NovaLogic / Delta Force / Joint Operations PFF / DEF File Editor
Open, edit & save DF2 and DFLW PFF files. Also allows you to edit .DEF files.

By DV 6,801 Downloads Website Added 05/03/2005 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: DeSCR.zip

NovaLogic / Delta Force DEF File Encrypt / Decrypt (DeSCR)
Allows you to encrypt / decrpt NovaLogic's DEF Files.

By FwO Raven Version 1.0 3,063 Downloads Website Added 04/27/2005 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW File Name: FwOBMS2MISConverter.zip

DF1 / DF2 / DFLW FwO Raven BMS 2 MIS Mission Converter (BMS2MIS)
This program converts any DF1/DF2/DFLW from *.BMS or *.MIS
format to any other DF1/DF2/DFLW mission in *.BMS or *.MIS

By Dstructr Version 1.0 1,087 Downloads Added 03/15/2004 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1 File Name: df1Pinger-v1.0.exe

DF1 Pinger / Joiner
This utility allows you to add servers to a list to ping and join them. If you are using this because someone told you it was necessary to join games, please see the lobby fix.

By Col.Pappy Version 1.04 3,990 Downloads Website Added 07/31/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: BINEditor.zip

NovaLogic / Delta Force BIN File Editer
The BIN Editor will allow you to update or create BIN files for use with Delta Force mission files. You can edit the VARIABLES.INI file to include the information for other Novalogic games as well.

By Lacie 6,807 Downloads Added 07/13/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2 File Name: lacieed-37.zip

DF1 / DF2 Lacie Name & Macro Editor
DF1/DF2 Name & Macro Editor. The lacieedpathfix.exe file helps the lacieed name editor find your game paths if you have a downloadable version of the game from Steam or NovaLogic. The fix also allows the editor to work in Windows 7 through Windows 10.

If you are looking for a DF1 name editor, also look here: DF1 Player Editor

By FwO Raven Version 0.7 11,662 Downloads Website Added 05/06/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFX, DFX2, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JOTR, JOE File Name: FwOPFFUtility0.7.zip

NovaLogic / Delta Force Fwo Raven PFF Utility 7
Allows you to extrach and edit files within the *.pff files!

By DV 2,276 Downloads Added 05/06/2002 2 Comments PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD File Name: DlgEdit.zip

Delta Force Dialog Editor
This tool can create the dialog files used by all 4 version of Delta Force for adding in-game sound and text events.

By DV Version 1.0b 1,660 Downloads Added 05/06/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD File Name: pwfextract.exe

Delta Force PWF Extract
This utility will extract the wav files from any Delta Force PWF audio file. You can also play the files from within the program

By FwO Raven 1,625 Downloads Added 05/05/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2 File Name: FwO_3diView.zip

DF1 / DF2 FwO 3DiView 3DI File Viewer
FwO Raven's utility for viewing and editing 3di files. If you get path not found errors, you need to clear some registry entries. Open regedit, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareVB and VBA Program SettingsFwO_blah and delete all the entires.

By TerraNova 3,006 Downloads Added 05/05/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1 File Name: DF1Med2.zip

DF1 Updated Mission Editor MED (DF1Med2)
A modified DF2Med completely revamped for DF1 in a standalone package. Includes an installer, 3di item viewer, object outlines and height maps too! Will find all your installed terrains.

By *SKS* Squad 2,058 Downloads Website Added 05/05/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1 File Name: dfn.exe

DF1 Name Editer (dfn.exe)
Use this to get hexed letters in your name. For DF1 only. Put the game path in the "Check Directory" field and it will find your player saves automatically.

If you are having problems with this name editor, try downloading and running the path fixer and try again.

By Major Headache Version 1.1.0 re4.8.2 2,088 Downloads Website Added 05/05/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1 File Name: DFME110.482.zip

This self extracting zip file contains all the files you need to get going with Delta Force Map Engineer. It includes the latest version of DFME (4.8.2), the image files, the english help files, and PFF Extractor. All files will extract to the appropriate folders, and the initial setup should be correct for most users. Also two txt documents are included to help with setting up.

DF Map Engineer v1.1.0 Final Rev.482

By FwO Raven 1,433 Downloads Added 05/05/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1 File Name: MissionManager.zip

DF1 / DF2 Mission Manager
This program can Enable/Disable Missions that are packed inside of the Delta Force 1/2 resource files, thereby you can control which maps will be cycled when you are hosting.

This way the person hosting does not need to extract and repack all the mission files to just remove some maps from a server map rotation.