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28 maps matched your criteria

By YALNIZKURT DFX SP 6,011 Downloads Added 07/26/2007 Add Comment PermaLink

Bloody Snow
Clear all russian military. If you want to pick up saw, take it.Because it is necessary to you in other area. Destroy radio and sit the moto's back. You are going to go other area with Mr.French. In other area: Clear all enemy. You go to big buildings. Climd the stairs. Kill all enemy in buildings. Hold laptop. exit building.
You see two blackhawk. You stand blackhawk on helopad's over. And go to helpad base. Finish. ENJOYY

By =Haro»EID«= DFBHD TDM 13,627 Downloads Added 05/02/2018 5 Comments PermaLink

Sisters Lair =Haro»EID«=
Beautiful map for all occasions, sniping, gunner, cqb, I got this idea from "NightWalker" and one of his nice maps called "Walkers Lair" made lots of changes, added lots of nice stuff, walls, buildings, ladders, spawns, enclosed it too but able to get out if you want, came out so nice, all credit is given unto you Mr.NightWalker, don't know if you are still doing maps, last map you uploaded was in 2006, if you can read this NightWalker... This is your map on steroids.

Hope you'll enjoy it!

By FITE-COMMANDER JOTR CO-OP 5,778 Downloads Added 06/09/2007 1 Comment PermaLink

The Rise of Hitler
Orange vs FITE game server introduces the return of the FURIOR. The name given to Adolf Hitler for his distructive behavior in World War II. Be ready TEAM=the essential.WWW.FITECLAN.COM brings you The Rise of Hitler. Destroy the gas supplies then make your way through an underground private party. Bring your friend if you dont want the party to end soon. Find your way out of the crumbled city then take a ride into a small village-dont worry Mr.Rogers wont be your neighbor. Then if take your friend into a choper ride into the woods for a mobil unit renedezvous. Good luck.