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By Socom_Op JOE SP, CO-OP 68 Downloads Added 04/21/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

Operation: Rumblefish
Operation: Rumblefish | Socom_Ops | Joint Ops: Escalation -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP

**UPDATED 4-13-09**(Minor adjustments)This was another 'test' map I had laying about and was prompted to make a complete mission out of it. It's not hard by any means, just pay attention to the text and you'll do fine. It's another one of those maps that's just good for a laugh or a break from the more serious hardcore coop maps. The only thing is this - watch who you shoot at. Killing civilians is a mission fail. The enemy AI are pretty lax. There are respawners but they stop after areas have been cleared..mostly just to keep the heat on and they are fairly out of sight to start. This is only like my third or fourth map so it's probably not up to the bar of a lot of mappers and I wouldn't expect a legit coop team to even play it. But if you had fun playing it then I think I did ok. Thanks and enjoy.

By Socom_Op JOE SP, CO-OP 63 Downloads Added 04/21/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

Operation: EightBall
Operation: EightBall | Socom_Ops | Joint Ops: Escalation -- SINGLE PLAYER / COOP

This is my first attempt at a daylight map/mission so be kind..lol. It involves taking out a SAM unit, gathering intel, destroying transport vehicles, fuel supply containers and enemy air assets.***About the intel, when your in the office(s), just stand near the desks and the event will fire after a few seconds...just watch for the text to appear as the intel objectives are wac driven.*** It uses respawners to a degree and they are a bit tough but not too bad as two of us finished the mission with little problems from them. As with all my maps, if theres a PSP, theres an armory and meds near...just look a bit. Basically, follow the waypoints, screen text and you'll do fine. Have fun and I hope it's not too hard to the point it's not fun for anyone. Really would like feedback on this map as it's my first day map...need to know what it's missing or has too much of. Thanks.