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By Deathwish JOTR TDM 81 Downloads Added 04/16/2024 Add Comment PermaLink

Normandy Beach
Normandy Beach | Deathwish | Joint Ops -- TDM

Step into the cold waters of Normandy Beach and expeirence Normandy. Blue team starts out on a little dock area out in the water away from the beach. You can drive to the beach by using boats, zodiacs, and landing crafts, and amphibous veichles to get there. You can drive veichles up onto landing crafts and take them to the beach. No Helos in this to make the feel more real. Then Red team starts out behind the custom bunkers were they can get into them and get into the trenches around them. Bunkers are armed with machine guns and other wepons. The beach is well detailed and has cover. This map works well from around 4 players to 64 players. I have only played with 12 players and there was action in that but if u play with 32 or 64 players itll feel like D-Day for sure and would be awsome to see. Hopefully you people with good servers can get a 32 or 64 player serving this map because it is good.