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By KM Cpt COOTIES DFX CO-OP 5,560 Downloads Added 11/08/2021 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: SO Mod

DFXso Guns of Navarone
DFXso GUNS of NAVARONE This Island Fortress blocks our approach through the Navarone Straits. Assault the entire Island, make sure you have plenty of time, this is an huge map.
Insertion is via Submarine, take the Beach Bunker first, should be marked as "F" on your spin map.
Once F has been taken the tunnels will open up
Work way through tunnels, tunnel intersections are labelled (Baa-Baa-Baa) so you do not get lost.
As you destroy targets other sections of the map will open up, so should you NOT be able to proceed, it is because you need to complete a task.. Messages pop up as you play and game instruction are available if you push the "I" key. Good Luck
This is Map #4 in the story.