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By Shemihazah JOTR TDM, TKOTH 7,682 Downloads Added 10/17/2020 Updated 10/24/20 2 Comments PermaLink
MOD Required: Advanced Warfare 2

USA Elections
USA Republic is very democratic with a plethora of political parties.

Blue Team Democrats.

Red Team Republicans.

•Electoral College: members in the zone. (TKOTH)
•Head count. (TDM)

LITE version
→ Springfield is in lockdown. Restaurants and the club are closed.
→ Everyone has pickup trucks to stock up on toilet paper at the mall. 1%-ers still drive sedans and Landrovers.

'When you call on the name of the Father make sure you're serious
Cos it can be dangerous! It's not a joke thing..'
- Beres Hammond. "Call On The Father." 1997

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