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By =Haro»EID«= DFBHD DM, TDM 13,620 Downloads Added 02/26/2018 Updated 03/14/18 2 Comments PermaLink

Toxic Stadiums =Haro»EID«=
This map also looks big but is a small one!
All the action is up on top, some will be on bottom too, but I took the picture from bottom of stadium, I think it looks pretty cool.

We got this map on our server under the name "Payback Time" but I decided to change the name and a few other things like, water, green fog, etc, if you don't like the water nor the fog you can remove it in the mis file that I give you, please take care of it and make what ever changes you want, this files are very vital to a map maker, is like the blue prints to a construction, this map is a small version to one of my maps called "Doom Stadium" which is a bigger map, maybe later I'll upload it.

take care everyone and have lots of fun!

Large oil tank leg fixed. 3/09/2018