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By Tanya DFX CO-OP 13,959 Downloads Added 12/27/2017 Add Comment PermaLink
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Play Book by Tanya
This map has 3 helicopters at the beginning, they are from your team I put some time for them to leave, they will not all go together, if you are playing alone, each helicopter has an area trigger, and each one has a separate event if there are several people playing and each one climbing on one will surely all follow the course.
These helicopters take you up a base, as soon as you get to the top of the base jump over there, and enjoy yourself.
There are some goals that is in several places, for example, radio, crates, will be in 2 places, then if destroyed some radios and did not complete the subgoal go to the next place that will be there.
There is a block where the book is, this block will only be opened, when all enemies are dead, then scan the areas well and do not leave any enemy alive, once you get the book, go to the extraction area, do not let the book is lost because to finalize the map is necessary this book.
This map has no enemy respawn.