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By DR.EVIL~TAG 556 Downloads Added 05/30/2006 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: TERRAINDF2.zip

DF2 Terrain Making Tutorial
Making a terrain in DF2 consists of having an idea and applying it to photo shop and or any paint program.The terrain consists of files and titles you need to fix , change, or duplicate.They are the color map which you see in the editor and play on , the height map which is a greyscale , also found in the editor when building maps , A detailed map which is a 8/256 color map it tells where the sand and grass will be on the main colored map , a detailed color texture strip , detailed elev greyscale strip consisting of the textures from the detailed color strip , Char data .cal file, and the rest is just common DF2 files consisting of sky map ,cloud height ,horizon type , water map which is always ripple one as DF2 has no other type of water , water height , filter , gamma , saturation , and sunslope .