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By Pappy Version 2.06 550 Downloads Website Added 02/02/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFTFD File Name: dftfdrogv206.exe

DFTFD Random Object Generator
Scheme Creation tool that lets you select the objects that will become a part of the items that will be placed. This creator looks like the DFTFDMED's Add Item screen. With the Plug Ins for the DF TFD Images and DF TFD Sounds, a person can see or hear the Items that will become a part of the scheme.

The main screen looks similar to the DFTFDMED's Map screen. All MIS files are are brought into the map DFTFDROG map screen. Unlike the DFTFDMED, the items are only placed as dots but they are in the correct locations on the map. You can move around the map just as you can the DFTFDMED as well as zoom in and out of the map. You will have to enter the number of items that you want to place in the map (not to exceed the max for each group), and select a target area to place the items. You can change the percentage of items that come from each group. So if you want more Decorations and less sounds, you just increase the percentage of decoration. If the total percentage is greater than 100% other groups will be reduced.

The General Information screen for a map looks similar to the one in the DFTFDMED and works the same. It has a distinct changes however. The Fog colors are a graphical display so you can see the color that the fog will be before you go into the game.

v2.06 - Corrected problems with the Setup Menu Directory Selection. Also
fixed a bug when using the Sound Pack for TFD. Sounds will now
work properly. Added support to handle Image packs from either
Servant (Images by Name) or the NovaSheep version (Images by SSN).